Dear reader,
Hot on the heels of his recent book launch, the cancellation of the overseas talk show host tour, and the suspension of his three part documentary, ’Acronyms and their many uses’, Frank brings us this stunning piece of research related to the wealth of pubic and private acronyms. Demonstration sure enough of where management-speak and neo-liberalism have got us. And it’s ‘got us’ good and proper, so that the rich may feel free from the pangs of conscience for criminalising the rest of us who don’t earn enough to avoid paying tax.
If you’re fed up to the neck with acronyms, this is salvation of a sort, and will allow you, (in the privacy of your covid safe, home, fallout shelter, cell) a fuller appreciation of just how useful they are.
Incidentally, Frank is himself an acronym for ‘Frankly Real Australia needs Kippers”, which is in itself a plaintive hope that with the new Greater Britain free trade deal, English sourced kippers wont have an attached import duty. A sure sign that in these darkened times there is much cause for optimism.
Frank is a born optimist, that’s why he’s compiled this list, it makes compelling reading.
Read on….
Buongiorno amici,
When I first started to cobble ‘My Yuendumu Story’ together I started a list of relevant acronyms as I had a mistaken notion this would provide clarity. When I started on page three of acronyms it was pointed out to me and it became obvious that the effect of three pages of acronyms as an introduction would have stopped many readers in their tracks. I would not have been showered with humbling and somewhat embarrassing accolades, and it is doubtful I would have recovered printing and postage costs as I have.
Here a sample of what you’ve been spared:
OAA 1967 Office of Aboriginal Affairs
DAA 1972 Department of Aboriginal Affairs
ADC 1980 Aboriginal Development Commission
ATSIC 1990 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
OIPC 2004 Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination
MTF 2004 Ministerial Taskforce on Indigenous Affairs
FACSIAH 2007 Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (my favourite)
PM&C 2013 Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
NIAA 2019 National Indigenous Australians Agency
Equally uplifting is the following subset:
CDEP 1977 Community Development and Employment Projects
JSA 2009 Job Services Australia
RJCP 2013 Remote Jobs and Communities Programme
CDP 2015 Community Development Program
And wait for it… the latest from NIAA…
ISEP 2022 Indigenous Skills, Engagement and Employment Program
Hallelujah!!! That’ll fix it!
And for contrast – asking the gods for pula (rain)
Fino alla prossima volta
PS- Something to read in lockdown- ‘My Yuendumu Story’ is still available- advise if interested and I’ll send you bank details etc.
Please note all feedback on this Google Group is confidential. Only I get to see it.

The PM was to launch the book but is working on a thought bubble within the ‘Canberra Bubble”. We the editors of pcbycp are catatonic with anticipation.
And a postscript, he has provided us with tis snippet from YOUSE-TUBE!
Good morning,
The best start to the day is a healthy laugh.
A dispatchee advised that she worked for the Emerging Indigenous Entrepreneurs Initiative
Acronym EIEI….