We beg our readerships pardon,
After the celebrated funeral of Australia’s greatest Australian, (T. Abbott) we inadvertently turn to the font.
Cardinal Pell’s compassion for victims of unspeakable crimes against children, women, innocents and those touched by the victim’s anguish and shame is a tale of goodness. Albeit those victims suffered original sin in the first place there was no use complaining, ‘Complaineth awayeth Yahweh spaketh for you are already with SIN’ (testicles V2 Ch. 4)
Goodness that he so deftly ignored the mases so that he could thus climb to the top of the greasy pole, and by all accounts a very greasy pole indeed. He triumphed over others misery just as we hope and anticipate the federal and state governments may once again turn first Australians misery into rivers of gold. ‘Plus ca change’ as the French Submarine contractor was heard to say.
Hoping that Pell; (wherever you end up) is looking up at the sad state of affairs in our dead center and as per usual you are hard at work, and still guide your church to say the odd thing, the odd almost heartfelt platitude, and do absolutely nothing.
For nothing is all we seem to get from the great ‘never never’. or as James Bond so blithely said; Never say never never ever NEVER’!
Still in spite of the dimness, the absence of wit and intelligence, a light still burns.
Not the light of a cylinder of uranium isotope, but the light from Franks illuminated eye. The illuminated manuscript that outshines the book of Kells for non fiction incomprehensible fact. An Illumination that shines in spite of the desperation as a voice of compassion and understanding. Where there is NONE…But the steadfast pressure by Governance to turn the misery in some way or other. To convert ‘RIVERS OF GROG’ into ‘RIVERS OF GOLD’
Frank Writes:

We are still puzzled as to why George didn’t hold the funeral in Ballarat? Where his work lives on in the hearts and minds of his parishioners..
G’day amigos,
From page 115 (page 112, 2022 Edition) of My Yuendumu Story:
The NT Liquor Act (1978) introduced the drinking Permit System. Soon after the Act was passed, several well attended government instigated community meetings were held to discuss application of the new laws. Yapa were offered a choice. At these meetings, the majority argued for prohibition, but there were also those who argued for equal drinking rights.
As with most communities, Yuendumu chose to become a compromise ‘Restricted Community’. In restricted communities, grog was forbidden except for permit holders.
Over time self-regulation with the backing of the then strong local Yuendumu Council and unarmed and respected local constabulary reduced the ‘rivers of grog’ to a mere trickle.
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge and the apple cart got seriously upset by the Intervention and its aftermath.
We’re back at square one and everything that is wrong across the cultural divide is sheeted home to alcohol and it is all the fault of the Aborigines.
The highly publicised Alice Springs crime wave has engendered countless experts and spawned a frenzy of political opportunism.

‘Yay Verilly, Not even a thirsty camel shall passeth into the gates of heaven without certification from a loving GOD’! Bicuspids Ch5. v22.
It all has comes down to whether communities should be given the option to ‘opt-in’ to liquor restrictions after the rug was pulled out from under many communities when the Intervention restrictions expired, or whether they should be given the option to ‘opt-out’ of reimposed blanket restrictions.
There are two elephantine elephants in the room. One is labelled ‘Racism’, the other one ‘The Hip Pocket Nerve’
Patrick Davies- Rocky Old Road.
and Bought and Sold-
“….a drunk out on the street I’d rather be…”
PS- A year and a half ago Dispatchees bought several hundred copies of ‘My Yuendumu Story’. I also received many suggestions and comments which, it is not for me to judge, but I believe improved my story no end. As I’m on the home stretch of Vol 2 (‘My Yuendumu Story continued’) I’m once again appealing for help. Please advise if you’re willing to check out excerpts and comment on these. I’m not after proof-reading just suggestions on how I can improve the narrative by for example deletions or additions or changes in sentence structure. I again promise not to shoot the messenger.
I’ll prepare a topic list for you to choose from.
To plan the print run (haven’t yet decided if I’ll go for print-on-demand or not) again please indicate if you will definitely or maybe buy a copy (it will be $45 including postage).
At this stage I aim to have it ready for distribution by 4th. August (my 80th birthday)