Hot on the heels of the docco on John Farnham in which the legendary singer is lauded for being the very icon of Australian popular music because he never wrote anything, never played anything , but just sang is another thriling endorsement of the Australian Way. Just turn up, and the bounty will follow. We have another endorsement of Federal Government policy from our man of the North West Frontier,
Frank thinks there’s a problem with Stolen Gereations V2. He reckons that it outperforms Stolen Generations V1 on almost any yardstick and as a consequence should be deemed not fit for purpose.
Politefully and respectfully we tend to disagree.

The boon of the trickle down effect. All these indicies provide ongoing employment and growth in the Industrial Incarceration complex.
What Frank doesnt acknowledge is just how good for shareholders and the bureaucracy alone the Stolen Gen V.2 1 is. Great for the ‘Industrial Incarceration Complex’.
University tests prove that ‘Stolen’ either version 1.0 or 2.0 keeps the economy going. A win -win for the incarceration industry, police, justice system and bureaucrats. And the manufacturing of Royal Commissions and White Papers. Unsung heroes of the Industrial incarceration complex. A real and unrecognised driver, beyond real estate and mining of Australia’s growing economy.
Frank Writes;
Ngurrju mayi?
The simple question “Do you think ………………(here insert any group of people) should be given a say in matters affecting them?” is being twisted into the muddy waters of obfuscation.
Reminds me of when the Paris Vietnam Peace Conference descended into lengthy arguments as to what shape the table should have.
The red herring as a political weapon.

Dutto. Working for ‘Real Australians’ and the vast mass of ‘quiet under- achievers’. To say; ‘Computer Says NO’!
The Dutton/Price anti YES vote campaign has succeeded in making me make up my mind. I’m voting YES regardless of the actual wording.
Senator Price’s latest is to demand that child protection should revert to Federal control. To the ABC Insiders program she spoke at length about foster parents having their charges returned to kin.
Let me remind you of what I wrote in My Yuendumu Story on this subject (p306 first edition or p300 second edition):
“Thus functions the New Stolen Generation. Indigenous children in Australia continue to be removed from their families at a greater rate than ever.
A Warlpiri mother had got into strife in Alice Springs. Her baby was taken and “placed.” A few years later the rehabilitated mother who had in the meantime returned to Yuendumu had, after a lengthy court battle, regained custody of her child.
The child returned only to bawl his eyes out. He did not recognise his mother, he was not used to seeing so many black faces, he did not understand the language. The mother was also greatly distressed. And that is saying nothing about the Kardiya family who had in the meantime cared for and loved the baby boy.”

And every decade or so, another Royal Commission. KC’s have investment portfolios that must also be maintained.
And this is the bit Senator Price left out:
“There are no winners. The child should not have been removed from his extended Warlpiri family in the first place. So much for the multimillion dollar ‘Child Protection’ industry.”
The removal of children was and is predicated on a belief that our (Kardiya) society is superior and has more to offer these children than has Indigenous society. It is ultimately an assimilationist endeavour based on ethnocentric assumptions and exacerbated by politically motivated exaggerations, distortions and lies.
Ngaka nangku nyanyi