There has been a scurrilous exchange of thought going on in the pcbycp back room. Cecil suggested growing inequality may be a problem and linked to a couple of articles in the Guardian (where else??) to support his case
The ever ferreting Quentin found this to completely demolish Cecil’s argument on the web site of a fundamentally sound middle of the road think tank (NL) plus pictorial evidence that inequality does not lead to starvation, nor misery.
I think he is quite wrong!! he doesn’t understand that if it wasn’t for the GInas’, the Twiggys and the Clives we’d have a viable car industry, and those filthy pinko unionists would be running rampant. Look what’s happened to Ireland. They’ve had an ecomomic collapse, and all of a sudden decent Irish, decent clean-living irish Sheilas and their illegitimate kiddies are being corrupted by poofters and box biters!!!
No bloody way!! Next he’ll start banging on about the Catholic Church and question their right to bugger little boys. It teaches them RESPECT! Without respect society crumbles!!
The rich are rich and deserve a bigger share because they’re cleverer than you and I. Also, the one percent the one percent pays in taxes trickles down to keep lazy, promiscuous, cretinous dolts coerced and humbled. And that’s what makes our kind of society work. Only hard work will deliver wealth. That’s what i said to my Wealth Manager when he made some pretty weighty deliberations on where to invest Daddys substantial assets in offshore havens. Bloody hard work!!! And with current talk of changing tax loopholes and superannuation bloody risky too!!!
Thankfully Governements are not corrupted by such lefty twaddle. They know what’s good for BIg Business, and Big Business and the shareholders know what’s good for US”. And Prisons are another growth economy, good for the community, good for the shareholders! Australia is well set to become an International leader in this growth and point to a future society where traditional values keep risky experiments in social theory in check.
Yours Sincerely