Bill Shorten is right. The kids should go back to school, and learn….” Mainstream Australian Values”
We at pcbycp are delighted that Adani is pushing on with its planned Galilee Basin coal mine.
WE are bitterly disappointed that it’s not quite as big as what was originally planned, but delighted nonetheless that once work gets underway it will demonstrate to the word Australia’s credentials in disavowing Climate Science.

How dare these protesters use OUR PARLIAMENT to demonstrate the sick theology of “Climate Science”!!
It’s not good enough being recognised as the number one despoiler of bio diversity, and recent, inspection by our environmental action team has proved that not all of the Great Barrier Reef is dead yet. So there’s still some heavy lifting to be done. We interviewed the pcbycp environmental change management unit leader, Mr, Rapine Pillage and he had this to say:.”We’re worried about that state of things in Queensland. It’s encouraging to see the devastating bushfires, destroying vast swathes of open forest and hinterland, but there’s still much more that can be done. The unprecedented heatwave in November may be killing off the flying foxes, and doubtless will ensure another catastrophic coral bleaching, but it’s not enough yet to ensure our position, as number one species extinction leader. We’ve so much competition from Brazil and Indonesia, and now with New Guinea, the Solomons and most of South East Asia coming on stream we’re under some serious threat
That’s why we need Adani to do its bit.
And we are very encouraged that both Federal Liberal and Labor are encouragingly silent on the project. We cannily assume, as Mr Shorten so emphatically told the kids protesting the mine in Canberra, “ Go back to school”, that he’s one hundred percent in lock step with the mine. It’s good news for species depletion and will ensure that Queensland stays on top.
WE hope that all of Federal Labor will agree with Mr Shorten that what is good for Queensland is good for all of us, and since they stopped black-birding, there’s only land clearing and mining to keep the percentile looking northwards. And the climate is what the kiddies don’t understand. They’re protesting their future, when they should enjoy forty degree days in November, and the promise of much warmer weather in years to come.
Science has always proven we can get top of this existential crisis, and once again though we ignore climate science, there’ll be some bonuses for every kiddy. Smart hats, their very own lump of coal, and these wonderful signed portraits, “Coal is good for humanity”.
And the most important defining issue about this whole thing is that the it comes to the really big decisions, and particularly in light of the recent Victorian election, both sides represent the interests of homophobic, future hating, climate change deniers. There’s solidarity in that, And the kids better believe it. They have no right to have a say, and betides they don’t vote. And even if they did, they haven’t got the pull to offer us tickets to the Grand Final, free flights and sinecures post parliament as the lobbyists do. And learn to stand on their own feet and abide by principle’.