Dear reader, we felt compelled to publish this brief reminiscence from Frank, so that you, (the general public) may better equip yourselves with an insight into his formative years. And understand why he just doesn’t get the heroics of police officers who’ve trained in Afghanistan and made great sacrifices to adorn their chests with nice shiny medals. One can only hope that the army of occupation, (the Yuendumu police) learn from the current situation in Ukraine to better equip themselves in dealing with law- breakers and those who are not fit to be members of responsible society.
Frank writes;
Franks old school. That’s his sports-car in the foreground
Reading the latest PCBYCP I quickly read through it and thought that building looked familiar.
Suddenly the penny dropped! It was Yallourn Tech! (how do you find these things?- only Errol Flynn or Peter Dutton or Roberts-Smith was missing in that image)
We did one subject ‘Reading’ – no exams no scores, only needed to demonstrate to lecturer you’d read 3 books out of a list of 50 or so.
I ended up reading many more (it is where I first came across Orwell)
We were upstairs (windows on the left side of image) After 15:30 a bus carrying high school girls would drive past. Before the bus’ arrival our class would
Prefects at Yallourn Tech. Is that Frank rear middle?
start getting restless. The lecturer would make a discreet exit, and we would move en-masse to the window sill. When the bus went bye we would all furiously wave, oggle and generally carry on like two bob watches.And back to our seats and our books. The master would return and all was as if nothing had happened. Just like the cows in the farside (not sure if I got the right cartoons- the one where these cows are sitting on chairs drinking and suddenly revert to cows ruminating in the meadow when some tourists drive by).
Strange, the nature of memories. I’d forgotten all about this.
Yallourn to Yuendumu. Frank chose to move to Yuendumu cos the police complex reminds him of his old tech.
Frank from the deep north.
And then came Zachary. And the latest from Yuendumu. Our breathless thanks that Zac has been spared the full force of the law for just doing his job. We hope and anticipate that like his colleague ‘Benny-boy’, Zac is also in the line for a V.C. Though not earnt ‘gloriously’ in Afghanistan, this should be given for the undeclared war that goes on an on in our own country. If not for the brave act of Zac on the field of battle someone might have suffered a paper-cut or worse. We at pcbycp are preparing his citation right now, and know that if any police officer ever became fluent in Warlpiri it would be akin to fraternising with the enemy. May it never happen so that we preserve the ‘RULE of LAW”! And ensure that at the very least the barrel of a gun is the first and only point of contact for those suffering mental health issues.
Benny – boy learnt to hold his breath under deep-water whilst serving in Afghanistan. It helped him in rolling corpses off cliffs.
Zac got a lot of medals for a job WELL DONE in Afghanistan
If you haven’t the time, just scan down to Samara who spoke for us all.
All I can say is I’m immensely proud of my Yuendumu, who have suffered this ordeal with an indescribable dignity displayed from the outset when two years ago we all marched on the police station in peace and sorrow.
Zac, being congratulated by the GG for a job WELL DONE!!
On the day of the march, I counted approximately 35 members of the NT Police who had come to Yuendumu in the aftermath of the shooting.
An addenda to the previous dispatch;
Zac and Benny-Boy learnt their interrogation craft in Afghanistan
And another fragment from Frank. In this he reminds us that a button wrongly pushed can lead to all sorts of trouble. like our mate in Moscow perhaps? He writes;
Sorry folks,
pushed the send button before I was ready.
That song from Argentina (What happened to you justice) has the line:
Y al policía que era amigo, ahora lo tengo como rival. Stick it in Google Translate if you can’t work it out.
Flashy got a V.C in Afghanistan. Here’s hoping Zac gets one for N.T justice.
From the last paragraph of the Official Statement from the Walker Family:
“…We do have our own yapa justice system. Our culture and law is based on controlled punishment if someone kills someone else.
They get speared across both legs. If kardiya justice doesn’t work, then Zachary Rolfe should face our yapa justice system.
He committed this crime in our community on our land.
He should face our law next.”
Evil- doers will be given the BOOT!
And those who carry the biggest gun will emerge as NOBLE HEROES!