Hologram of the PM, talking Constitutional reform. ( image taken at the Twiggy Forrest Foundation breakfast)
At last some real progress on Aboriginal reconciliation. In a startling turnaround at the Federal level there seems to be some real progress on constitutional reform. The Prime Minister was on hand to announce that constitutional change was inevitable; “For too long Aboriginal Australians have felt the ignominy of being not recognised in the Australian Constitution. This regrettable oversight reflects upon those who drafted the Constitution in the 1890’s. It’s time to right past wrongs and include these people as REAL People. We must work towards a treaty that clearly recognises Aboriginal Australians as the first peoples of this country. We did so much in 1967, but we must do more. Give them the recognition they (the Aboriginal People) truly deserve’.
On hand to add weight to the Prime Minsters’ lofty praise the former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, lauded the groundbreaking work he undertook singly and entirely on his own with the apology. He reminded the near empty corridor at the prestigious Wheeler Centre that it was he alone who took the mace by the hand and demonstrated true leadership on recognising past wrongs.
“When I made the apology, I put foremost our duty of care for all Australians, and demonstrated by my good word that Aboriginal Australians deserve a fulsome apology that went to the very core of my sense of fairness. When I upped the Intervention, I assured them that as P.M I was STILL very sorry indeed. Bloody sorry, you even accepted my apology in the first place. And the astounding statistics for incarceration, mortality and general disenfranchisement I take full credit for. I’m still sorry, and this is the most important part, I’m terribly sincere’.
Pausing for a reverie of quite deserved self congratulation, Mr Rudd, sipping on a Perrier and preparing to take a selfie on his smart phone was rudely pushed aside by another former Prime Minister. Who, wrenching the rostrum from the bemused former greatest P.M (EVER), railed at the one journalist;

Former PM for Aboriginal Australians recognises chief of other tribe recognised in the Constitution.
“I was the PM for all Aboriginal Australians, and I can tell you that after living with them for a whole week, I know how to give em recognition. You do it like this…..

The Token will look like this. After lobbying from Barnaby Joyce; ‘agriculture, sheep, cows and other unlisted Australians, should also share the glory of Constitutional recognition’.
Before Mr Rudd had time to gather himself he was held in the vice like grip of a full-Nelson. Mr Rudd turning blue, the Perrier spilling from his quavering lips was unable to retaliate as the ‘PM for Aborigines’, proclaimed, ‘By hugging, and a bit of boxing, you can show em how it’s done! And they’ll learn a bit of self respect. And I have a better plan than all those other P.M’s. A new medal is to be minted upon constitutional recognition, which will be distributed to all Aboriginal Australians, even those who don’t look all that Aboriginal, (winking to the lone reporter who reveals himself as Andrew Bolt). Yes Andrew, we’re gonna give em all this fine commemorative medal. They can even wear it on ANZAC Day marches. It’s a symbol of trust and solidarity, and from advice for the American First Nations looks very nice indeed. It’s called “The Token”. A token of our esteem for them behaving like civilised people.
And you can take it from the highest authority, (points upwards) it’ll demonstrate that with citizenship and constitutional recognition comes the over-riding principle that comes to all unelected, and non corporate members of our society. The knowledge, they’ll once and for all KNOW THEIR PLACE!!
And we can all get along, (How’s Rupert getting on Andrew?) with governing the country’.