Dear reader,

This dispatch is dedicated to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In this documentary we see one lone trooper, ( Lieut Errol Flynn) embark on an epic hunt for escaped Nazi’s and the girl of his dreams, Does he get the Nazi’s? Will he get the girl? They only have Nazi’s in Canada, cos the USA is pure from the taint of fascist ideology. Stay tuned….
a short-un from Ken of the distant north. He’s still fiddling with the keys as he takes us on an exhilarating whirl-wind tour of the dis-United States. In this dispatch he talks about the very necessary requirement to keep those sanctimonious, welfare ridden Canadians at bay. Lest they corrupt the very soul of universal gun ownership, bible carrying, Witch burning Republicans.
What’s a Canadian you might ask? Just a lightweight version of a democrat or something of that ilk. And we like em full strength in the states, cos that’s what makes it GRATE! Anyway, a short- un from Ken, and if it helps we suggest you read this whilst listening to a recording of Statesboro Blues, on Vinyl, with the setting turned to mono and the speakers pricked with a pin. It gives verisimilitude to his keen observation of life in the pursuit of musical engagement as an antidote to life in general.
Ken writes…..
Ah, beautiful New England in the Fall!
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness etc etc
For want of anything better to do in these parts, the USAF carry out reconnaissance over Lake Champlain to feebly monitor the Canuck invasion from the north, for as everyone knows, under the Far Left Radical Socialist Biden Regime (™ & © Republican National Committee 2022, all rights reserved) America’s borders are open, wide open, more open than Myers’ Boxing Day sale. There is a veritable caravan of migrants from Saskatchewan camping on the shores of the Great Lakes as I write, seeking to corrupt the American way of life with poutine and politeness, claiming asylum from the tyranny of universal health care and public education. They only await the deepening of the season to sneak across the ice in their snowshoes.

Ken took this photo by his own hand, and indicates a stealth fighter in full stealth mode. That’s why you can’t see it, hear it, or even know it’s there. Ken substituted the clear blue sky with a 1:72 model skillfully tossed in the air.
As legitimate visitors who have truthfully answered that we’ve never been members of either the communist or nazi parties, we hope to escape to somewhere safer before the horde descends. We do not put our faith in
F-35s, aimlessly burning kerosene in a futile show of bravado. They are all noise and no substance. A great deal of noise, as a matter of fact.
Yours from the frontier

In the end, he knocks the Nazi’s off single- handedly and he gets the GIRL! ONYA Errol! (By Errol’s expression, there might be a lot going on under those furs)