This edition of Musical dispatches dedicated and sponsored by NT’s ‘Stronger Futures’ and the ‘Zac Rolfe institute of Public Safety’. This transcript comes to us direct from Camp Rolfe (Yuendumu)
Another one from our scribe from the Northwestern Frontier,

Not only do our bravest and finest have to work in dangerous native camps, they also have to ensure that valuable private property, ( Municipal Pit Covers) are salvaged in times of flood. Benny Boy Roberts Smith training at an undisclosed location in the NT
The man who goes by the most enigmatic of nom de plume’s ” Frank’.
In this-un, Frank seems to be making a pointed criticism about the Gogol-esque level of bureaucracy, the Dostoyevskian-esque administration of Justice and the Kafkian absurdity of “Corrective Services” in the State of Victoria.

Royals seek high level advice on Public Safety and fare evasion from trusted advisers. It keeps them respected as upholders of the law and the maintenance of the principal of procedural fairness to royals and the public alike.
On this we’d like to differ. After recent disclosures we can safely say that senior bureaucrat manager positions in the State of Victoria’s Department of Justice have skyrocketed. Where once there were just a few, now there’s almost several dozen senior bureaucrat managers, (we assume all possessed of an MBA) dispensing justice. Not in a physical sense but performing invaluable tasks. Such as constructing white papers, discussion papers, dot point presentations and ‘moving forward’, a host of other important truth seeking and justice initiatives designed to make Victoria’s administrative processes world standard.
Indeed, and with some irony we may remind Frank that this augmentation of Justice admin and management is adopted by the model pioneered by his own government of the Northern Territory. And we have it on good authority that because of this level of administration that FIFO Nursing staff at ‘Camp Rolfe’, (Yuendumu) feel safe now. Safe now in knowing that they have 24/7 Police protection and people like Zachary, highly trained and ruthless who will hunt down jay walkers, fine evaders, litterers and those who guided by pangs of conscientious objection fail to vote in local, state or federal elections.
It’s why we need police officers of the calibre of Zac Rolfe at ‘Camp Rolfe’, ( Yuendumu) to round up these evil doers.
To bring them to justice and KILL THEM!

Victoria trialing new children’s crossing supervisors. To work in concert with School chaplaincy program.
Dear Friends,
I feel like sharing my excitement about the way law and justice in Australia, and particularly in the Northern Territory, keeps us safe.
Someone I know well discovered today that there is a 2016 State of Victoria warrant out for his arrest. He failed to pay a fine of which he was unaware. His crime? He failed to register a cat.
I won’t comment on the following article in today’s ABC NT online news:

UK Police trial New Age Spit-hoods. Note trial on compliant model. (People of colour were considered a flight risk and ‘unreliable’)
Don’t know why, but it makes me think of the tree that was charged for standing in the way of a vehicle.
Then of course there was Monty Python’s Black Knight- just as well he didn’t resort to spitting.

Jay-walker being accosted by fully automated systems law enforcement operative for Jay Walking. Trials on better response times and justice admin via robo-debt type schemes is ongoing.
PS- A bit of non-sequitur nice music: