Dear electorally charged and challenged reader.

The problem with foreign people in Australia is they don’t know about respect for Australian Institutions. Dual Citizen M.P’ s are TROUBLE-MAKERS!
This is another one from Frank. Frank from the North West frontier. Not to be confused with the biblical ‘Frank- in sense’, who wrote about economics under the nom de plume, ‘Galbraith’ or the winner of the last Federal Election ‘Frank of the Fully Franked Dividend’!
In this dispatch Frank is seriously questioning both the morality and the execution of Australian indigenous and border policies. Why is Frank doing this you may ask? We believe it’s because Frank at the end of the day, whichever way you look at it, taking everything into consideration, in the cold light of day, and not to put too fine a point on it is a ……….. ( wait for it)…………a……………..FOREIGNER!
That’s the problem with Frank.

SCOMO wouldn’t even hold the hose, cos he knows that with Germans, (or Dutch) or any other foreigner, they don’t know our ways.
Because he started off as a young individual from Holland, where Dykes always leak and a finger must be at the ready to plug the leak. And then to make matters worse he spent years in Argentina, a nation blessed by beautiful weather, systemic corruption and a safe haven for those who may seek refuge and new identities post war. From there he made his way to Australia.
This is Frank’s problem. If only he’d just accepted Australia and forgotten about his foreign past he’d be a ‘good Australian’. Instead, cos of the foreign taint he bangs on about justice, equity and a fair-go. That’s Un- Australian. So we caution you to read this missive as an Australian and quietly chuckle, “There he goes again,” and accept Frank for being deeply flawed. And being foreign he’s always asking questions? He doesn’t understand the Australian virtue of accepting the way things are and just shutting up as the electorate is supposed to do.

Australians have a mighty tradition that dates back to a time before Ku Klux Clan gatherings at Tarren Kwot.
At the end of the day, when pressed Frank probably doesn’t even know the Don’s batting average, and couldn’t tell you which horse won the 1933 Melbourne Cup. He probably, if you scratch the surface couldn’t tell you which footy team he barracked for, and if you scratched a bit further he doesn’t harbour a deep and unresolved HATE for those he thinks have jumped the queue. So in this light be sympathetic to his viewpoint. But we urge you DON’T be swayed. At election time there’s all sorts of crack- pots having a go at the ‘Lucky Country’. And why are they having a go? Cos they wouldn’t be happy in any situation. Not even a knock shop with an extended happy hour. And being foreign makes em no- hopers! But we tolerate em just the same, because at the end of the day we’re not only the ‘Lucky Country’, but the most easy going, fair – minded bastards you’ll find this side of the black stump. And that’s why we’re in furious agreement that it’s an undisputed OUTRAGE that the lady who was the CEO of Guide Dogs Victoria got sacked for backing Josh. We at pcbycp are 100 percent behind the only man who can save Australia from what goes on in the far- canal, ( its adjacent to Guadalcanal). And that’s Clive and his message of ‘ Freedom, Freedom , Freedom! ‘Clive of Australia’. Onya Clive!
Frank writes;
On 24th April 2015 (one day before Anzac Day) The Monthly published Chips Mackinolty’s ‘Another Gallipoli’. As the world is witnessing yet another refugee tsunami (this time emanating from Ukraine), Chip’s article is well worth revisiting and pondering on.
Am currently reading Behrouz Boochani’s ‘No Friend but the Mountain (writing from Manus Prison)’.
As an Australian citizen, my response is confined to a feeble “not in my name”.
Australia’s asylum seeker policies and assimilationist attack on remote Aboriginal Australia continue unabated. The ‘Stop the Boats’ mantra, which I think it was the Koori Mail so cleverly parodied with ‘Stop the Votes’, continues to enjoy bi-partisan support and to top it all is now being embraced on the other side of the world by that joke of a Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
Sam Cooke- A change is gonna come…

Refugee boat on Christmas Island. (Now being refurbished as HMAS Apathy), an “Attack Class” nuclear submersible.