Will Dyson, On God and banking. ” My son, Alas, we are powerless, the Bankers have Spoken’!
There is absolutely no need for an enquiry into the conduct of the banks.
The Australian banking system is world renowned for being the most efficient banking system in the word. During the GFC Australian banks outshone their overseas competitors by demonstrating, thrift, due diligence and cautious bank practice. Whilst other banking systems collapsed like nine pins the Australian banks demonstrated once and for all their solidity and security. Our big four are justifiably proud of their record, because of this, they like to tell us so. Our big four run a sort of minor monopoly. They don’t like to tell us that so often.
And our big four, don’t like people, journalists, politicians and the public sticking their nose into their affairs, they are inclined to tell us that also. Over the past decade we’ve heard unpalatable stories about what the banks have done to their loyal customers. Seems there’s not much loyalty and reciprocity meted back to customer when an investment wing buries its mistakes, and customers are wasted. That’s a sort of kind of collateral damage. Not much reciprocity when the customer is denied legitimate insurance payouts on illness, and the problem is literally buried. When the banking process is skewed to profit, there’s not much reciprocity when the investment portfolio of customers are wasted and their lives destroyed when so called managers within the banks prepare false, fraudulent and entirely dishonest documentation and gamble away their customers assets. The banks are not fond of telling us this.

The Innovation P.M Mr Malcolm Abbott, knows a little bit about banking. No need for an enquiry there.
Apparently there’s a conflict of interest here, when brokers within the banks are offered incentives for brokering risky investment deals without telling the customer. And what seems to be fraudulent almost criminal activity, is best left to an internal enquiry. Still the banks tell us they’re the world’s best, and they’re entitled to. The perpetual quasi monopoly that leaves them free to engage in their ‘worlds best practice’ methods is not for the public to question.
Even politicians on the right side of politics are not encouraged to speak out, and when they do, (as Warren Entsch did last week), they are howled down by the ministers, a silent P.M, (who has a little bit to do with banking) and the big four unite and do what the coal miners did when they faced the RRT, ( Resource Rent Tax). Adopt the green – movement policy of declaring themselves marginalised, victimised, and vulnerable. And to date that strategy has worked. Leave the banks alone!! They know best!! Even the best companies may from time to time have a few bad eggs!! Why penalise the vast majority of individuals within the banking sector just because of the odd shonky manager? Besides, if you haven’t tired of hearing they’re the worlds’ best and chock full with integrity, Even the criminal behaviour of their staff, is excusable and will only be checked if quite a few people get shafted and dudded, and someone within the system, glacially responds with a caution.
And why do they get away with it? Because, I’ve been told that it’s the one big industry that is “world renowned and reliable “, the banks tell us so. To question the banks sends a very dangerous message to the rest of the world which stands in awe of the Australian banking system. They like to tell us this. And there is need for another enquiry, and absolutely no need for a Royal Commission. They’re just sick of having enquiries foisted upon them, and sick of the public bashing banks. Consequently, there wont be a Royal Commission, because they know that when push comes to shove, no one, the pollies, the public, and the regulators, (when they’re about) have the stomach for it.
And why is this so? Because the banks have told us so!
So Listen hard, and Shut-UP!!
You’ve been told!!