Dear reader, another installment from the man they call ‘Frank’.
In this segment Frank makes reference to the insidious creep of unwarranted press attention and stigmatisation associated with his community on the Northwest Frontier. A community that works as a lightning rod for self-righteous hypocrites. The press, whatever passes for the media, and those who heap opprobrium. Cos that’s all they know.
We’re not just talking about the coalition, or the excellent work in the field undertaken by Zachary Rolfe at Camp Rolfe, (formerly Yuendumu). But something much more significant than that.
Those places designated ‘ newsworthy’ solely because they enable the public at large to read about them, salivate a little, and feel righteous and self-assured at the wretched state of things amongst the uncivilised, etc.
It’s the old paradox, reading bad makes em feel really good.
This is the true spirt of Christmas., the three wise men, and their adornment of the child and his ‘povvo’ parents who couldn’t afford a penthouse suite with ocean views at Bethlehem. And why they chose to give this child the gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold, because they couldn’t find an NGO at that time of the night to receive the gifts which were all tax deductible as most contributions to NGO’s are. And of course, not to mention the disappointment they must have felt when their gifts, came to naught. The Christ child turned out to be a stirring rat- bag. Was ungrateful for their kindness and went off being a nuisance to Romans and Judeans alike until they sensibly knocked him off.
This is the spirit of Christmas. Ensure that your gifts and largesse are channeled through fully accredited charities and philanthropic organisations and you shall reap the reward!
This is what Frank had taught us at Camp Rolfe, (formerly Yuendumu) where NGO’s outnumber ordinary administration by a power of ten to one. A victory for charity and a double gold for NGO’s who know what’s right for poor subject peoples, cos they have both God and fiduciary wisdom to guide them.
A Christmas present that keeps giving in spite of the ungratefulness of the locals. Which is both a source of pity and frustration.
But Frank is not frustrated, just patiently. and with patience a forefront, he writes to us…… again.

When three wise men exercise their authority on the floor of Parliament, the public know that real leadership and self – interest is active.
Feliz Navidad y todo eso, Feliz Navidad- Jose Feliciano
All quiet on the western front in Yuendumu.
I’m told that below the mainstream radar, the annual young men’s business is proceeding. It is none of my business, but I assume it is true, and I’m glad.
I remember when Dylan Moran expressed his gratitude to Muslim terrorists. The world’s gaze had been deflected from the Irish, who were freed from that awful stigmatisation which saw everything Irish through the lens of IRA bombing of innocent civilians. Ireland which produced such music as this: Shin Kicker- Rory Gallagher

In the olden days three wise men could be embodied in one singular entity. This is what SCOMO tried to emulate in his five ministries saga
So too, Yuendumu can now be grateful to Wadeye. The ABC NT recently featured several articles on Wadeye where 5% of its 2,000 population is now locked up in gaol.
Australia’s gaze has been deflected from Yuendumu. They’re giving us a break. We can relax and get on with our lives without getting frustrated and being baited into a futile manning of the ramparts against a relentless propaganda campaign being mounted by the assimilationists, conservatives and alleged ZR supporters, not least his mishpocha.
As we ease into Christmas, we can enjoy some deferred books and do a bit of YouTube surfing. Thunderstruck- AC/DC Thunderstruck- Guzheng Pajaro Campana- Juglares Bougainville Bamboo Band
In 1970 when working in heated quarters in northern Canada, I claimed to be the Northernmost ever thong wearer (the Canadian Arctic Archipelago is further north than Siberia).
I had no idea what else you could do with what we referred to as Japanese riding boots. Te vas arrepentir- Banda La Divina Banjara- Maatibaani
And my all-time favourite:

Australian History is full of great leadership. And to show we’re punching above out weight we have recently exceeded the magic three by some measure. Proof of a burgeoning democracy. Respect- Aretha Franklin
Catch ya’s