Another musical dispatch from the front

Kev’s apology was really really top notch. He’s devoted his life ever since to improving the lot of the black-fella and ensuring kiddies are not taken away, ” for their own good”. (“My vision is 20/20”, K.Rudd Autobiography)

Dear reader,

Another gripping insight from our correspondent from the distant north Frank, who’s solemn duty is to  inform us minute by minute of the unfolding crisis enveloping those “wretched’ communities of the far flung interior. ‘Not even the  myriad NGO”s and Government agencies working in these communities seem able to divert a disaster now’, (Sky News). ‘And the future is exceedingly grim for those people CUT-OFF from the rest of AUSTRALIA’, (ABC News)

Scomo’s apology gets a rating of about 8 outta 10. Behind bullet-proof glass and protected by the cone of silence, he recognises a woman in parliament for the first time.

More compelling than the P.M’s heartfelt response to women who have been bullied, harassed and sexually insulted in our nations parliament, and more epoch making than Kevin Rudd’s apologies to the stolen generations, For as we well know in each instance, nothing ever really changes.

But let’s not let cynicism have its way. In a patriarchal culture why shouldn’t women be both seen and sometimes under the grace of Parliament be heard? That’s what a fully functioning non corruption or integrity agency type government is all about.  And besides, isn’t justice meant to be blind. In that we trust. A Blind trust? Poke your eyes out if they aint Christian Values?  We’ll need more than a Porter to carry that through the public conversation. Best not talk about it. Where were we? Oh yes another message from Frank. Now pay attention, (attention is not listed in the Digest of  Parliamentary Lobbyists) and LISTEN!


THERE SHE IS! Her voice, (for the sake of the solemn traditions observed in parliament) is Gagged. Unlike Grace, Brittany shows deep respect for P.M, about to have an election in which it is alleged women may comprise half the electorate.(This statistic is being vigorously rebuffed by the Institute or Puboic Affairs)

He  (Frank) writes….


Just a quick one,

The supply chain in the Northern Territory has suffered a double whammy.
Widespread flooding has exacerbated the already difficult situation resulting from the pandemic.
On the TV news a couple of days ago I saw the dire situation at Santa Teresa. Not only have they, like many other Central Australian Aboriginal communities, had a Covid-19 outbreak, but they have been completely cut off.
The news item showed us the empty store shelves. No food whatsoever.

It could have been worse- the shelves had one item- toilet rolls!

Another woman spotted in parliament. Like most women, (except for the femme-bots installed by Boston Dynamics) this one is invisible to the rest of the chamber.



An (alleged) woman, eagerly searches the aisles for the Government White Paper on ‘Women in the Workforce’.