Dear reader, another un from Frank.

Political spin. Did it have anything to do with Carparks in Coalition electorates? ‘Tudgey’, was big on spin. A sad loss to ‘spinsters’ everywhere.
In this un, Frank puts a half light on those who profess to be something they aren’t. This may have something to do with political spin. We’re not sure if political spin runs clockwise or counterclockwise. Suffice to say it’s always spinning, and like the fan, there’s (in spite of intense scrutiny and checks and balances), a tendency for the centrifugal deflection of excrement.
But we know with the vexed issue of Aboriginal Australia, there’s always another shocking, deeply and profoundly shocking revelation that stokes the fires of indignation. And with indignation comes the pleasant reassurance of knowing that we are superior. And if we were just a little bit more honest with ourselves; smug.
There’s entitlement in smugness.
Anyway, here’s Frank, who tells it how it is…
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken 1921
In 2007 it was the appearance of Mal Brough staffer Gregory Andrews as an Anonymous Youth Worker on the ABC’s Lateline program which helped spark the Northern Territory Emergency Response aka The Intervention. Gregory’s allegations have since been debunked and his true identity exposed. This hasn’t reversed his appearance’s perpetual effect on the stereotype of Aboriginal men as sexual predators.
Fast forward to 2023. With Peta Credlin on Sky News and Karl Stefanovic on Channel Nine’s Today Show leading the charge, Rachel Hale was featured as an Alice Springs based Remote Area nurse. Rachel inter alia alleged that the reason Aboriginal children were roaming the streets of Alice Springs at night was that they didn’t want to go home because they would be raped. Hale’s allegations have since been debunked and her true identity exposed. This hasn’t reversed her appearance’s perpetual effect on the stereotype of Aboriginal men as sexual predators.
I started my career as a wellsite geologist working for consultant firm Cundill Meyers and Associates. Nelson Meyers told me that at a Queensland oil exploration wellsite a character turned up with a black box. The black box contained a fail proof petroleum detection device and it was for sale. Nels was not prepared to buy it unless he was told how it worked. It was a secret the character was not prepared to divulge. No deal. If I had been there I would have offered to swap it for the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Last Tuesday ASIO boss Mike Burgess in a well publicised speech warned that Australia was being targeted by unprecedented spying activity and that ASIO had successfully dealt with this. Like the character with the black box, Mike was not prepared to reveal how ASIO worked. Like Nels I’m not buying it. Spy, Who can you trust? (Indeed)
This is not fiction:
A few days ago Rachel Hale pleaded guilty in the Darwin local court to three charges
1. Forgery
2. Making a false declaration
3. Using a carriage service to harass
As I understand it Rachel carried out a six month campaign of harassment against her beauty salon Alice Springs competitor. Courtney Barnett- theme song from Harriet the Spy
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Pandora had a black box, she didn’t like the colour, painted it gold and she found herself in serious trouble.