![arthur 2](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/arthur-2-219x300.jpg)
“Artful Arty”. Arthur Sinodinos, tax breaks for corporations (who don’t pay tax) and a boon for the trickle down effect.
The past few weeks have been all about gravity waves and thought bubbles….we now know that ‘thought bubbles’ are a tremor if you like, before the full blown ‘Ideas, boom’, which is not a literal boom, as in a sonic boom, but a shockwave. The ‘thought bubble’ is a tremor, when gravity waves and GAYma rays impact upon the cereberal cortex resulting in an ‘IDEAS boom’. The ‘thought bubble’, occurring a trillion billionth of a second before the big bang, (‘ideas boom’) is a presentiment of the ‘Ideas Boom’ to come. And from this dynamic flux between ‘thought bubble’ and ‘Ideas Boom’, we get ‘innovative strategy’ from our federal government.
Because of the increased influence of gravity waves, the ‘thought bubbles’ have been everywhere, and occurring in quite strange places . Arthur Sinodinos clearly demonstrates the influence of ‘thought bubbles’, and we’d like to give you an edited transcript of his ‘thought bubble’, to illustrate just how closely tied it is to the ‘ideas boom’, and the influence of gravity waves in general.
![arthur 3](http://www.pcbycp.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/arthur-3-232x300.jpg)
George Sinodinos. Arty’s brother. A deep thinker, and long term economic analyst. Thinks Arty’s measures are anti social.
‘We need tax reform, but tax reform that goes to the heart of the matter. Tax cuts for the corporations. We’re talking big corporations, the ones who don’t pay tax. That’ll allow the ‘trickle down effect’.
The trickle down effect is literally the hope that the big end of town, after they’ve got through the process of taking all public assets for free, and re- selling them back to us, might employ some of us as hedge clippers. They work in sync with hedge funds managers to ensure that the 1% can maintain groundsmen, and nannies for their chinless wonder children, and au pair girls to look after Hyacinth and Tarquin when we’re playing the green at St Tropez. This is the ‘trickle down effect’.
I liken it to a colostomy bag, the colostomy bag stores what’s left of my personal consumption, and I hold it fast until some time I choose to dispense with its contents. If it’s overfull, there are leakage problems. I don’t like it being overfull, but sometimes after a string of really high level corporate lunches, and gatherings at Davos I liken it to the trickle down effect. The seal that protects my assets from opportunists may wear, and it is comforting to know there’s an army of attendants in waiting to lick the visceral smear from my body and thus anoint me with a supernatural purity. That’s the tickle down effect. In simple terms, what they choose to do with my waste is their business. And their entitled to do whatever they like. That’s free enterprise. Some may even manage to set up micro businesses which may thrive in their enlightenment of sub impoverishment. But I like to think that what I leave them to utilise, has been anointed solely by me.
Arthur at work with Joe Hockey on perfecting the 2014 budget. Note suspended beaker with colostomy content activating ‘trickle down effect on plant material’. (the plant subsequently died). Learn about what happend to “Fearless Fly” in tomorrow’s instalment.
I don’t like the idea of them, having their own measured and reasonable income, because they’ll spend it on entertainment, gambling and other vices. I anoint and appoint. And the trickle down effect ensures that everyone knows their place. Look it’s worked in America, they talk of a gap, but to my understanding, (though I never ever go there) the backstreets behind the shiny facades are chock full of people working industriously in micro businesses, pharmaceuticals, chemicals distribution, acquisition and finessing, their stock to improve themselves. If they had a de-liberalising “welfare” scheme they’d only waste it. And as i’m chair of the local apex, rotary and christian charitable institutions, I know I do it for their own good. That’s the great thing about the trickle down effect, it leaves choice with those who are responsible and will ensure that the benefits of wealth and capital accumulation are not wasted. .