We think he may be having a go about systemic racism.
Racism that’s so ingrained that even the colour telly is black and white. It’s confusing and would be a bit disappointing if it were true. We thought that submarines is ‘where it’s at’! And underwater, (or at least twelve fathoms and beyond) everything looks much the same. Are fish colour blind?

The first adapted Virginia Class Sub HMAS Snedden is named in honour of our GREATEST pollie, Billy Snedden who died on the JOB. Like FDR, he devoted his life to a noble cause. The import of which we’ve forgotten about.
Too soon to tell, as our resident fish have made no response, (as far as we can tell) as to whether our blue and red and white striped miniaturised submarine is preferable to our bold red submarine with the gold stars. If fish can’t see the difference, it axiomatic that we can’t see the difference either.
It’s complicated, anything else would be just plain black and white.
Anyway. we’ve a few submarine images left over from our last missive and if you excuse us we’d like to put them in just to keep the running gag going.
Gag away.
Here it is from Frank…

Will these AUK-WARD Treaty subs be as useful as the Brewster Buffaloes we purchased from the Poms, via the Yanks which were meant to save us at Singapore?
I doubt there is a single room in the Northern Territory which has no White Elephant in it.
An elephant with capital R writ large on its flank.
Long before November 2019, when the Yuendumu sky fell in, a budding author wrote:
Our ethnocentricity dictates that none of us are entirely devoid of racism.
In the NT there is no racism. It has been euphemized out of existence.
When constable Murray set off on his posse, racism had nothing to do with it. He set out to see that justice was done according to contemporary reports.

Our Camp Rolfe, (Formerly Yuendumu) family see no systemic racism anywhere in the NT. It’s a concrete FACT!
When the Yuendumu sky fell in, racism had nothing to do with it. It was just someone doing their job.
In the current coronial inquest a debate rages. Etymological questions are raised: is it systemic or systematic? Are there a few rotten apples or is the whole barrel contaminated? What can be done about it? Nothing that three hundred extra personnel and five hundred million dollars can’t fix. If the medicine isn’t working, increase the dose.

On a lighter note China might have no interest whatsoever on what’s going on ‘downunder’, Perhaps that’s why their birth rate is falling.
Not a single Warlpiri denizen of Yuendumu has not been subjected to racial profiling and special treatment by the occupiers.
It ain’t no use to sit and wonder why babe,
Ifin you don’t know by now.