This dispatch is bought to you by the Victoria Police. Straight bats in any corruption enquiry as they conduct all enquiries in- house.
Dear reader,
there’s been a flood of musical dispatches, lately. No hypothetical levy can hold this torrent of wit and sagacity back. There are no metaphorical sand-bags for this kind of deluge. Best just to let it flow and set it to print. What could the reason for this uptick in correspondence, the confirmation of Xi for another five years and more? The knowledge that the Premier of Victoria is to give the police even more powers? Or the heart settling and very comforting thought that with a new Pommy P.M, things are really gonna change….. NOT!
Or is it just the excitement that the world’s greatest and wealthiest crime gang, The Windsors, aka; ‘The FIRM inc’ plan to visit the antipodes next year. Probably looking for a bolt-hole in Aussie before they get the boot from poms fed up with the trickle-down effect. Our only hope is they find digs in Sydney with a harbour view, perhaps next door to Peter Fitsimmons? We can only hope
This one from Frank is mildly depressing, so we suggest before reading it have a lie down, a few Bex Powders and try not to drop then onto the casino floor as Wayne did. And then, with the stereo tuned to Mantovani, relax and imbibe to a story writ large from the hellish and remote North-West Frontier. From ‘Camp Rolfe’, (formerly the native settlement at Yuendumu).
Frank writes…
Fratelli e sorelle,
At the T-Junction at the western end of the main drag into Yuendumu a pointy shaped rock which came from Juka-Juka had been placed. It was upright and encircled by flat lying rocks.
Yuendumu’s Park featured many placed rocks which Council workers would rotationally paint bright white. The phallic rock at the T-Junction had to be repainted each morning because overnight it would mysteriously acquire abright red knob.
At the current Kumanjayi Walker coronial inquest the use by NT Police of Glock pistols is being thoroughly questioned and discussed.
So far, I’ve yet to hear Glocks discussed as phallic symbols.
I repeat Cathy Wilcox’s “Unfair Game” cartoon
Sadly, it isn’t a game.
Many will disagree, but I think the so-called Frontier Wars are yet to run their course.
Dire Straits… Brothers in Arms.
PS- to get away from the sombre mood:

Historic photo of Yuendumu streetscape before “Improvement”. Both cars are on the historic vehicles register. Both drivers are still incarcerated in a NT corrections facility for numerous crimes, jay walking, dropping cigarette butts, library fines, hunting without a valid permit and other civil misdemeanors too numerous to mention.