Dear reader, Glady’s has recovered from Daz, and is now questioning the lyrics to our glorious national anthem. Is this her madness of King George moment? Or does it suggest a turning point in the national psyche?
please read on…
(for the impaired or vulnerable we suggest if the content is confronting and you already possess a predisposition for cultural nuance identity disorder CNID, we suggest playing ‘ I love to have a beer with Duncan ‘ in the background and anxiety will be soothed, negative impulses of thought, introspection or insight, suitably buffered)
Glady’s writes
“I think it’s about time we recognise the tens of thousands of years of the First Nations people of this continent,” she told ABC TV on Wednesday. “Unity is so important.”
She is backing the campaign to change the opening lines of Advance Australian Fair from “we are young and free” to “we are one and free”.
“Recognising all of our key parts of our society is critical … and I think if we say, ‘we’re one and free’, it acknowledges that we’re not really young as a continent. We’re tens of thousands of years old when it comes to human inhabitants,” Berejiklian said. “Respect is important. Inclusiveness is important.”
The change would reflect that Australia has the longest-living culture on its continent through the Indigenous Australians.
“And I think it’s about time that we start recognising that in all of our national symbols and all of our national ways in which we represent ourselves,” she said. (Guardian Australia)
We at pcbycp are in furious agreement on this score,
We believe that the acknowledgement of First Australians is often overlooked. Overlooked for exactly the same reason that Australia as the number one Sheilah killer and number one environment despoiler in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD is not mentioned. As a nation we are modest. We don’t like to brag about how bloody good we are.
You can witness this at the cricket. Whilst the Poms have developed a whole spectator culture out of singing songs, making new ditties and inventive, clever, and whimsical ways of portraying sport culture, we just chant ‘C’mon Aussie’ and ‘Aussie Aussie’… We don’t like to let the Poms know that we wrote by ourselves, without the benefit of a think-tank, a focus group, and without the global dominance of Coca Cola, all four verses to “I love to have a beer with Duncan”.
Just as our real national anthem, (Waltzing Matilda) is about a deadbeat drunk sheep duffer in the outback who’s so pissed he falls into the billabong to escape the Public Safety Officer who’s crook on him for not wearing a mask, so we abhor boosterism, and what others might see as “Trumpian hyperbole”.
We’ve fucked up and killed the Great Barrier Reef for no other reason that it was THERE! We did out best to cleanse Tasmania of natives, cos they didn’t appreciate just how important Don’s batting average was. And we like killing Sheila’s, in marriage, out of marriage, alone, with other Sheila’s or just because they annoy us, because we can. Even our Federal Ministers and Dyse can’t keep their ands off em. Like Koalas we like killing them cos they’re cute and friendly. WE HATE THAT, and some Sheila’s have ideas, WE HATE IDEAS IN AUSTRALIA!
So Gladys, let’s put in a few bars that truly reflect Aussie mateship and drinking culture. Perhaps a verse or two about being dudded by shifty spiv ex-Ministers, and a verse or two for Ministers of the Crown with nuanced investments in the Cayman islands.
At the end of the day get rid of Advance Australia all together. WE like Gas and Coal. That aint advanced and WE LOVE IT!
“Advance”, the whole tenor of it is lefty, and we HATE LEFTIES!
So find us a new anthem…

Don discusses Keith Millers batting average and copping the odd ball on the chin with Princess Margaret.
Please send you suggestion to “Find a new anthem at pcbycp”. Send your stamped self addressed envelope to “pcbycps find a new anthem comp” and post code 99.99 ( Dons batting average) and we’ll forward it to “ The BIG IDEAS Forum” C/o Barnaby Joyce’s Murray Darling vitreous enamel Basin.