Howdya spell “POLICE STATE’?
It’s a bit far comparing the Bjelke Petersen Government to Victoria under Daniel Andrews. But….. there are some scary similarities. Right wing and Left wing public coercion aint entirely different. Though it may be added, since Jim Cairns gave up selling books at the Camberwell Market, we aint seen much left “wing-edness” in Australia lately.
Bjelke was corrupt, his mate Terry Lewis ran the police force, and with Rus Hinze they carved out Queensland into their own feudal patch. Any detractor was arrested, and the cops got to wield more power than a Chinese Cyber Security operative. Got to the stage that any tourist lost in the company of another tourist pausing long enough in any Brisbane street was liable to be arrested for causing a public disturbance. And if you were black, just being there, (without a special permit to explain your skin colour) would get you thrown inside.

NUTTY HOUSEWIFE ALERT! Vic Pol prepare a pre-emptive strike upon another nutty housewife. Being briefed by Cyber- Intelligence leader. (Possibly the only dark skinned member of the unit)
So Dan aint corrupt. Allright then, this may require qualification, not technically corrupt. What he’s done to the CFA is not really far off the mark. Turning an entirely volunteer force with a long tradition into a rump for sinecured union mates. And signing us up to the Belt and Road initiative in hindsight, might seem a little over-ripe. We’re not being entirely Machiavellian, but in doing business with China, just as it was with Kublai Khan, (as Marco Polo would tell you) there’s no such thing as a free won ton. It’s axiomatic. Cause and effect. Just like our relationship with the Yanks. Through seventy years of ANZUS. By being offered “protection”, like any protection racket, there’s the expectation that we’ve gotta buy expensive second-rate materiel from the yanks, and help them fuck up places in the globe that say they don’t wanna be ‘Coca-cola-ised’. As in the case in Afghanistan, twenty years in, they’re not keen on western liberalism, they’d rather tribal warlords and wahibism. Good on em we say.
But the police thing has got us beat. And perhaps it aint all Dan’s doing.

Phalanx of “Cyber control public response attack team” arresting market shopper for standing longer than the minimum time as stipulated in the “Covid-Public Safety Behaviour Ordinance” ( CPSBO) in the aisle.
We carbon dated it to when they started wearing guns. Since then they’ve been following the American path and become a fully fledged para-military. And they aren’t looking after the citizenry. Increasingly it’s a ‘them and us’. It’s gone Yuendumu. And the speed is almost as fast as the intervention.
WE ghasped when the twenty something was bailed up by three cops in Fitzroy Gardens for sitting on a deck chair. She had the face mask, and was bewildered, shocked and intimidated by the squad team, who performed a loud and aggressive ewey, (in the manner of a “U” shaped female sheep) to jump out and bail her up. Her crime? Sitting in a public space longer than the prescribed “public safety” time limit. She was also reading a book. Public reading in Australia has never been looked upon kindly by the authorities. It makes people think a bit and likely to make em uppity. WE applauded that one. And it wasn’t a book devoted to footy or cricket either. In the olden days they could have just booked her for being an intellectual wanker of suspect gender preference. Still in the long run, we were glad they ran her in. Cant have intellectuals in public spaces, And passive intellectuals are just a “Pont de Neuf too far”!

Market Stall proprietor being isolated by “Special Response Fruit and vegetable assessment patrol” (SRFVAP) in a classic pincer movement.
In Bourke street on Sunday we watched on two occasions a motorcade of really really fast moving police vehicles, public order response trucks and motorbikes race up the middle of the tram tracks to Parliament. Just in case the protestors turned up. These blokes looked Robo-Cop. And they were armed to the teeth. In the Fitzroy Gardens, the cops in riot gear were everywhere. The atmosphere made us feel about as comfortable as a pork chop in a synagogue.
Our point being, the police presence is WAY OVER the TOP. Ten times out of proportion to the odd group of nutters who are into conspiracy theories.
And the message seems to be, not to protect us, But to make MANIFEST A SHOW OF FORCE!!

VIC POL public order initiative suggesting to LGBTI trans X and migrant non English speaking groups that their complaints will be ignored
And in doing so instil an all-pervading sense of FEAR, ANXIETY, and TENSION.
This aint Honkers, but we’re all intimidated by the swat teams, the firearms, the riot shields and the black uniforms, the black public response trucks, the prison trucks and the motorcades.

‘Cyber Security Parks and Gardens Special response Unit’ (CSPGSRU), inspecting Rubbish Bins and Public Toilets for potential anti- social behaviour. (Note; even walking on the grass is permissible under Public Safety Precaution Act 2020)
In an empty city, one devastated by Corona, it’s a sick JOKE.
Perhaps worse than the SICKNESS ITSELF!
Reminiscent somewhat of the Cybermen invasion of London, but without the wit, humour of imagination. Sadly, that’s Australia in the 21st century. And the really really scary bit? The public don’t seem to mind at all, or perhaps they just don’t care. They’re used to seeing armed officers on our public transport, they’re happy with Gestapo squads rounding up the homeless and the mentally unsound. And they turn a blind eye when the police armed more thoroughly than shock troops march aggressively through our parks and gardens. As a little kiddy we were always told to ask the kindly policeman if you were lost.
Perhaps we’re all lost.