The Missing isotope is highly dangerous and contained within a small cylinder. Could the cylinders look like these?
Dear reader,
another pearler from Frank.
This one is more illuminating than a cylinder of radioactive isotope that’s fallen off the back of a truck in some arse-end part of Australia.
Funny, Frank writes to us from the ARTS end of Australia, where if they’re not busy blowing up rock art, they’re trying to bang all the males, let loose, ( ‘let me Abo’s go loose Bruce’, as eulogised by Australia’s greatest bard Rolf Haris, former recipient of MBE, AO Pour le merite Gold Logie) inside to keep the ‘Incarceration Paramilitary Complex’.
The Incarceration Paramilitary complex you may ask?
Yes, folks that’s the other great driver of the Australian Economy up on the arts-end beyond mining and blowing things up. It’s a complex that’s unstoppable and bought to you by a cohort of well-meaning NGO’s, bureaucrats and people who care so much about the locals they’re intent on locking them all up where they can be safely looked after. For their own good. Something in Frank’s missive suggests he’s not entirely happy with the current status quo at ‘Camp Rolfe’, (formerly Yuendumu) but we at pcbycp think that he’s a lefty ratbag who just doesn’t get the power and bounty that comes with Civilisation. And after all we’ve done for THEM, it begs the question, an eternal one; Why aren’t they more grateful?
We asked this passer-by if he’d seen the isotope, but he wouldn’t tell us, as he was into conspiracy theories and right leaning.
We’ve got a point. And if Frank has a point, he needs to find a voice.
A lone voice will never do. It never occurred to us, but perhaps with all this talk about the voice they, (the poor buggers who lived peacefully here in coexistence with nature for tens of thousands of years before we turned up) may have a point also. We rang the federal parliament and they said they’d get back to this on a time frame not dissimilar to the nuclear subs program. Which we found heartening, cos we’re still trying to work out why the immigration restriction act was the best they could do in 1901, and they still haven’t got back to us. They reckon, the bloke who answered the phone, not sure if he was AI, that;’ it’s due process’.
Whatever that means.
Either way we’ve got a good feeling about getting a cogent reply. As Australian’s, we’ve been at this issue for almost 250 years so, like the submarine contract they should have a pretty good handle on it. And it was surprising that people hadn’t asked these questions before. I suppose they’re just drowned out by the white noise of Canberra and can’t be heard.
You’d need a loud voice.
Just to be heard.
This lady was not helpful either. We suspect she was conflicted as she was busy having a ‘Nuclear Family’.
A voice on its own just won’t get through.
A megaphone would work, or perhaps even a national brass band network to have that voice converted into a very large Noise!! We’ve put our proposal for a NBN (National Brass Band Network) through to parliament as well, and so far we know that the executive corps tasked with running the scheme are doing very well indeed with huge salaries and bonuses which is encouraging. Cos from our end we aint heard a thing.
Bit like the isotope that fell of the back of the truck, we’ll find it and move on.
Might come in handy if we want to blow up a bigger bit of Rock Art?
We suspect the isotope may have travelled back to Maralinga. Last time we looked there were certain visual indicators that suggested it may have found something useful to do there, though we hasten to add there are no visible signs of Rock Art at Maralinga?
Frank writes; (with optimism)…..
From Cuba: