We at PCbcyCP would like to take out hat off to Mr Malcolm Roberts, the new One Nation member in the senate. Just moments after the federal Science Minister Mr Greg Hunt, (the former worlds best) dedicated himself to re-funding climate science at the CSIRO, Mr Roberts has made it quite clear what he thinks of climate science. Not much it would seem. Big Coal must be truly delighted, and we are absolutely relieved as well. Without Tony, things were getting a bit on the boring side, and old ‘Robbo’, proves once again, that though people may question the overwhelming evidence as is their right, there’s something quaint, about the special capacity of Queenslander’s to bring up the odd anomaly. To give complimentary balance to the likes of George, our very own Christiansen. And give voice to all those marginalised Queenslander’s who stoically believe the earth is flat, and the status of their greatest natural asset, (the Lesser Barrier Reef) immaterial. Our very own version of the Tea Party who have cleverly hijacked the tactics of the left in asserting their underdog status. A clarion call to those amongst us who are more than pre Copernican, but ‘post Gallipollian’, in their outlook.
![mal 2](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/mal-2.jpg)
Apologies. The previous image was WRONG! Though we’re sure the politcian Malcolm Robert’s is potentially a great singer as well as orator, we indulge you with this photograph which is absolutely correct.
Here’s a fragment lifted from the ABC ‘Mr Roberts, a prominent climate change sceptic with the Galileo Movement, also renewed calls for an inquiry into CSIRO’s climate change research. Mr Roberts, whose latest press release stated that he “spent the last nine years working pro bono checking alarmist climate claims”, said he wanted to repeal any legislation put in place “as a result of the claim that humans affect global climate as a result of our use of hydrocarbons fuels, coal, oil, natural gas”. Describing himself as a scientist, he said “we need to stop these ridiculous lies based on climate”. “I went looking into the agencies that have been spreading the climate science”. “I started finding out things about the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology. That led me then to the UN which has been driving this. Then I started following the money trails. It’s important to understand the motives.”
Understood! And whilst we’re at it, an insistence that the protective 18C be removed from the racial discrimination act. They needn’t bother, after Bill Leak’s cartoon in the Oz, no one’s clearly interested in niceties.
![mal 4](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/mal-4.jpg)
Rather than debase ourselves with the recent racist Leake cartoon, we ‘d like to indulge you with this splendid page taken from the One Nation children’s reader, ” When I grow Up”. Soon to be adopted by the Queensland Government as the standard reader for all “native” First Australians. Scene depicts “correct” virtues of cleanliness, manliness, housekeeping and appropriate attire.
On a lighter note, as editorial balance, we give you this fragment from a reader, to suggest that there is still poetic grace, and deep reflection amongst the more noble minded. And like those ambitious Queenslander’s who seek to change the world, it’s most reassuring.
‘Dear Siraw Madam, ‘It is, I feel, at this critical juncture, and at this point in time and now more than ever, absolutely necessary to point out our absolute commitment to, and utter concern for, our faithful readership We will not shirk, fail or fall down on this though cowards mock and patriots jeer, or people cross themselves (or the road) whenever we approach. We must nail our collars to the sticky place and if necessary, act abrasively when we put our shoulders to the grindstone and our nose to the weal (the Commonweal, of course) in the passionate belief that truth will ultimately triumph going forward. This however is not to say or indeed cast aspersions upon the practice of going backwards which must be disassociated completely from that common condition of ‘being backward’ which is both a backward step as well as not the same thing at all. If a person is discovered to be in fact travelling backwards this condition only ceases to be legitimate if the person travelling backward is actually discovered to be, in fact, backward. In this case it becomes necessary to forward the backward patient to the back ward of a forward hospital so that he may be moved forward and backward (back ward to fore ward) thus bringing the backward condition forward and showing we are not backward, going forward, in coming forward. Now if all that is clear…’?
Clear as!
You have our permission to enjoy the weekend now!
Expect to see this eejit wandering around Parliament wearing a tin-foil hat…