Hello our loyal readership.
Todays post from Frank is over a month old.
Yes indeed, we’ve got a backlog as our editorial team has been out in the field getting first hand information from reliable sources about the Submaine Contract, The AUK- WARD treaty, and the vexed issue of Brexit, Megcit, and The State of Victorias deficit.
But these are mere tissues compared to the real issues faced by ordinary Australians. Not housing affordibililty, the equity gap or the well founded decision by the Morrison Govenrment to tax the poor to the brink of extinction and give tax cuts to those whom paying tax is an option. But the issue of who will lead the first AFL team outta Tasmania, and why the building of a stadium is a very good idea indeed.
All of this can wait as we sort through the back log of Franks dispatches and get to the bottom. Get to the bottom of what really matters. Like freeing Julian Assange, issues of a moral and ethical pre eminence, that no one in Australia really seems to care about.
Apathy triumphant? No, just the new moral plateau of Australia’s body politic at large.
Whaddayou reckon Stan? Sorry hadn’t heard you’d resigned
Plus ca change.
Now from Frank. He writes;
Never let it be said I don’t try to keep my promises (spot the caveat).
Here it is then, a Dispatch on Whistleblowers.
One of my favourite fantasy characters is the little boy who exclaimed “The Emperor has no clothes”. A true whistleblower if ever there was one.
Not so admirable was the little boy who cried wolf. Wolves and dogs are closely related. It could be said that that little boy was a dog whistler.
When Jesus upturned the tables of the money changers at the temple, he was in fact blowing the whistle on the prevailing greed and corruption. In the end he was crucified. If he came back, as many believe he will, he’d have his hands full in the modern world.
Martin Luther blew the whistle on the selling of indulgences. For that he was hounded as a heretic for the rest of his life.

Fit and well and locked up ‘for his own good’ in H.M Prison Bellmarsh. He’ll learn to play for ‘Team Strayla’. Even if it KILLS HIM!
In Australia we have a not so proud tradition of hounding whistle blowers. Googling I found countless cases and became painfully aware that the Whistleblower protection laws are ineffective.
The most famous Australian whistleblower is Julian Assange. Assange has three of the Five Eyes Alliance arraigned against him. The best our latest Prime Minister could come up with is that “Assange had suffered enough.” Piss weak je pense.
Then there was Bernard Collaery and Witness K. who should have got medals instead of being hounded by the authorities and the judicial system.
Yuendumu has had its share of whistleblowers exposing acts of greed, corruption and abuses of power. Mostly but not exclusively perpetrated by Kardiya.
The latest Yuendumu case I’m aware of relates to a friend who was hounded out of the Education Department and has found it impossible to regain employment in his field.
The treatment of whistleblowers is nothing to sing about.
A nice bit of non-sequitur music:
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