Have you noticed just this last week how many pages in the ABC news have been devoted to plugging ASIO?

The ABC/ASIO Vault. Because of its interesting door-shape from hereon referred to as “The Star Chamber”
Last week an exhaustive article, on how the ABC were given exclusive access to their headquarters. Buried deep within the bowels of the organisation a sound proofed room, that floated in its very own amniotic fluid of impregnable silence was the test best for trialled listening devices. The journalists beside themselves with insider knowledge, devoted paragraphs to breathlessly describing how this Battlestar Galactica of intelligence was designed to keep Australia safe from Spies.

Not a Dr Who prop, but the sound proof, device proof inner room of ASIO, from hereon referred to as ” The Death Star”!
Breathlessly the journalists described “the outside world” teeming with spies. Perhaps we are left to wonder, there may be an antechamber in which people stare at goats, or attempt to walk through walls. In shipyards, medical facility’s, local embassies, Hong Kong booksellers and from the Confucian Societies within our Universities we overflow with spies. And for the rest of us, we only needed to know that Asio was looking over our shoulder , with “Special and Enhanced” Powers to keep us safe.
The ABC clearly is now working as the national champion in the New Cold War. Clearly Ita knows which side her journalistic bread is buttered on. Something she may have learnt from Packer. Fear sells newspapers just as much as sex used to. In the ABC’s case doors slam on a slew of long term female journalists, it’s a bit Arividerci Alberici. Like the Buyer lectures, if you’re a clever, (read good investigative journalist) journalist, your days are numbered.

Last weeks article referencing heroic ASIO deeds in the early sixties. Woman in image now referred to as WOMAN X, (no relation to LAWYER X)
The following article took another headline suggesting that Asio was at the forefront of saving us from nefarious villains who wished to steal our intellectual property. So that they may grab our winning coronavirus vaccine. The director of ASIO, looking for all intents and purposes like ‘M’, sternly stood for all of us. “These devices are as small as a human hair, can be inserted anywhere, and can give us a real insight into the activities of evil doers. So that we may be one jump ahead in the espionage stakes to protect and ensure that Australian values are protected, in keeping us SAFE’. And first points for Dog Whistling it’s always China. Not that China plays a straight bat these days, but the curious thing is in case you hadn’t noticed……NO ONE DOES!!

Supreme controller of all espionage related activities, from hereon referred to a ‘THE POTATO’, or ‘P”
What is flabbergasting, is that everything described, was used to infiltrate and destroy an ally’s potential. In East Timor, the Timor-Gap negotiations were skewed under the direction of our Minister for Foreign Affairs to root the daylights out of a little country we’d assiduously neglected. For years Timor Leste was short-hand for the obscenities of regional Real Politik. For thirty years we watched benignly on as they were chopped up, raped and slaughtered, and then when finally the world looked our way, we intervened to save them. So that we may screw the daylights out of them as well. And all of this was done with Asio’s clever uses of bugging devices……..

ASIO operatives raiding ABC Offices. cos they could just walk in, unlike trying to get into the Chinese Embassy.
And the final insult being Witness K. To Australia’s shame no one, not even Ita who knows how to bend the ear of the very rich and powerful, seems to give a stuff about witness K. He rots in a tribunal in which, (for the Australian public interest) we are not allowed to know what’s going on. If you so much report about it you’ll go to jail. Aint this what the Chinese Government is getting a bad name for in Honkers and Uighurstan?
Well you’d be dead right, you’d be a wok short of the Wonton. It’s hypocrisy.
All witness K said that ‘Australia is intent in screwing these poor bastards, ( He’s got the evidence) and it aint right’. What Witness K doesn’t’ understand was that in foreign policy code, the poor indiginies of East Timor, were NQR. (Little people of colour cannot expect fair play).
Its an unalterable fact In line with our policy on refugees, bit like a white Australia policy in which even the black bits are white. Just ask the silly bastards in the Flemington Housing Commission Flats;
FAIRNESS is opaque, well a concept that’s more fairly white than off-white.
Poor Witness K, even if he escapes jail for squealing on Exxon and Woodside to exploit resources and pay no tax, he’ll be jailed if he publishes his memoir.
What will his memoir be titled?

ITA, from hereon referred to as ‘I”. Assisting ASIO in giving them good press and weeding out journalists ( Emma Alberici, etc) and troublemakers, (Witness K) who make life difficult for endangered T, G, and C ( Twiggy, Gina and Clive)
“Hypocrisy, as easy as ABC”…..
“Asio,? What does it really stand for”?