CMS “Celebrity Mortality Syndrome”

Everything! Yet Nuffink!

Something strange is afoot. Something sinister lurks within our midst. Something so evil it cannot be mentioned. The threat of suicide. Just when you thought the debasement of western democracies couldnt get any worse, people whom we assumed were impregnable to self reflection are topping themselves. And they’re topping themselves like ninepins. And the psychiatrists and self-help gurus, ’want to know the reason why”?

They had everything, Luxury, the opportunity to travel wherever and whenever, and the need for designer clothes, labels, handbags, accessories, everything at their fingertips, and yet… sought death. 

Had the complete knife set. The wok set also!

What is happening? How do we equate this self immolation to the high water mark of consumerism. They had everything, and yet, in the end that had a big fat “O”. Or in everyday speak, “they had Everyfink and yet they had Nuffink”! And what comes ffm Nuffink? It begs the answer, we say.. Nuffink!!

But deep down we know there’s something terribly wrong, These were highly intelligent enterprising people at the top of their game, Why checkout? When it toolk so long to check in?.

And what existential crisis did they suffer to do such a thing?

Was it stress?, the thought of another celebrity spot on reality television, ? Or just entropy of knowing they had hit the top, and there was nowhere to go? Did they feel like Elon Musk’s zombie sports car driver, destined to drift forever, in a fools orbit bound for a victims future.? 

Beryl Tonks, Inventor of ” Tonkware” found dead!

Would our politicians suffer the same fate? Would Barnaby and his missus ever contemplate doing such a thing? Nah, they’re in for the long haul ensuring the public pays for their sense of entitlement, rather than doing it on their own back. We suspect Bourdain and Spade, never liked the idea of sitting in a cushy sinecure whilst growing their investment portfolio of housing stock. Nup, these are enterprising self defining people. No place for them in Australian politics. 

So what’s at work here?

What’s killing the fashionistas???

What’s killing the celebrity chef’s?

What’s killing the muso’s?

Which begs the question; “Why isn’t “IT” killing “US”?

Alfered E Neuman. Industrialist. Killed by his own instagram.

Is it that the only thing left to express your freedom is to make simple decisions is to top yourself? And in doing so you make a little contribution to ease the pressure on the planet. By doing so you affront the notion of special status. You eschew the notion of “Order of Australia”, and you achieve immortality, not for what you’ve done, but how you left the stage, and walked into the night.  And , (this is the best part) you don’t have to live through the second and third installments of Kevin Rudds Biography. 

Dsiclaimer, “ If you know of anyone who is experiencing mental illness, please call Life-Line, Beyond Blue, or our hotline, “Psychiatrists need to pay off Ferrari’s and Swimming Pools benefit fund”, 04004044006, and our specialist call centre operators will keep you on hold for so long you’ll lose interest in topping yourself, and just go shopping instead’. 

Universities, “There’s Life after Debt”!

The new pcbycp Institute Building. Making good use of useless on-campus infrastructure. Soon to be renamed the “Rinehart Centre” for enterprising wealth distribution.

PCBYCP MBA Graduates from overseas, celebrate fashion labels.

We are not worried at the pcbcyp Institute about the increased reliance on foreign students in keeping our university system going. (NSW Universities report). WE at pcbycp don’t get one cent of government funding and rely one hundred percent on donations. Our new International Master of Business Administration course is completely booked out for the next ten years, and demonstrates a way of making universites entirely independent of government funding. We are happy to announce  our student population is 100 percent overseas derived,   and locals are ineligible due to our strict performance criteria. Thus, easing the burden on the taxpayer and aided by the odd bit of philanthropic largesse from very wealthy Australians. Those who make a substantial contribution to Austrlian cultural life, by paying no tax, and preserving the right to have very nice buildings named after them. 

We reject the papers findings that an over relience on fee paying students makes our universities vulnerable. It also suggested that fee paying students from just one source establishes a vulnerability. We reject that out of hand. Nonsense, 

You have to believe in something, a PCBYCP MBA!

Universities quite correctly have followed the Federal Government initiative and dismantled, thinking and research. We applaud the Abbott government in particular for defunding the CSIRO and feel that recent decisions by the recently discredited Deputy Prime Minister to move whole departments to safe electorates so that valuable public space and ex government offices can be opened up for real estate don’t get enough credit.  It shows a way forward that ensures there’s more black ink on the bottom line. And that ensures greater efficiencies and better long term strategies moving forward. 

You see moving forward is where Uni’s need to go. Uni’s are not the place where PHD’s delve into obscure realms which  may shed a light upon the reason, why?, They must lead by example with accredited MBA’s to ensure that from top to bottom good management. And to achieve this we need whole departments of MBA’s and administrators and support staff, and fund managers and grant application managers and bequest managers to ensure that funds are chanelled directly from philanthropic bodies to make the greatest possible use of the rivers of gold that flow from overseas students. 

Pushing the Envelope. The New Pcbycp Admin building, voted 1# Ugliest use of former public space. Leadership, and IMAGINATION!

And to ensure effciencies, they need only look to pcbycp

The Pcbycp MBA bookshop stocks books you wont find anywhere in CHINA. But will be soon closing after forced merger with MUP and Media wing of CCP.

The pcbycp “Four In One Package”, an exclusive offer. “Hurry”! Offer ends June 31.

That’s why at pcbycp our Centre for Leadership and Business offers a one stop degree. It incorporates for the super competitive price of 155,000 yuan per annum an additional MBA accreditation, and the choice of three or more degrees for the modest down payment of 250, 000 yuan per annum, (indexed with CPI) for five years. We also offer the “four in one” package, Visa, Permanent residency, membership of the Liberal or Labor Party fundraising teams and a choice of Georgian, Neo Georgian, Sino Georgian or French Empire on our stunning pcbycp accredited housing land packages. Each package in advantageously desirable suburbs such as Balwyn, Box Hill and East Camberwell, come with artistically designed filligreed fleur de lys wrought iron gates intercom and facilities for washing banknotes. Each student will be entitled to one token to attend book launches sponsored by the IPA, and unrestricted access to the gaming room at the Crown Plaza Towers. But hurry, this offer expires 1st July 2018.

Anonynous donations can be made to the pcbycp future direction fund, or a fast stream donation to Mathew Guy, State Oppisition leader, c/o “Ill Cacciatori Seafood Restaurant”, Brighton. A receipt will be provided as proof countersigned by Michelle Gatto, (Insurance Broker). 

And our motto, “PCBYCP Institute, Ensuring there’s “Life after Debt”. 

Tips on waging gentlemanly war. 

Aussie gentleman at work on the field of valour. Australian SAS detatchment out on a “meet and greet” courtesy visit.

Dear reader, we know many of you are disturbed by hearing reports of ungentlemanly behaviour by Australia’s crack SAS and Commando units. We’ve been told of alleged atrocities and firece inter-unit rivarly which it is alleged has exploded upon the field of combat.  We are shocked by the suggestion that innocent civilians may have been “ knocked off” by Australian special forces, and not given the right of a fair trial, or at the very least a cigarette and bottle of beer before facing the firing squad. 

Aussie commando’s, display “Getting to know you” headgear.

These are all allegations, but allegations nonetheless that go to the very core of the loyal, noble eternal unquestioning legagy of Anzackery and our god-ordained right to uphold civilisation to lesser peoples who inhabit places devoid of the benefits of our way of life, midday television, shopping 24/7 and the soon to be launched second volume of the Keving Rudd autobiography. 

HRH. Prince Harry. Proof that the SAS is a ” Gentleman’s Club”

This flurry of allegations is deeply troubling. And as the famous Chinese strategust Sun Tzu, and the great German pan grand strategist Clausewitz said, “ war is all about making damn sure that the winner is glorious, and the enemy, crushed righteously without recourse to an ignoble failure”. And as Australians we have practised this principle for over two hundred years where we haven’t even graced the massacre of the first Australians a proper people worthy of the sobriquet “enemy”. And that’s cos they didn’t understand real estate. Inadvertently they bought it on themselves, and seem still. “ungreateful” for our generosity of spirit in allowing them to attend ANZAC day marches with ordinary Australians. 

Still, reflections aside, we are deeply worried about this talk of atrocity. It seems incomprehensible to our thinking that, after all the glorious incursions into other countries affairs as lackey to our glorious allies, that anything other than bounty could be applied. 

And…”No innaproprite touching”

For example, the fact that a  few Afghani’s get killed by special forces is a small price to pay for civilisation. Drones kill dozens each day and we never hear of it. And why focus on Australians, when we’re only there to help, and the whole reason for being in Afghanistan in the first place is beyond questioning. 

It all seems a bit “Breaker Morant” to us. Yes of course there’ll always be some casualties. Ordinary people caught up in  the wrong place at the wrong time, but to suggest that our troops are indifferent to the sufferings of foreign people is absurd. We have the worlds most succesful multi-cultural experiment on earth, bound by the glue of Real Estate and mortgages. We understand foreigners. WE are familiar with “them” in the exotic foods section of the supermarket. To question the bona-fides of our troops puts the whole edifice of everything we stand for into question. And that would be un-Australian. 

Anzacs united in Multiculturalism!!

And besides, they’re only Afghani’s and they don’t even, have a cricket team. Which means no only haven’t they got a sporting chance, they don’t understand the  concept of ‘fair play’. That’s cos they don’t wear uniforms, and it’s bloody difficult in the heat of battle to tell friend from foe. Which can only imply one thing, “They’re not Gentlemen”. 

And that’s not cricket. 

MDFF 9 June 2018 Men – reposted

This Musical Dispatch From the Front is edited from one first published 30 June 2012

Several Dispatches ago I told you about the plane load of bureaucrats that landed on Yuendumu airstrip. The bureaucrats attended an unattended meeting.
There’s a meetin’ here tonight….

 Last week I happened to be at Yuendumu airstrip when a charter plane landed which disgorged three passengers. I offered them a lift ‘into town’ that they gratefully accepted as ‘they’d made no arrangements’.

castlemaine gaol 101They had come to Yuendumu to inspect the Men’s Safe House.

At the beginning of the Intervention a contractor installed a converted shipping container as a ‘Men’s cooling-off place’. At the time I came to the conclusion that the ‘cooling-off place’ had been designed by the same architect that had designed Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay. The several strands of barbed-wire at the top of the chain-wire mesh fence, the padlocked chain on the gate and the spotlights surrounding the Spartan building are reminiscent of TV images I had seen during the time that David Hicks was receiving similar consular assistance from the Australian Government as Julian Assange is currently receiving.

I also found it hard to envisage Warlpiri men embracing the facility as a ‘cooling-off’ place.

The intervention had tens of these so called ‘cooling-off’ places installed throughout the NT. The contractor made a killing.

The perceived and implied need for these “cooling-off’ places is yet another way remote Aboriginal communities have been stigmatized.

No discussion or consultation with locals preceded the decision to install these facilities.


I drove the two men and the lady that had emerged from the plane to the padlocked ‘cooling-off’ place. I found out it had been renamed the ‘Men’s Safe House’.

The lady exclaimed: “It looks like it has never been used!” Well spotted! It never has.


An hour later the charter plane took off on its way to another community made safer by the erection of an Intervention Safe House.

To pay a local organisation or individual to inspect the unused Safe House, take a few photos and knock a few walls to check for muluru (termites) would require a paradigm shift the Intervention is incapable of.

A much more likely scenario is that a plane load of experts, consultants, mentors and trainers lands at Yuendumu airstrip to run a course leading to a Safe House Inspector’s Certificate.


Early yesterday morning the Australian Parliament passed the Stolen Futures Legislation. One word: VISIONARY

In Brazil meanwhile they have introduced a scheme that allows prisoners to reduce their sentences by reading books.

“A person can leave prison more enlightened and with an enlarged vision of the world,” said Sao Paulo lawyer Andre Kehdi, who heads a book donation project for prisons. “Without doubt, they will leave a better person,”

Now that is what I call visionary!

So which is the Banana Republic ?

Mr. tallyman tally me-banana

Obrigado por ler esta expedição


 As long as I can see the light…..


Save a critically endangered species. 

The lesser sinecured featherbedder, vulnerable to the lure of WOMANKIND! Threatened with extinction

Every day we hear about another critically endangered species. Just yesterday we heard about the near extinction of the “lesser supine populist feather-bedder”, (Barnaby and his missus) and the unprecedented attack upon the “Superior autocratic corporate sociopath” in the Banking Royal Commission.  Farmers in far North Queensland, (FNQ!) who’ve had leases on their properties as far back as the late 90’s, and some on land they actualy paid for, are being told they can’t clear the land. Along the coast, sugar farmers, who constitute an integral part of the sugar food chain which gives untold benefits to dentists, dieticians and diabetes sufferers is under threat from the indsidious encroach of renewables.   

A future Flicka may be amongst these horses destined to be KILLED unless we change our greenish ways!!

As the famous sage David Suzuki said, “it only takes a heartbeat and what we take for granted may be gone forever”. And as the other famous sage Lord Rupert of Murdoch famously said; “The rent seeking corporation must have a supine, passive unquestioning body politic, or it’s very existence is threatened”. Indeed, right across Australia, systems and orthodoxies that go to the very core of Australian culture are being questioned. The right to run-down indigenous Australians in drive-bys, questioned. The right to exclude women from positions on boards, questioned. The right to imprison indigenous Australians for their own good willy-nilly, questioned. And the right, (we’ll get to this later) to turn all our universities and research institutions into visa factories, questioned. 

The very fabric of our society is under threat. It’s time we joined with the IPA and stood for principle and the integrity of those institutions that make us great. 

The capacity of quaint folk to wear their ethnic costume and hold up city traffic is THREATENED!!

Alarming then, the questioning of the recent  intitaiative by the New South Wales Government to allow Brumbies, (wild horses to our international guests) to  roam free over out alpine national parks. The Brumbies represent a tradition dating back as far as 1958 when Chips Rafferty turned down the original offer to star in “The Man from Snowy River”. They also represent the highest point, the romantic apogee of the acclimatisation society to make our alps look a little bit more like Montana or anywhere else. We support the maintenance of a burgeoning brumby polulation  in as much as we lead the cheering for the augmentation of our national parks with goats, cats, foxes, dogs, deer, camels, pigs and any other animal that has arrived since the arrival of midday television. Cos to understand the Australian environment without familiar barnyard creatures is beyond the imagination of the ORDINARY AUSTRALIANS. 

Turning useless forest into grazing land is THREATENED!

So stand with us and defend the wild horses, and those men and women who want to dress up in quaint ethnic costume. The costume of the Mountain cattle person. Because in doing so they send a clear message. Fuck the environment and we dare any indigenous Australian to question after their 50,000 years of stewardship, to question us. Cos we can.

 And by God’s destiny, and the spirit of the Dryzabone, we WILL. 



Living with Fear and FREEDOM! 

Freedom to TELL ALL! A noble sacrifice for the good of Australia. WE SHARE THEIR TEARS!!

It’s become increasingly difficult coping with the news. And harder still making sense of the seemingly trivial local issues and the wider context of seriously important global issues! In fact we suggest you put the i phone, the i pad, the lap top, (and for those of you who are really paleolithic, the newspaper) down and reflect on just how lucky you are. You can sip your tea, and spread marmalade evenly upon your toast whilst acknowledging how lucky we are in Australia. Not only do we have a burgeoning economy based solely upon the incalculable value of REAL ESTATE, but our continent, as the song goes in “gird by sea”. That’s it. It renders us SAFE! It renders us SECURE! And it allows us to fully exploit the freedom to be fined, taxed, coerced and belittled by a political class solely interested in themselves. So that rent seeking corporations may continue to PAY NO TAX! This is reassuring. Because “WE” are superfluous to the maintenance of a SOCIETY, and have no say on really important decisions that affect all of us, we can go on blithely, happy in the contentment that we shop. And occasionally feel pity and contempt for those who can’t . They can’t, because they’re poor. And their poverty is deserved becaue of their intractable LAZINESS!. 

That’s why we stayed up last night to watch Barbaby and his missus talk about their travails. Barnaby proclaimed, (he likes to proclaim) he didn’t give a stuff about the politics of his decision to dump everything for his sheila. “The voters, the parliament, the whole fucken system can just get stuffed”. 

Freedom to SHOP 24/7!

Onya Barnaby. You treat the voters like you treat the Lesser Barrier Reef and the Murray Darling. You wont take that greeny, leftist shit about serving the greater good. We’re on your side Barnaby. What good ever came of working through a consensus and long term goals for the greater good? You demonstrate the way ahead. And in doing so, provide all of us supine, meek, pusillaminous voters someone to look up to. We admire you Barnaby. You reinstate our sense of self. By talking down to us, you make us feel that you, (unlike all the other pollies) are more human. And you demonstrate the relativity between LOCAL and GLOBAL issues. 

Freedom to Invest in REAL ESTATE!

Cos, OUTSIDE of Australia. (insert, the Happiest most freedom loving fair minded continent on earth) non-human forces are at work. Forces that would take away our sovereignty, and make us all SLAVES. We will not mince words here. Russia is keen to make us all serfs. And China, (we are courageously aware of the risk we take in saying this) is keen to turn us all into communists. And much worse. ROBOTS!

Freedom to LIVE IN FEAR!

WE know that Peter Dutton is sworn to protect us. He guides us on determining whether Islam is a worse threat than the insidious Chinese influence. The influence, we have no power to control. It’s easy to resist ISIS, but impossible to resist the need to shop. The need to shop and buy shit we don’t need. And nigh impossible to resist the lure of real estate. That’s why we’re glad for the likes of Peter and Barnaby. To show us the way. And keep us free. And to be very fearful. Fearful of what we may lose if we drop our guard. Fearful of the outside world and the LURE of WOMEN, both of  which are dangerous. And fearful about what lurks on our streets. 

That is the price of freedom, eternal fear. And a cheque for 150,000 from Channel Seven

MDFF 2 June 2018 Spirit of Australia


When Nangala started work as a teacher in Yuendumu, she was initially installed into a “Health Flat” with our children. The Matron told Nangala, that she shouldn’t allow those ‘Native Children’ into the flat. Those ‘Native Children’ were her pupils and they had names and they came to play with our children whom they’d befriended at school. That was 45 years ago.

I’ve previously mentioned that Warlpiri has both inclusive and exclusive personal pronouns- such as the exclusive ‘nganimpa’ (us without you I’m speaking to) and the inclusive ‘ngalipa’ (all of us including you I’m speaking to)

Back in 1973 it was definitely not ‘ngalipa’ in that neo-colonial setting. The “them and us” paradigm slowly faded in subsequent happier times. One of the drivers of this social glue was the policy of Self Determination, since declared a failed policy by the assimilationists who were disconcerted by having their power grip on Aboriginal Australia loosened.

I never tire of quoting Kim Beazley Sr.:

“In Australia, our ways have mostly produced disaster for the Aboriginal people. I suspect that only when their right to be distinctive is accepted, will policy become creative” (my emphasis).

A March 2016 Dispatch titled ‘Magic Moments’ included:

This from a recent article by Martin Flanagan, the Melbourne Age’s Sports Writer:

“Three of the most momentous days of my life occurred in 1987 when I attended a football carnival at Yuendumu on the Warlpiri tribal lands north-west of Alice Springs. In three days, the glass tower of my preconceptions about Aboriginal Australia was shattered. I could tell a dozen stories as to why, each as important as the last…..….And I went to a party where a traditional man with initiation scars all down his chest played the electric guitar like Jimi Hendrix and a white geologist who lived in Yuendumu accompanied him like a jazzman on a trumpet. In that room, that night, Aboriginal people and white people mingled in a spirit of fraternal respect. Walking back to the car I was sleeping in, I thought there has to be some way of taking that spirit to the rest of Australia.”

‘Ngalipa’ in action. Many Magic Moments and memories.

Great Southern Land- Warren H .Williams…

Sadly that spirit was not taken to the rest of Australia, instead Remote Aboriginal Australia was and continues to be bombarded by meanspirited assumptions and policies.

Since 1973, when Nangala was told off for having ‘native children attending our home in the nurses flats’, we have come full circle. ‘Them and us’- big time.

At the Willowra (Wirliyajarrayi) shop the following notice has recently appeared: (the Image is 2-3MB so it is typed out instead- the original is in three colours so it has lost some of its impact)






It is an unsafe and inappropriate practice

for children and youths to be attending

your personal residence without an

appropriate  ADULT .

Children and youths attending personal houses without

an ADULT is not an acceptable behaviour in other

communities in Australia and it is therefore not an

acceptable behaviour in Willowra








I’ll refrain from commenting on this. Suffice it to say that when the Intervention was thrust upon NT remote Aboriginal communities in 2007, based largely on alleged endemic sexual abuse of children (which app. $40M allocated to the Federal Police- failed to unearth), a Warlpiri school colleague said to Nangala: “Is that all kardiya can talk about these days?”



Xavier Rudd- Spirit Bird…

and a bonus beautiful song from South Africa’s late Brenda Fassie…