Jacintas the full bottle. For the folks south of the ‘Brisbane line’ she has a big wall hanging to denote her as ABSOLUTE LEADER! Just in case good folk get her confused with ‘others’ who pretend to LEAD for ‘her mob’.
Another one from Frank, our dependable scribe from the North West frontier.
His latest missive from ‘Camp Rolfe’ (formerly Yuendumu), makes for interesting reading as he suggsts that Jacinta Price may not be correct on assumptions made about what goes on up north.
We, the editorial staff at pcbycp are just a little confused cos we thought, as we read the Catholic Boys Daily (the Australian) avidly that she, ‘as the elected leader of Aboriginal Australia’ was the undisputed leader of her kind.
Jacinta and Dutto know about the whole problem first hand. They’ve walked a whole block in the Alice and said it was a shocker! No Sportsbet 24/7 or Cash Converters within Cooee!
We know this as she’s Dutto’s eleventh man on ‘Team Strayla’. And a shoe-in for Administrator, or GG when the time comes round for another Coalition government.
So it’s a bit of a shock when other of her ‘ilk’ come the raw-prawn on her plans for civilising and controling savage and irregular impulses on behalf of ‘her people’. Whom impudently say they represent ‘her mob’, when clearly they are wastrels and still ungrateful for all the good we’ve done for them.
Still, in the interests of fair play we’ll give Frank the benfit of the doubt and print this piece in order to clear the air. But we reckon Jacinta, as a ‘REAL LEADER’ should be given a free hand. She has simple solutions to very trying problems, and we know as in the ‘war on drugs’, poverty, etc those kind of policies; ‘top up to bottom down’ might work.
Frank writes;
Very important we keep on laughing (to keep from crying). When I started writing My Yuendumu Story I prepared a list of acronyms. The point I was trying to make is the use of acronyms like Latin was used in Medieval churches. When my list grew to five pages I discarded it. There was enough boring stuff in my book already. But this is one I came across that I’m compelled to share:
Jacinta’s other problem is the articulate shit-stirrer intellectuals who pretend to have a voice on First Nations Australians south of the Brisbane Line. If only they’d STFU and stick to their latte’s. Rupert and Jacinta are in lock-step on this issue.
The office of the Commissioner for Public Employment of the Northern Territory Government issued a Selection outcome advice for all applicants (SOAFAA)
The acronym appeared only once (in the heading). A bit like the “don’t lean your golf buggies against this sign” sign.
Turns out I could have saved myself the effort of writing this morning’s Dispatch. Please note: it contained a few small factual errors but these don’t change the overall thrust.
The Central Land Council issued a media release:
Senator Price does not speak for us or most Aboriginal people
The Central Land Council’s 90 members said Senator Price neither speaks for them nor listens to them.
“She needs to stop pretending we are her people,” said CLC deputy chair Warren Williams, from Yuendumu.
Meeting this week at Spotted Tiger, near Atitjere (Harts Range), council members said they are community leaders and senior cultural men and women who speak for the communities that elected them.
Rupert has ultimate say on what goes into the ‘Catholic Boys Daily’ and in most things, ( excepting marriage partner selection) he’s usually spot-on in registering the thoughts and ideals of the vast majority of decent Australians.
The members are sick of Senator Price’s continued attacks on land councils and other peak Aboriginal organisations in the Northern Territory.
“We are tired of her playing politics with the grass roots organisations our old people have built to advocate for our rights and interests,” Mr Williams said.
“Her people are the non-Aboriginal conservatives and the Canberra elite to which she wants to belong.”
“She should tell us what her grievances with the CLC are, and if she can really and truly listen to us she is welcome to attend our next council meeting.”
The council is well aware of the scale of the challenges its members and their families face and welcomes anyone who is willing and able to work with them.
“We have many good men and women who are trying hard to make our communities better places, who are desperate to be heard, and Senator Price’s divisive approach isn’t helping,” Mr Williams said.
He said by generalising about Aboriginal people without any evidence and authority, Senator Price is hurting Aboriginal people.
We accept that Jacinta needs to talk more with her ‘local community’, Menzies ‘forgotten people’, who may still be found on either the patio or the front of suburban houses in ‘middle Australia’.
“Our kids are the apples of our eyes,” Mr Williams said. “We are not abusers. We love our children. We’d like to know where she got her information from. It is mandatory to report such evidence to the authorities.
“We can do without self-appointed lone crusaders who are unable to bring people of good will together.”
There are many better qualified Aboriginal people, with decades of experience, who have been putting forward solutions for the care, protection and education of children who need a strong voice in Canberra.
Lajamanu community leader Valerie Patterson said Senator Price was misrepresenting the support for the voice in remote communities.
“I am a Warlpiri woman and I will vote yes because I believe that having the right to be heard by the parliament and the government will open a door for our children,” Ms Patterson said.
“Senator Price should support us, not tell lies about us.”
“The voice comes from the people,” Mr Williams said. “It’s a big opportunity for us. It opens everything up for us.
“There’s a lot of people who think the same thing. We want to go ahead with it. We will probably never have that chance again.”
Mr Williams said Senator Price needs to educate herself about the views of Yapa [Warlpiri for Aboriginal people].
“We’ve never seen her on communities. She needs to get down to the grass roots and find out the truth, not just speak with to the few people who will talk to her.”
The whole bloody issue is made even more confusing, cos apart from being ungrateful, ‘they’ persist in notions of language and identity that go against the staples of Naplan, tax cuts for the wealthy and the trickle down effect.
20 April 2023
I guess that answers the question that has been posed to me: “What do Warlpiri people think of Jacinta Price?” A question it would be presumptuous of me to answer.
Incidentally Warren Williams wrote the Foreword of My Yuendumu Story
Another Dispatchee has sent me this link:
What can I say? No comment!
Linda Rondstad- Lies