Just when we though it was safe to tuck ourselves in at night and sleep knowing our borders were SAFE and INVIOLATE we awoke to find FOREIGN persons stuck in OUR MANGROVES! Heads will roll!. But for the moment, some amongst us saw it as an omen. That perhaps we could offer something to the world and the world would recognise the light of compassion burning dimly down south.
(If you have problems with illuminated southern lights downstairs see a medical specialist and seek attention. And the tension mounts as our seraph from the near north pens this ode for the ones who almost got through.)
He writes;
In slavish imitation of the Americans, we established (at vast expense) our own Border Protection System. Like all things Australian, the idea was seized on initially, particularly by all sorts of our right wing lunatics, as the answer to their prayers. These outrageous, bare-faced enthusiasts used our Navy to drag all incoming boats back home again. This was all done in secret because as far as I can glean, not one of our ‘award winning’ journalists risked their necks to show us the inhuman horror our government was inflicting on refugees and asylum seekers.
Time passed…problem solved….and the Fascists amongst us rejoiced. We had stopped the boats. Meanwhile, and largely due to European and American political machination, and their support of dictatorial monsters, millions of refugees, driven off their own land, took off for Europe.
This exodus proved, almost beyond doubt, that the European Convention on Human Rights is not worth a cracker. These refugees, our spineless governments attempted to convince us, had become, had been judged to be, against all reason, and incomprehensibly, the enemy.
Back home, sometime later, the Fascists now are trying to broaden their appeal by, more or less, establishing themselves as ‘the way forward…’ (whatever tnat means…)
Suspect Illegal alien villainously gaining the confidence of a local prior to committing unspeakable acts. Don’t be fooled. Even a beer in your hand wont render you SAFE!
Farcically, gloriously, after all the time and money spent on ‘protecting our borders’, on extra boats and extra personnel, more patrols both day and night, and the absolute assurance that our refugee crisis was absolutely under the control of our ‘Border Force”. A splendid boatful of refugees from God knows where, utterly eludes our patrol vessels, traverses hundreds of kilometres of open ocean undetected, and lands, following an unfortunate encounter with a bit of Barrier Reef, without loss of life, in Australian Northern waters..
Hurray for them! A thousand times hurray! Fuck the government! Fuck the Border Force!
This is a gloriously splendid example of the absolute indomitability of the human spirit,
This boatload of Odysseans, this splendid crew, should be given the keys to the kingdom, pensions for life and be made national treasures.
Compared to these oceanic traversers, our politicians who so disregard human rights, who behave so contemptibly in terms of oompassion and international law, are seen to be what they really are: cowardly and cheap, narrow, joyless and tawdry, and wholly unfit to even dare to represent us.
God bless all adventurers possessed with an abundance of the human spirit!
Ira Main