Dear reader,
we take up where we left off, our heroes saved by the bell for something much worse, a date with BIG GINA! What has this got to do with the Coalition’s very excellent Carbon Policy? Read on in this penetrating episode and get the full bottle on Barnaby and BEYOND……

Aussie heroes stand firm against Lgbti trans, X ** in the ADF. Tattoos a testament to standing FIRM!
The conveyance, if you could call it that, bumped and swayed as it went over a set of points. In the gloom we could see other trolleys, hoppers, carriages if you could call them that filled with papers and the exterior marked ‘Climate Policy’, ‘Refugee Policy’ and ‘Deaths in Custody’, the mind boggled. Beneath Canberra, train-loads of paper, all meticulously filed, sorted, and rejected bound for who knows where?
It turned onto a hairpin bend, another door clanged and there bore us in his UbersturmbandFeuhrer’s getup was Dutto, ‘back again so soon boys, yep the meister tells me you’re off to see Gina, half yer luck.
What else did he say’?
Benny replied with military precision, one thing you could say about Benny was he had a fantastic memory, he could remember everything just as it truly happened. That’s what made him Australia’s most decorated soldier EVER! His capacity for getting the story RIGHT! He illuminated Dutto on Angus’s latest move, something about the Pilbara ,’it has many treasures, and the best of it is, we aint blown all of em up yet’!.
Dutto laughed uproariously at Benny’s joke, slapped his sides and convulsing with laughter one eye glared at us penetratingly as if to say ;“ what the fuck are youse lookin at’? Even in mirth Dutto was still a Queensland Cop!
Dutto was eating a vanilla slice, and just waved to Benny-Boy, Benny leaned over and grabbed a custard tart, an ice Vovo and a Hedgehog.
Dutto laughed; “and that’s not the best of it, I grabbed this lot at the latest ADF poofta morning tea, and managed to get a whole crate of party pies before I closed the bloody thing down. You know what they say ‘No poofters in the Australian army’! Benny laughed and turning to us, ‘and no lezzo’s either’, Dutto’s always the copper, whenever there’s some cleaning up to do he just helps himself’,
‘Enough of that backchat Benny-boy, you look after the literary side of things and your mate Kerry and I’ll look after the civil side of things. Together we’ll Citizen K the whole effing country’!
‘Too right boss, and Benny just to be sure grabbed a packet of Tim Tam’s, a plate of Monte Carlo’s and some Snakes that were destined for the LGBTI-TRANS X NON GENDER morning tea that had been correctly closed down by Dutto. Ces and I were starving, and both put our hands out. ‘Allright then’! jeered Benny Boy, “for being such good boys” he flicked us a few chocolate freckles. “Jeez boss the meeting with ol Angus saved them so much they’re fucken scared shitless”!, Too right It’ll teach em a bit of respect, and by the way, (Dutto was being nonchalant); “why the fuck are they still here, weren’t you meant to chuck em in the poo”?.
‘Big Boss orders, to keep em alive,
Said something about operation Grand-Slam or summit, I dunno’.
‘GRAND-SLAM’! Dutto shouted, “So they’re gonna have to deal with BIG GINA! Then, turning to us; ‘Could’ve saved youse boys, but…ITS OUTTA MY HANDS’!!
What is outta Dutto’s hands? Find out in the next crepuscular episode, “ A fools errand”, or “A Tim Tam short of the LGBTI-Trans X Non gender morning tea”