Traditional Values return to Education. Former Education Minister, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Morris Pyne, demonstrating new ‘Naplan Approved'” Educator”. Comes neatly wrapped, or for your discretion in plain paper, and offers, both standard, cane, rubber, or latex tipped for added efficacy.
Dear reader, just to let you know we’re up to date on the latest in contemporary educational practice, we bring you this compelling insight from Cecil Poole. You may be shocked to find that Cecil considers the noble, high principled and charitable efforts by our government funded private schools in promoting education for young native Australians as a sham. Shocking that Cecil eschews the efforts of these schools, whose uniforms are also very nice, and quite expensive, for Indigenous Australians. We must inform you that there is moderate intemperate language.
‘The idea that Private Schools offering scholarships to indigenous children and then calling this a good thing makes my blood boil. It smacks of cultural supremacy – by US (so called whites and more on this nomenclature in a later post) giving (charity and more on this too) giving them them, the OTHER, the poor unfortunates, a leg up in our society. The assimilationist imperative here is palpable. Be like us, mix with us, be educated like us and maybe you will have a chance not to end up like your brothers and sisters. And don’t those schools play on this CHARITY, using it in their promotions, advertising, using tax deductible money for this shonky practice.
Have any of these schools or the people who blindly support them thought at all of how this looks to indigenous people? I who guess it looks just like another smack around the chops, similar to the government, missionaries and social workers who took and still take the children away from families in unconsciable number and then telling those from whom they have stolen the children that it is for the best, it is for their good – as if being with family counts for nothing, as if the culture in which they were born has no value.

Traditional Education. Poor outcomes moving forward. Note unacceptable dress code and non compliance with naplan.
We sanctimonious (so called) white arseholes, have we considered what we’d do if our child was offered a scholarship at an indigenous college? Go on consider it. Education in a culture of over 40,000 years, a culture in which people routinely were fluent in at least three languages, where they had good health, and minimal violence. Where they (in contrast to us) are respected and lauded overseas. Where they had learned to live in reasonable humility as a part of nature.
Send your child there for four years? A couple of thousand miles from home, and look, there will be families who will have them to stay during the holidays, and show them off to neighbours.
Why is it that Private Schools feel so good at offering scholarships to indigenous children? (These schools, bastions of privilege, forces for growing inequality, conspicuous representative of inequity, ravagers of the public purse, degraders of public education, and smug to boot.)
Dear reader in the interests of even-handedness, we shall bring you an upcoming except from the Yuendumu College prospectus, (‘Yoonda College’). Enrolments aren now being accepted for the 2015-2016 tuition year.