just when you thought the Coalition’s health handouts in the dying days of their reign couldn’t get any worse we have a dangerous commentary from our scribe of the North-West frontier.
He’s questioning the Federal oppositions view on the Voice Referendum.
We at Pcbycp are disappointed.
Disappointed that though Frank has some view on the voice which the Federal Coalition is keen to exploit in the interests of the manufacturers of Dog- whistles, we were displeased and un-amused by his commentary on the Coronation.
WE at Pcbycp headquarters had the rear of the fish and chip shop (Airport Drive Niddrie) decked out in pageantry, Union jacks, and all manner of pomp. Even, Ms Caruthers, returned to us after her stint as parliamentary intern, (damaged and withdrawn) bought along her tea set, the one her parents used during the 1953 coronation telecast. Even though they didn’t have telly, they listened to it in raptures on the wireless. As we in 2023 watched His Majesty arrive at Westminster the room was deathly hushed. We stood in awe and wonder as he stepped into the fabled cathedral to be anointed as head of the Church of England.
The Faith.
The Empire,
The bits of the globe still coloured pink. Representative of all the good the monarchy has done for us since Harold copped the arrow in the eye at Hastings.
We think Frank has lost his sense of history and would make the wry observation that just because the ‘Dutchies’ ditched their own royals and made them second tier public servants, there’s no need to have a go at our King just because he aint a Hollywood glamour-puss and has Jug ears.
So lay off, and anyone who has a go at even the notion of royalty, will get a back hander faster than you can say ‘ ANZACKERY”
Frank Writes;
Hola amigos,
Janis Joplin introduced her song Mercedes Benz with:
“I’d like to do a song of great social and political import… and it goes like this:..
Paraphrasing Janis: I’d like to once again remind you of a speech of great social and political import
During his 1922 Sedition trial Mahatma Gandhi made a speech. It included this:
“They do not know that a subtle but effective system of terrorism, together with an organised display of force on the one hand, and the deprivation of all powers of retaliation or self-defence on the other, has emasculated the people and induced in them the habit of simulation. This awful habit has added to the ignorance and self deception of the administrators”
Sadly, more than a century later Gandhi’s speech still resonates.
Much has been written about the British Raj’s divide and rule paradigm.
‘Not going to deliver’: Peter Dutton slams PM’s ‘divisive Canberra Voice’
Shouted the April 5th headline on Australia’s media oracle, Sky News
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. One of Australia’s most divisive politicians accusing his opponent of being divisive.
There are many ways in which Australian society applies divide and rule to subjugate the First Australians and their descendants. In the Northern Territory how royalty distributions and law and justice have evolved and are administered and applied are prime examples.
Divisiveness about Australia Day the Frontier Wars Bilingual Education the Stolen Generations and pretty much everything else.
Another divisive issue in Australia revolves around the Crown. I don’t often watch ABC’s Q&A. In my opinion many guests are opinionated and miss the point. When during the broadcast of King Charles III ‘s coronation, Q&A host Stan Grant dared to make some remarks alluding to the role Royalty had played in the appropriation of the southern continent which was to become Australia. Stan was subjected to a barrage of racist invective.
When I watched the coronation, I thought it was very funny. Prince Charles, before he became King Charles III looked absolutely mortified throughout the ceremony, like some unfortunate animal in the headlights of a fast approaching vehicle. At times he looked like he was going to fall asleep. When he was briefly hidden to be disrobed, I half expected him to emerge from the screens like the famous Emperor with no clothes.
In case you missed it:
Interesting was when he was presented with the Royal Spurs, the significance of which eludes me.
And then of course the highlight, the crowning itself. The Archbishop clearly hadn’t rehearsed this as the not altogether fitting crown threatened to slip from his hands and fall to the ground.
I was thinking that I was being rather cynical about a moment that many of my contemporaries found majestic and emotional. Seen by them as a moment of history in the making which it was a privilege to witness.
Mercifully, I’m not alone. On the internet I found John Cleese talking about the coronation. He too found it very funny (couldn’t stop laughing). He thought it was like a Monty Python episode.
PS Bix Beiderbecke was an outstanding cornet player. At the young age of 28 he collapsed during a paranoid episode, having effectively drunk himself to death. American society was divided about the merits of ‘negro music’ and I have no doubt that Bix, the son of German immigrants, suffered from this division.

But when Victoria arrived the fun times were over, as it was the earnest task of building the greatest Empire the world has ‘Never’ known. Fragments of which are now invested in his Royal Highness King Charles the turd. (old traditions die hard)