Dear reader, another pearl from Frank.
Normally, we’d pad this dispatch with breathlessly irrelevant asides, but as this one hits the mark, we’ll dispense with the preliminaries and let Frank open the proceedings. He writes….
The Northern Territory has just recorded its first Covid-19 related death.
Great fears are held for NT Aboriginal Communities with low vaccination rates, should the currently fairly contained virus get loose.
In Yuendumu about half the eligible population have had the first vaccination and a quarter have received two doses.
So I had a long conversation with an Indigenous man in Alice Springs. This man just lost his job because he refuses to be vaccinated. Vaccination in the NT is now a mandatory requirement for some job-types. The fact that currently there are no known cases of Covid-19 in Alice Springs makes no difference. Rules are rules and must be obeyed and applied, which axiom pre-dates the pandemic.
The man is highly intelligent and has a sharp understanding of what goes on around him, so I found it hard to reconcile this with his accepting conspiracy theories and social media mis-information re Covid-19. The microchip nonsense and genocidal agendas, the use of Indigenous Australians as guinea pigs and so on. Forced vaccinations of Aboriginal children and armed confinement. Compulsory vaccinations as a “power grab”, as if there is much power left to be grabbed. All stuff fact checked and debunked by such reputable sources as Reuters.
So as my conversation progressed, I came to understand why this man came to such different conclusions to mine. He’d spent a lifetime being lied to and patronized by bureaucrats and politicians and other people from the dominant society. A litany of broken promises and falsehoods had signposted this man’s life. So many times, he’d had to swallow the bitter pill of being told how to live his life “for his own good”, that he isn’t buying the message to get vaccinated “for his own good”. He’s lived his life with a continuous risk of debilitating illness anyway, so adding one more disease to the list is no big deal. He prefers to have his breadwinning capacity seriously curtailed to once again giving in to pressures to be told what to do.

Barnaby’s Father in law is standing for Parliament! Old Patrician values to keep us PURE from the taint of thinking.
If you believe, pray for us, if you don’t, please cross your fingers and knock on wood for us.
Veel bedankt

Bob represents the entire top end who get the symbolism behind a ‘bottle o Coke’ and a’Pie n Sauce’! Australian Values’!”The AUSTRALIAN WAY’!
PS- 60 copies of My Yuendumu Story left. No.6 bestseller at Red Kangaroo Books.
Volume 2, half written, give it half a year or more to get into print. Might aim for my next birthday in August.’