An in depth report by Cecil Poole SCOOP Photos at bottom of page!
Our Government, your government and my government, the Abbott Government, is all about JOBS.
Well, JOBS and growth, but let us just focus on the area of our greatest success, yes our government’s generation of JOBS. And make no mistake, you and I have played our role in their creation, you and I have demanded these jobs be created, helped formulate their descriptions and ensured that the positions have been filled.
Pat yourself on the back, and as I have done and continue to do, pat your neighbours and friends on the back too, for without our vociferous support these jobs would not be there. Our government has listened to its people and it has delivered. It has been our strength through an exhaustive process of argument and counter-argument, emboldened by our progressive liberal education that has produced what can only be seen as one of the most innovative job creation projects in the history of this great country of ours, a history that goes right back to 1788.
We need a strong government and we have a strong government. This is due to us, we make our government strong. The Czech playwright Vaclav Havel writes of the importance of buying into the ideology of the government, of the need for the punter to be “passively complicit” and I use this term in the nicest possible way, to mean that we the people actively ‘help’ the government in accomplishing its objectives, in effect, our objectives, by being passive. We work together with our government and that obviously is good. (I know Havel was critical of that in the Eastern Block countries in the 70’s and 80’s, but they were communists.)
Now a lot of thought and planning goes into these job creation schemes, they don’t just spring up out of fresh air. Planning and ground work are keys to success. To suggest any of this is accidental would be doing something or other with the ‘long bow’.
Our government knows that since the fall of the communist block, since the end of the cold war, and now that we are friends with the reformed Chinese communists, we have had trouble sleeping. This has been brought about by lack of worry. Culturally we need worry for a sound sleep. We slept soundly knowing that our armed forces were there ready to protect us through our sleep, so the communists, that resided under our beds, would be too frightened to come out. Since the end of the cold war people have worried incessantly that they have nothing to worry about. We have tossed and turned not knowing what it was that was going to disturb our sleep.
It took a Fish and chip Shop operator to alert us to what the real threat was. The light went on in our then Prime Ministers head and there it was – illegal immigrants and terrorists, the Asians and the Muslims. The cause of our lack of sleep.
Now this is the really clever part, our government in effect could kill two birds with the one stone, make us safe again and create numerous jobs.
Yes, Border Force is the answer. Uniforms and a ‘Glock between us and the problem’ is the solution. As our great Prime Minister said on the inauguration of Border Force “God bless you, God bless your work.”
Australians, one and all, we can be proud. And again sleep soundly in our beds.
(Breaking News: Border force to number up to 6000 Members of new agency will be allowed to handcuff people – and know how to use a gun. See below!!)
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The PM and Head of Border Force Roald Quivering. Costume per the generosity of the Hon Christopher Morris Pine
PS Should any News Limited Editor be looking for a new columnist I would be interested in discussing ways in which we can further support the great work of our government.