This dispatch is dedicated to the selfless work undertaken by Zac Rolfe in keeping the streets of Camp Rolfe, (Yuendumu) Safe! We are sad to say Zac declined an interview with pcbycp as he was busy at a medal polishing ceremony. Medal polishing is very popular amongst NT Law enforcement agencies.
With drums of war beating ever louder and the Global Economy teetering at the edge of a deep depression and the precipice of climate change tipping points looming ever closer, I’m somewhat hesitant to bring you the latest from the front.
I won’t be writing a lengthy opinionated piece on the Kumanjayi Walker inquest, and refer you to the NT ABC news’ summary:
In the evidence so far, much is made of the NT Police’s efforts at engendering cultural awareness, sensitivity and respect in their ranks. There is talk of a few bad apples. To most police witnesses the emperor is fully clothed.

Zac being congratulated by former GG, for not only wearing shiny medals, but sporting significant, (culturally significant) tattoos. Proof that NT Police have a deep understanding of culturally significant tattoos, shiny medals and wearing black amongst persons of non-whiteish skin colour, A true sign of cultural awareness amongst ‘wretched’ peoples.
In 2014 I had a spell in Alice Springs Hospital and called in on a couple of Warlpiri patients in a room down the corridor.
One of these was a sadly since passed away ex-Yuendumu resident who had been an ACPO (Aboriginal Community Police Officer) for decades.
When I asked him if the Intervention had affected him, he told me of his frustration in that new young police recruits didn’t talk to him and had no idea of who he was. He felt he had a few worthwhile things he could tell them.

In Victoria, the police force work selflessly to ensure public safety and do so in the field without the protection of shiny medals. Though it is argued if they did display shiny medals, they would be more respected by the community, jay walkers and fare evaders.
I wrote at the time when recounting this anecdote that to the new recruits he was just a black face like all of those they feel they have a right to hassle in the streets.
PS- Jumping Jack Flash- It’s a gas (1968)
Panarctic King Christian Island D-18 well gas blowout 1970 (I was there)
Nord Stream gas pipelines leaks 2022