We’re not dead yet. There’s hope.
Dear reader, in spite of the most recent article in the Guardian, there’s HUGE reasons for hope.
The 86-year-old social scientist Mayer Hillman, says accepting the impending end of most life on Earth might be the very thing needed to help us prolong it.
“We’re doomed,” says Mayer Hillman with such a beaming smile that it takes a moment for the words to sink in. “The outcome is death, and it’s the end of most life on the planet because we’re so dependent on the burning of fossil fuels. There are no means of reversing the process which is melting the polar ice caps. And very few appear to be prepared to say so.” (Guardian)
Well he’s wrong.
He’s so wrong it’s not funny. And for those of us who live in the inner ring suburbs, and may aspire to writing the odd polemic at 86, and still kicking, there’s light.
The Federal Government is about to spend over 500 millon to save the Great Barrier Reef.
That’s 500 million dollars to save it. This is not cheap opportunism. The facts speak for themselves, Though it’s a bit short of the 9 billion spent thus far on the National Broadband Network, which, (if it could be seen from space) would rival the Great Barrier Reef and though it’s not quite as big nor expensive as the detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island, as they cost several billion a year just to maintain and counting, and not any where as near as any major road project in any of the states which cost billions paid for by the taxpayer. And though it’s not even an eenzy weenzy tiny bit as big as the billions gouged out of your compulsory superannuation, it’s still a HUGE SUM. But not quite as big as the Banking Royal Commission.
Almost as must as the Fair Work Commissioners, save the Federal Government by stopping people from lawfully striking. And almost as much as it costs to keep people like Barnaby Joyce in power and having silly elections in marginals and the odd by-election.
In fact we at pcbycp measured it out and it’s a bit like ‘Greening Australia’.
Do you remember Greening Australia?
Course you don’t .
Greening Australia was all about spending millions to plant a billion trees. This was way before over eight billion was spent on the Murray Darling plan to see it, (the ecosystem) KILLED OFF.
The billion trees were planted all over the place, and Bob Hawke got credit for doing something. Pity is that climate change killed off a trillion mangroves up the north and the Great Barrier Reef, but the advertising was priceless, and after admin costs, staffing, and executive salaries it really did achieve quite a lot.

The 500 million will go some way to make the Great Barrier Reef look more like this. 12 billion and still counting.
So don’t be cynical the 500 million will go a long way, and ensure that the Great Barrier Reef goes the way of Greening Australia, the Murray Darling Plan and that famous initiative to ensure that “No child will live in poverty’, by 1990.
We love a sunburnt country.