Only individuals of deep imagination and vision can lead Australia to a more equitable and fairer society
Another pearler from Frank, who perhaps is suggesting in the great tradition of the Coalition’s, earnest and committed determination to do nothing about carbon reduction that some things will always stay the same. Another win for the kleptocracy, and more free kicks for the 1%? What’s the difference? There aint any, but hope and the glimmer of light that in a hotter world Geoff Bezos will build a space colony on another uninhabitable rock orbiting the sun. To prove the old adage, what goes around, comes around. So it is for government policy, there’s constancy and security in that. Read on…
I’ve mentioned the shifty way the proposed amendments to the ALRA (Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976) are being “sold”.
The amendments are labelled ‘Economic Empowerment’ and are anything but.
Because not everyone is asleep at the wheel, a campaign has led to:
On 21 October 2021, the Senate referred the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Economic Empowerment) Bill 2021 for inquiry and report by Thursday, 25 November 2021. We’re not out of the woods yet.
This stuff is tedious, boring and not easy to understand. Suffice it to say that in my opinion the biggest elephant in the room is that the amendments would make currently inalienable Aboriginal land ‘bankable’, in other words the same paradigm would apply to it as has led to what are known as the 1%ers.
The people who can afford to shoot themselves into space. The people who fiddle while Rome burns.
If you can spare the time, you might be interested to listen to Jon Altman discuss the amendments.
Wed 27th Oct. 7:30 – 8:30 PM ADST (UTC + 11)
You may also be interested to listen to Donovan Rice, Ned Hargraves and myself talk about My Yuendumu Story on Wed 3rd November at 7:30 – 8:30 PM ADST (UTC + 11)
For both of these events, tickets are free.

A society determined to abide by the principles of reason, fair-play and open-ness to new ideas and the power of imagination.
Enough of the serious stuff:
Sofia Picon has just won the junior section of the annual vallenata competition in Colombia. Here you can see why:
Trawling through some old Dispatches (for material to go into MYS Volume 2) I came across some amazing music I’d forgotten:
See ya’s