Diamond Embossed handcuffs and truncheons a steal at $15,000 ea. (limits apply to individual customers)
It has come to our attention that all this protesting is doing a lot of harm to Hong Kongs Image. It’s all very well struggling for democracy, but the latest reports tell us it’s having a very significant impact on shopping. Not ordinary folk ducking out to get their groceries. Nor a student running down the street to purchase some sticky rice. A mother collecting some dumplings from the corner rickshaw driver. Or a child summoning apples from Ah Fook the vegetable gardener.
(Dear reader, to get an idea on how contremporary Hong Kongers deal with foodstuffs, we reccommend the excellent publicaton ‘Ping the Peking Duck’, or Horace Beanpole’s, ‘The White Rajah of Stanley’. Both are excellent publications and indicate in stunning detail the daily life of the peasantry.)
Peasants work the rice fields, they construct canals with their bare hands, and know how to deftly apply manure to new crops. Peasants live in small allotments, have no real rights, and are called to sacrifice themselves at the whim of a warlord, or senior officlal. The peasants life is short, miserable and without the luxury of imagination and hope. Though the students, and their cohort from main stream Hong Kong Society are protesting, (even members of the Hong Kong judiciary), they are wasting decent law abiding citizens time. They must remember that in the greater scheme of things they are just peasants. And worse still they are disrupting the prime function of Hong Kong aa a destination for really really filthy rich mainlanders who want to buy up big.

Guaranteed, wipeable and tear gas repellant facial scrub. A bargain at $5550. 00 per item. (Discount to approved party members)
That’s the beauty of Chinas version of communism. Those in power get to buy really expensive shit that looks the same as anywhere else. They queue up outside stores that are the same as anywhere else in the world, and they pay megabucks for shit that’s the same as anywhere else in the world. And why?
Cos it’s expensive
It has a label
And the label says “Fuck you peasantry i’m rich and I HATE LOATHE and DETEST anything that gets in my way to be a stinking rich consumer of luxury items”.
See.. This is how rioting for democracy KILLS Enterprise.
These students and firebrands need to be told. Luxury goods are sitting idle in the shelves. Airports are being hindered in their capacity to allow plane loads of high level communist party members to buy up big, and it’s putting off tourists. And one things tourists hate, are pro-democratic students being shot, gassed and beaten up by triads. It deflates their appetite for shopping.
Tourists don’t want to see democracy at work, they want to see something like Disneyland or Dubai. The fact that people who work there get paid nothing is no concern to them. It’s their fault cos they haven’t got a better job.
So listen ratbag protestors. This rioting must stop. What are you rioting for?
Clearly you’re not interested in helping the super rich?
Haven’t you heard of the trickle down effect?
It’s the primary and sole policy plank of the Australian Government policy!
And why do you persist? Is it because you’ve forgotten your role as peasantry?
You will be crushed. So that law abiding folk may continue shopping.
And don’t look to Great Britain. It aint great any more, and Boris wont help you.
Cos he likes expensive labels and fine wines just as any communist party member does.
And as any Hong Kong bookseller will tell you…
“Dont judge a book by its cover”.
And on foreign relations Boris has read the lot.
“Ping, the Peking Duck” on China
“Biggles in Borneo”, for South East Asia
And Wisden for test match batting averages and a comprehensive insight into Australia
And he also knows a bit about Latin, and as Tacitus once said: ‘Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges’
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws”,
Good thing no-one in government in Australia reads Latin anymore.