The days were impossibly grim.
Each day brought another funeral parade of non-ideas. Tired ideas. Ideas clapped out, worn out, and over-wrought.
Another apathetic, exhausted, spiritless resignation to the entropy of minds capped by the reassurance of saying ‘NO” . And “it’s just too too risky’!
The public address systems blared on and on; ‘For your safety stay indoors, for your safety stay indoors’. .

However, due to a clerical error they were subjected to interference from Labor’s ‘Faceless men’. And….. made face-less.
Old fears were re-awoken, and like a dark impenetrable cloud the fear seeded and spread, offering a comfort in insecurity and shallowness Until the hearts and minds of the hapless denizens resigned themselves to the grey-grim inevitability of it all. They, who had no voice were paralysed by the threat of ultra-violence if they ventured into the streets. The foolish believed change was coming. The realists just aged and grew old before their time. And worried about their deposits secured in special accomodation homes at the standard rate. The fear grew and grew until every germ of imagination and humanity was cauterised by the fear. An exctasy of fear. A catastrophe of fear. A fear so paranoiac, a fear so punishing, perfidious, penetrating, it became a paroxysm of pervasive Pompeiian proportions
The fear of contamination whenever they gathered en-masse. The fear of retribution if they stood outside the herd. The fear in the office, the workplace. The fear of those who held the reins of administrative power. The fear of those who would pursue and crush them. Destroy them if they strayed from the path of meek compliance.
Are we talking about day 55 of the Ukraine Invasion?
No folks, it’s just week two of the Federal election and as any good Scout-Master or Guide Dog instructor will tell you it’s important to have friends in high places who will do their utmost to keep the Tweedle-dums in power lest the Tweedle-Dees get a grip. Cos as we all know ‘plus la change’ and all that, it makes no difference. With a supine and compliant electorate no change is the best change you’re ever gonna get. And ‘Blessed Be’ the safe sinecurists on governmental perks. If you’re not in the game you’re a loser! It’s a skin-game. And as far as we can see it pays to be white. Whiter than Bleach, and more pristine than Chesty Bonds T-shirt. Culture wars? Yep culture war….ts and all.
But what of the truly dispossessed? No we’re not talking about them, they choose that kinda lifestyle, (Tony Abbott,c.2014). We’re talking about our trio stuck beneath the desiccated crust of Australia’s most illuminated spot. Will they ever escape from their subterranean chamber of Horrors? What is this strange human-like creature with an exaggerated claw for a hand? Does it stretch the bounds of imagination? Do you believe in Sanity Claws?
Is there time left yet to stem the decline of every principle of goodness trashed by the three pillars of opportunism, greed and mateship? Can our heroes prevail? Its up to Benny-Boy and his stock of weapons if there’s any chance at all. So let’s roll the dice, the fluffy dice stolen from the rear- view mirror of SCOMO’s Commonwealth limousine, and take one last throw. As the PM said to the prospective member of Warringah, at the trans sex swim carnival speedos; ‘ There may be something in it’?

WE at pcbycp would like to endorse the ‘Inclusion foundation’. We tried to set up our very own foundation but discovered via our accountant you needed a significant amount of money to be eligible. The inclusion foundation works well, as most Coalition policies do for wealthier members of the community. They need support for they are vulnerable to tax creep and “faceless men’.
We return to our saga, read, if you dare……
‘Shhh, don’t say a thing’, whispered Benny Boy. ‘I’ve got youse all covered’.
It was reassuring to know that with this strange, and foreboding claw-man monster thing we still had Benny at our backs. A lot of former members of the SAS would agree with us. Better to have Benny behind that in front, where we couldn’t really see what he was up to. But we knew one thing ,Benny was on our side.

Josh also supports those allied to the Leaping Tiger award. The ‘Leaping Tiger’ has displaced the ‘Leaping Wolf’ award amongst some members of the Chinese Scouting community who worry about Labor’s, ‘Faceless men’.
But is Benny-boy really on our side? If you felt the introduction was longer than the episode, just get used to it. This is an election edition episode. And after sponsorship, kick-backs, lobbyist payments, endorsements, sneaky party donations, more kick-backs and phone calls in car- parks, restaurants, outside safety deposit boxes and down by the old mill that’s all you’re gonna get!!

‘Faceless Men’ cannot be trusted. Josh has provided punters with a ‘nine point plan’, in Mandarin to identify the ‘Faceless Men’.
Just remember one thing. If in doubt, if you’re really up against it. If your tax return comes back a dud and you owe zillions cos you’re not a multi-national or Angus Taylor with offshore tax havens it serves you right! That’s what this election is all about. Fool you for being an idealist. Being an idealist is So tawdry and twentieth century. So resignedly, and with no hope of anything innovative, clever or inspiring stay tuned to the very next episode,
‘Tweedle Dum aint so dumb at all cos he knows how to win elections’ and/or ‘Tweedle Dee’s got a dog whistle, and he borrowed it from ‘Johnny One Note”