Flt Lieut F.Barda, (Croix de Guerre, Legion d’Honneur, Pour le Merite, Iron Cross 2nd Class, DFC, MC, DSO (with bar) inspects the special Corona transport capsule in the fuselage of his Tiger Moth ” Spirit of Depletion” before making another ‘RAT-drop’ over remote communities. Rat- Droppings have become ” part and parcel” of dealing with the Corona Scourge in outback communities.
Another stellar dispatch from our correspondent from the distant, but not incomprehensibly distant near north. In this piece Frank suggests to us that the acronym YLEMCRG stands for something completely different from what we thought it was. ‘ You’ll Love everything money can reasonably get’, an initiative by the N.T Government to drive enterprise bargaining and start up businesses via the collective wisdom of the Fair Work Commission and their stellar representative Sophie, (‘is that another federally funded sinecure coming my way?’) at Yuendumu. Though there is no work for locals, this initiative plans to instil business best practise and reward for enterprise as a core set of values for building better communities. Which doubtless is achieved on a daily basis by the innumerable NGO’s determined to turn the remote community into ‘rivers of gold’. So that the status-quo may never be changed, please read from this point wherein, for ‘Frank’s sakes’…vetted and approved via We-chat and our operatives in Beijing.
Frank writes, with deference to our friends in Sth and Nth Korea…

Meanwhile, down south, authorities at Tennis Australia have been alerted to the scourge of ‘free speech’ at the Australian Open.
굿데이 프렌즈
Someone defined the function of bureaucracy in a nutshell:
a) To take credit
b) To assign blame Depending on the outcome.
I’ll confine myself to bureaucracy, and try not to mention our politicians nor our Prime Minister in this Dispatch, as they already receive saturation exposure and put many Australians to sleep with their bullshit.
It was through an article in the Guardian, that I found out that we in Yuendumu have a Yuendumu local emergency management Covid response group. The article which relies in part on provided minutes (yes, they take minutes) of a YLEMCRG (!) meeting, also informed me that some of the close contacts from the initial outbreak who were evacuated into quarantine in Alice Springs, were flown back to Yuendumu on completion of their quarantine period. They returned without warning (Police and Health Clinic were not notified) and not tested on arrival and released into the community, only for them to be tested the following two days, and some found to be Covid positive.

In accordance with Public Safety Acts and Civic Compliance acts 23, 34, and 55 A, Wilful displays of “Freedom of Speech” were ruthlessly tracked down by Victoria Police and removed for the event.
In colloquial Australian this is known as a “fuck up”.
When Wendy returned to Yuendumu, as a fully vaccinated “essential worker” and resident, on the Centre Bush Bus, she was RAT tested before being allowed on the bus. This is in sharp contrast to when Centre Bush Bus brought the three Covid positive passengers to Yuendumu resulting in the initial Yuendumu outbreak which set the cat amongst the pigeons.
Before Wendy was due to return from her holiday break, I spent an hour reading the NT’s Chief Medical Officer’s Covid-19 Direction (No.10): Directions to lock out Yuendumu and Yuelamu.
All 22 pages of it. Pages 15 to 22 are taken up by a Schedule of Essential workers who are allowed to enter Yuendumu. The list of enterprises and endeavours whose workers are considered “essential” includes:

‘Another Disruptor before arrest and incarceration via prisoner exchange with facilities to the distant north have been processed via the Glorious Organ Transplant Initiative of the eighteenth Five Year Plan’, (ed: Peoples Daily)
Fishmongers, liquor retailers, pet stores, faith leaders broadcasting services, port operations, blood banks, consular and diplomatic services, Commonwealth agency services including Australian Border Force, organisations that provide urgent services… including snake removal services. Enough is enough, suffice it to say the list includes just about everybody, except “unqualified” Aborigines.
The list brought great joy to me. Most pleasing of all was the inclusion of:
“… a member of Parliament or anyone required to ensure the function of the Legislative Assembly or Commonwealth Parliament.”
So you can you imagine my ecstatic reaction when sometime later, someone handed me the 14-page Biosecurity (Emergency Requirements- Remote Communities) Determination (No.1) 2022.
I was pleased to see the Commonwealth Government’s “essential activities” mirrored the NT’s “Essential workers” Schedule. I was however disappointed by the Feds omitting snake removal.
I’m much more optimistic about the light at the end of the tunnel. I think all these bureaucratic activities will stop the virus in its tracks.

‘Prisoner prior to exchange and accredited (WBP) organ donation demonstrating degenerate tendencies, tattooing, non face- mask compliance, and tendency to Jay-Walk, (Victoria Police Confidential Report). ‘Degenerative free speech at the Australian Open and systemic flouting of Covid Public Safety Response Agenda”.