Dear reader, another telling insight from our scribe from the distant north west. The man who goes by the name of ‘Frank’, “el Franco” (for our Spanish readers) and ‘Der Franken’, (for those amongst us who are familiar with germanic languages), and ‘Le franc’ or those who vouchsafe the great traditons of ‘lettres francaise’.
Tellingly Frank gives us a description of his first impromptu meeting with the former backbench envoy for stripping workers of entitlements and superannuation, climate-denialism and rat-baggery the Rt. Hon Craig Kelly, before his principled alliance with Clive Palmer. It was Craig who shouted out, “you call this music’? during the recital at the Melbourne Concert Hall.
We hope in his new role as Clive’s anti-vax conspiracy deputy he can do more heavy lifting on the political circus front to ensure that franking credits, fear and xenophobia win over imagination and principle at the next Federal Election. Frank, no stranger to the machinations of the moron-ocracy may beg to differ… on…
Hola amigos,
“… muerte no llega con la vejéz, sino con el olvido…”
“…death doesn’t arrive with old age, but with forgetting…” wrote Gabriel García Márquez in his ‘Carta de Despedida’ (Letter of Farewell)

Clive Palmer, defender of the mega-rich, oppressor of good governance, crusader of the faith, (Queensland) etc, etc…
In 1987 we visited La Alhambra in Granada. I can remember standing in a room built by the Catholic kings after the Moors retreated. In this room you could whisper into the wall and you could be clearly heard by someone standing at the opposite corner.
A similar acoustic miracle was performed by whoever designed the auditorium of Melbourne Town Hall.
A long time ago I sat in a mesmerized audience in the Town Hall enveloped by beautiful music. In the distance in the middle of a large stage sat a man on a chair creating the sound.
The man was the Jimmy Hendrix of Spanish classical guitar, Andres Segovia.
Recuerdos de la Alhambra played by Andres Segovia
In mid performance, suddenly in the fourth row a man stood up shouting loud abuse- “You call this music?” and expletives I won’t repeat. Segovia stopped playing and you could hear a pin drop as Segovia silently stared at the man who retreated with his tail between his legs. For what seemed like an eternity, Segovia’s stare followed the man out of the building and only then did he resume playing and the audience exploded into loud applause.
When I published ‘My Yuendumu Story’ I did so in the full realisation that publishing success with a few exceptions is ephemeral at best. There are now several hundred people (a higher number than I wasn’t expecting) who have read all or part of my story. I cannot believe that that number of readers does not include at least one person who’ll get up shouting “You call that writing? Porque no te vas a la gran puta Madre que te pario?”, but so far so good, no one has.
I have no doubt ‘My Yuendumu Story’ will end up in Barcelona in that mythic place I was so evocatively introduced to in Carlos Safon’s gothic novel ‘La Sombra del Viento’ (The Shadow of the Wind), namely ‘El cementerio de los libros olvidados’ (The cemetery of the forgotten books). Meanwhile I’m enjoying the flash in the pan and making hay while the sun shines as I embark on Volume II.
Don’t worry be Happy-