See no Conflict, Speak no conflict, Hear no conflict of interest! This edition of Musical Dispatches sponsored by Stewie Robert. A man who knows how to get things done and will look after mates in sourcing them the Taxpayer Funded RIVERS OF GOLD!
Dear reader, with Crypto currency on the slide and a susserus of fear not seen since that fateful day in November 1929, and the drums of war, and what’s going on in Ukraine, and the tribulations of our erstwhile Glorious leader ‘Scomo’ in denying any responsibility to parliament and the people of Australia it’s comforting to read that there was, has, may have been a time when big plans made it big in ” Camp Rolfe’, (formerly Yuendumu).
Not the big plans currently in favour with the government to criminalise and imprison the majority of the male population for transgressing the laws of whiteness, but a bigger project that would surely put Yoonda, (now called ‘Camp Rolfe’) on the map. We won’t tell you what it is, we’ll let our scribe from the distant North West Frontier divulge that fact. But rest assured, form Franks pen it will be a considered and important NATION BUILDING PROJECT!
So, grab your Michelin guide and thrown your chefs caps into the air, because thus nation building exercise will put Camp Rolfe, (formerly Yuendumu) firmly on the map. Albeit, we have a suggestion for Frank. Perhaps he should enlist the services of the Coalition’s very able minister Stuart Robert, He knows how to get things done, and is the man with the means and business connections to MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Stewie’s the FULL-BOTTLE on mateship. Mates Rates, and looking after Mates who are not even part of the parliamentary system. Cos he knows the ART of the DEAL, (D. Trump) and getting rid of RED and Green TAPE! ONYA STEWIE!
Over to you Frank, being yuletide; we converse with Frank via Ham Radio,.
Many years ago, some of us in Yuendumu fantasized a tourist attraction to rival Coffs Harbour’s Big Banana and Kingston’s Big Crayfish.
At the top of Yuendumu Hill, south of the town across the Tanami Road, we’d erect a tower topped by a revolving restaurant which in turn was crowned by a large Styrofoam, wait for it:
Stewie has an uncanny likeness to Max Schreck who did such a lot for the Funeral and Blood Transfusion industries way back in 1922. Could they be related?
Ta da!!… The Big Witchetty Grub.
Just like the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Ristorante Ngalkirdi never left the written pages.
Colpa mia, turns out my portrayal of this community I love, in My Yuendumu Story, is fictional. I found the true Yuendumu surfing the net when I came across the following:
Restaurants in Yuendumu, Australia
If you wish to book any of these restaurants to savour Yuendumu’s culinary delights, I am prepared to assist you with this and will gladly provide bank details. I also have a large bridge for sale in Sydney and a large rock in Central Australia.
For a more modest outlay you can have that fictional account (My Yuendumu Story) posted to your friends as a Christmas gift (now $44 due to increased delivery cost- mailed direct to your friend)
Mariza- Un Beijo de Saudade
From the head the hydra grows. (or was it the teeth?) A great leader looks to other ways to monetise his position as a fully taxpayer funded representative. The QUEST continues.