Another musical dispatch from our sage from the distant north. The man who goes by the name “FRANK”. This dispatch requires no explanation, qualification or analysis, because unlike anything the coalition promises on climate, ‘law n order’, funding for research papers and the dim art of diplomacy, this one makes perfect sense.
So, for those who are into tennis, it’s a perfect volley, and for those who can afford more expensive shoes than the Dunlop standard, you shouldn’t be reading this in the first place.
I am almost embarrassed to post this link-
Most if not all of you live in places where 24 cases of Corona virus is a low number one can only dream of. Well, that is the number so far in Yuendumu.

Sometimes they fall foul of the rules, this can get them into trouble with those who make the rules.
Meanwhile we in Australia have just been presented with a no-win situation.
Will one of the world’s most arrogant tennis players be allowed to stay in a country with one of the world’s most arrogant Prime Ministers? No matter what our Minister of Immigration decides, neither decision is something to rejoice about. Tennis and politics, sadly it is all about winning.
We are the losers.
Meanwhile those poor buggers Novax briefly shared accommodation with have once again dropped below the radar.
Blessed are the comedians. It’s been suggested Novak could end up winning the Christmas Island Open. Our friend Chips Mackinolty suggested Novak could become the Biloela children’s tennis coach.
Many years ago (I think it was in Queensland) the authorities introduced a requirement for job seekers to prove they were actively looking for a job if they were claiming unemployment benefits. The authorities were swamped by claims from unemployed lion tamers.
This has made me think of a solution to the numerous refugees held in detention.
They should all claim to be au pairs.
Australian TV isn’t the greatest to keep up with what is happening in the rest of the world. It was on Spanish TV (re-broadcast on SBS) that I learned the volcano on La Palma Island had finally stopped spewing lava. It was on the PBS hour that I learned that today was the 20th Anniversary of Guantanamo Bay receiving its first guests. Twenty bloody years, just ponder that.
And my favorite Cuban song: Veinte años (20 Years)
Que se arranca sin piedad
(It’s a piece of the soul, torn out without pity)

In Australia successful tennis always depends upon strict adherence to the rule book. Failure to abide by the rules will get you incarcerated in Guantanamo, (if you’re overseas, (have a surname Hicks, or Assange) or in one of our excellent detention facilities.