It all began, with good intentions. SCOMO invited an ‘ungrateful’ and ‘bad-mannered’ Australian of the year to his barby.
Trying to prune a pile of “stuff” (an ever-accumulating pile of “can’t bring myself to throw stuff away”) I came across this from 2014:

Turns out she and her squeeze didn’t like what was on the menu and suggested SCOMO ‘shove his barbecue tongs up his constituency’..
(Another scintillating piece from our scribe from the distant north. In this-un Frank asserts that in foreign affairs it’s a tangled web of alliance and counter alliance that makes no sense at all. Perhaps he’s talking about the luminaries who lead publicity on Australia’s Covid policy messers, Kelly, Christiansen, Palmer and Roberts? But there’s more. In Yuendumu, they’re in complete lockdown but free to come and go wherever they please. When is a lock-out not a lockdown you may ask? Only when it’s remote and in a realm of public policy as absurdist as the pan global alliances described hereafter. Is there a hereafter? You’ll have to ask the aforementioned big four, luminaries in the Australian body politic that only with some Grace we might Tame. The editors would also like to apologise for the formatting as Frank sent his latest missive as a coded and locked format, which our experts are unable to un-lock. We live in an un-lockable era that is either locked-out, up or down. Frank writes…..
“Are you confused about what’s going on in the Middle East? Let me explain.
By Aubrey Bailey, Fleets, Hants
We support the Iraqi government in the fight against the Islamic State. We don’t like IS but IS is supported by Saudi Arabia, whom we do like. We don’t like President Assad. We support the fight against him but not IS which is also fighting against him.

Scomo says to her; ” I’ve had a gutful of uppity and ungrateful sheilas this last year, here’s a wad of cash and can you go and do a Tudgey’s secretary and “be a good girl and just quit yer complainin’
We don’t like Iran but Iran supports the Iraqi government against IS. So, some of our friends support our enemies and some of our enemies are our friends and some of our enemies are fighting against our other enemies whom we want to lose but we don’t want our enemies who are fighting our enemies to win.
If the people we want to defeat are defeated, they might be replaced by people we like even less. And all this was started by us invading a country to drive out terrorists who weren’t actually there until we went in to drive them out.
Do you understand now?
So, you may have noticed in between the Covid-19 and Australian Open tennis news that in the Middle East, shenanigans continue in the same vein as described 8 years ago by Aubrey Bailey.
Islamic State (IS) have attacked a Syrian Jail to free IS prisoners. They are being fought by U.S. backed Syrian Kurdish led forces. After Yemeni Houthi rebels mounted a drone attack on a key oil facility in Abu Dhabi, the Saudi-led coalition retaliated with an air raid on a Yemeni Prison. Iran is being accused of smuggling weapons to Yemen. Meanwhile in Afghanistan IS are mounting terrorist attacks on the Taliban whose assets have been frozen. Do you understand now?
Are you confused about what’s going on in remote Aboriginal communities in regards to Covid-19? Let me explain.

Scomo then invited his mate over, and together they tried to tempt Grace and her squeeze with some Tim-Tams and Jaffa- cakes, but Grace, (who is uppity and ungrateful and ill- mannered) wouldn’t have a bar of it’, so on Grace’s suggestion they went to a local pub.
Up to 8 p.m. yesterday (25th Jan) there had been a total of 142 cases of Covid-19 in Yuendumu.
Yuendumu is in lock-out. They carry out “targeted testing”. No one has come to my door to test me since the Yuendumu outbreak almost a month ago, obviously I haven’t been targeted. There are no roadblocks preventing people from entering Yuendumu. Close contacts are asked to isolate in petri-dish houses with a dozen or so residents.
In a nut-shell, the authorities that should be pro-active are merely reactive and persist in blaming the residents for the dire situation which they triggered by slacking off on border controls.
And then there is the matter of Scomo (our Prime Minister, Scott Morrisson) being snubbed by the 2021 Australian of the year Grace Tame.

Turns out the pub, (Would ya flamin believe it?) was out the back of buggery, and there was NO BEER! Not even a shandy on-hand for the sheila’s in the lady’s lounge!
Australia is divided on this. Myself I consider that photo-opportunity Scomo, that virtuoso of obfuscation got what he deserved. It reminds me of when a former Prime Minister, photo-opportunity Howard, that virtuoso of the dog whistle, visited Louise Barry in Hospital. Louise, a victim of the 2005 London bombings, spoiled John Howard’s moment in front of the cameras.
She linked the bombings to our actions in Iraq.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
(alsalam ealaykum warahmat allah wabarakatuh)

That’s when SCOMO had enough and told her; ” Listen girl, you’re an ungrateful little bitch for all I’ve done for you’. And Grace said to him, ‘you’re just another fucken old white-man who’s outta touch”. They then had a blue. Good thing the ABC was on-hand to blame Covid and the locals who weren’t even civil enough to have a beer. PM reckons ‘Grace needs to be taught manners, and learn to behave’, As for the locals? I arks ya?
The Electric Light Orchestra- Confusion