We are indebted to Frank for another sanguine, salutary and scintillating piece for the near north west frontier.

An unendorsed, and non- compliant sign that was removed to ensure public safety and uphold the principle of law and order.
That slither of land, rather much like the Peoples’ Republic of Moldova, that is not entirely devoted to mining, prisons or uranium dumping for this next missive. We at pcbycp are somewhat confused, as Frank has a different take on the intervention. We who enjoy the info-tainment as presented to us by The Australian, The ABC amongst others as Daily NEWS are disappointed he can’t find a positive spin on the Intervention.
We at pcbycp still cherish our Terrorism Hotline fridge magnets, and hope with some enthusiasm, that the upcoming Federal election will be inspiring us with stories of Reds under the bed. The yellow Peril. Border violations, and whatever else is done with some theatricality to make us all insecure, slightly xenophobic and fearful. It’s a war winning and election winning formula.
More from Frank now. He writes;
Доброго вечора друзі
In June 2020, the Government of Ukraine prioritised the usage of coal at Ukrainian power stations to reduce the import of natural gas used at the power stations for electricity production.
In 2016 Ukrainian coal production was 40.9 million tonnes (excluding production from the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic.)
The Donets Basin contains 90% of Ukraine’s coal reserves.

Our gift to the people of Ukraine? A lump of Coal. If it serves us to create a fair and equitable society it might as well serve them as well.
Recently the Russian army breached the front-line between Ukraine and the Donetsk People’s Republic. The big winners? The arms manufacturers and dealers. The big losers? The people of Ukraine.
Australia is once again punching above its weight. It is donating 70,000 tonnes of coal to Ukraine. The coal is being supplied by Whitehaven Coal, a company which made significant contributions to the Liberal Party.
Make of that what you will.
In Kieran Finnane’s book, ‘Trouble (On Trial in Central Australia)’ In the Introduction she describes the Alice Springs Courthouse. This from page 2:
“…Lately graffiti has appeared on the footpath in front of the entrance stairs, small letters stencilled in black: ‘This is the front line.’ It says.
It’s discreet enough for nobody to bother scrubbing it out. I’d like to know who did it, and what kind of battle they think is going on inside…”
I opined that the front line at the Alice Springs Courthouse was the same one I alluded to when I started writing the Musical Dispatches from the Front after the 2007 Intervention.
The Country Liberal Party said it planned to introduce the Sentencing Amendment Bill 2022 to the Northern Territory parliament this week, a legal reform which would mean mandatory prison for anyone who assaults a frontline worker.
“We know that police and frontline workers are being assaulted at hideous rates and, as crime continues to increase across the Territory, unfortunately, what we’re going to see is more people on the frontline assaulted while doing their job,” Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro said yesterday. “It’s really important to us that we send a serious message to would-be offenders that, if they assault a police or frontline worker, they are going to have an actual term of imprisonment.”

Big Prisons are a RIVERS OF GOLD for shareholders and the construction industry. Promoting JOBS and GROWTH!
The big winners? The prison industry in the NT. The big losers? Yapa (Aborigines)
So why does all this make me think of the Sudeten Czechoslovaks and the Donetsk Ukrainians?
подумай над цим Frank
Just some nice music (from Colombia a few days ago) to finish with: