Dear reader,
Another scintillating fragment from the man they call ‘Frank’.

Zac Rolfe won a lot of medals on the FRONTLINE. He came to Yuendumu inspired by doing GOOD! Sadly, the locals did not recognise him as a BLOODY GREAT WAR HERO who wore shiny new MEDALS!
He writes to us from the frontline. The troubled North-West frontier in which justice is just another word they use to replace those worn-out tropes of ‘compassion, empathy and understanding’. Good thing we say, as with those old bogies the justice system in the NT would not be able to expand and expand, and guarantee employment for all those selfless, noble, self-sacrificing police officers that endure the hardship, (that’s why they’re on remote allowances, bonuses and all manner of perks and lurks) so that they must uphold the right to be white and righteous. We can only hope that we accept the recommendations of the ‘Interior Growth Commission’ and accept that incarceration of indigenous Australians at birth. This would be a further boon to the undeveloped wastelands of the dry interior. Only Jobs and growth in incarceration can fulfil the jobs potential of NT futures.
So, here’s to Zachary Rolfe and all those who see a silver lining in blunt, obdurate administration of blind justice. And for those who are truly blind the Braille edition of this can be read on the walls of an NT prison near you.
Frank writes….
All stand,
On Monday the coronial inquest into the death of Kumanjayi Walker will commence in Alice Springs.
The proceedings are scheduled for three months.

Caption; ‘Old Australia half-crown postage stamp showing a portrait of an Aborigine man’. note absence of medals and tendency to be incarcerated.
Meanwhile in the Northern Territory the Justice system continues on its set course headed for an iceberg. Additional police personnel are actively being recruited. Jails are being built and expanded. It is a major industry.

Indigenous family. Note propensity to law- breaking. Spear, (unlicensed), Woomera (without safety catch) and absence of shiny new medals.
The graph below shows that in the NT approx. 1% of the adult population is locked up at any one time. For adult Aboriginal men it is 3%. And that is not counting imprisoned minors who are all Aboriginal Elvis, I want to be free Lajamanu Teenage Band- Prisoner Lucky Dube- Prisoner Carlos Ramón Fernández
Que te ha pasado justicia
Please pay particular attention to the lyrics of this song. Anthropologists call it lateral violence. Lucky Dube- Victims
Just watch the people who celebrate NT Justice, pull out all stops to depict Yuendumu as a dysfunctional dangerous place so as to justify the unjustifiable.
Be seated,

Lone indigenous Australian. Spear and aggressive stance indicates propensity to law breaking and obdurate refusal to register spear and inappropriate, (NT Dress Code) use of underwear. A clear breach of NT Civil Standards.