Barry O Sullivan’s a National. He represents Real Australians. He’s got 32. Poor old David Bushby only had one. Poor bastard. Only one residential investment property on his register of interests. No wonder why he had to quit. That’s why out of sympathy Scott Morrison “ SCOMO” to his mates gave him the plumb job of being the Consul General for Chicago. Poor bastard. Got a wife and kids and when the Morrison government is turfed he’ll need a safe place to recuperate. And he’s had a hard time of late. Voted against same sex marriage, voted against the resource rent tax, changes to tax legislation, Banking Royal Commission, you name it. Abo’s, single mums, LGBTI’s, the poor, the NDIS, he’s dead against any of them. He stands by principles, Good Christian values as did Barnaby. Of being decent. And knowing that if you’re poor it’s cos you’re bloody lazy.

Being a pollie guarantees you don’t have to mingle with the filthy tax- paying public on Grand Final Day.
Bushby worked hard to stop any new national parks, repealed environmental controls, worked to stop big business paying tax, and worked to help his mates in mining get a bigger share of the cake. They need it. Since the glory days some of them have even been made to pay a few cents in the dollar of tax.
Bit of a tossup for the Morrison government now it’s into final days in the bunker, the safe jobs are hard to find, only thing left is cushy overseas postings or special envoy for Abo’s and farmers. Perhaps he could’ve got a gig with the Australia Day Committee, erecting Captain Cook statues and Anzac Day. To remind kiddies of the ‘correct’ Australian history, according to old white men. In the SCOMO govt you can go a long way by being loyal and trusted. And know how to turn a blind eye to mate-ship, cronyism and corruption. Without our mates we’d all be stuffed. There’d be merit based system and that wouldn’t do. Worse still a cushy posting could go to a foreigner, a person of colour or even worse a sheila. Good on ya David! For resigning from parliament for the sinecure you demonstrate PRINCIPLE. You’ve proven that whats good for you is all part of serving. There’s sacrifice, it gets cold in Chicago and their beer aint a pinch on Boags or Cascade. And politics in America, you know its crazy, the Abo’s over there weren’t knocked off properly as your forbears did in Tasmania and they’re just as cranky, Helluva posting.
Still as Joe Hockey did when he got the plumb job in Washington you’ve worked hard. Joe closed down the car industry, what’ve you done?

Most important principle about being an Aussie politician, looking after somebody else’s interests to serve your own interests.
Well just by serving, you’re up for an AO. Cos you’ve done quite a bit for your mates you may even get an AM, and if no-one is looking, there’s possibly a Presidential honour. Donald like blokes who toe the line and don’t get too uppity. He hates smart BASTARDS! They rely too heavily on logic and analysis. Being from Tassie you know that’s BULLSHIT. That’s why you’ll work well for Australia interests in Chicago. Might even get a job as a lobbyist afterwards as Andrew Robb did. No-one had ever heard of you beforehand, and though you aint got thirty or more properties like Barry o Sullivan who works hard for the cotton industry so they can Kill OFF the Murray Darling, you’ve done some heavy lifting for forestry and mining. And in your own little way helped cleanse Tassie of its biota.
Perhaps you’ll return someday? But whatever the cost you’ll know that it’s because of you, and your ilk, the electorate thinks the way they do about our political system. Because ultimately when push comes to shove, you put yourself first. Be honest that’s the spirit. Looking forward to seeing your gong on Australia Day.. Your reward for doing right by the authentic code of “mate ship”. Mate ship for a ship of state. And better still…you’ve earnt it.