Good thing the Turnbull Government won the election. Things are really shaking up in Canberra. Just the other day Mr Turnbull had a press conference spruiking the mantra of jobs and growth. He talked a lot about some things we are now quite familiar with, and then he spoke some more, and in the end justified his presence at the leaders table by doing nothing.
Next we had Mr Turnbull confronting the board of Murray Goulburn. They’ve sent dairy farmers broke. It was bad enough when Coles and Woollies pegged them to subsistence, but Murray Goulburn made a big mistake. Thought milk would be really big. Milk, as gold in the future exchanges. And it didn’t turn to gold nor milk. It tuned to shit. Still nice to know the CEO of Murray Goulburn got a golden handshake, the farmers got a shit sandwich and will now be paying Murray Goulburn as indentured slaves back for the the crisis they didn’t make. That’s free enterprise on the level global, ideas boom international playing field. Poor dairy farmers . Should’ve been bankers, they do nothing, and screw investors, send mums and dads broke, get huge payouts, are answerable to no one. Some even get Australia Day gongs. Its all good, and no sign of an enquiry either. They have offered to do one themselves, and the P.M quite likes that idea.
Still, the board of Murray Goulburn must’ve been squirming, and the tip off was that heads may roll. But being a free enterprisey sort of government Mr Turnbull and Mr Joyce, confronted them with a stern look and the meeting concluded. Nothing happened, (again). All in a days work. Same with tax reform, the stinking inequity of negative gearing, tax payer superannuation kickbacks for the uber wealthy, and a whole host of publicly funded sweeteners. Rent seeking never paid so good.
So the Turnbull government mk 2 is hell bent on being responsible, and agents for change. There’s positive signs. Nothing will happen. That’s good governance, but occasionally something minor, (a crowd pleaser) may slip through. The marriage plebiscite for instance. Good work Tony, the plebiscite the public don’t need. Hadn’t had one in one hundred years, seems like a good idea to have one now. Never consulted the public before. It’ll keep the conservatives happy, knowing that HATE, bigotry and intolerance, will be reinvigorated. Repeal section 18C. For a vigorous democracy. Once again, it lets the world know. Though we may be sliding into the backwaters of our absorbed self, that Australia has come of age. A mature and forward looking nation, whom according to the P.M has its best years in front of us.
We are at the dawn of a new era. This is our reckoning. And with current trends that can only mean one thing. Recalibration of the equity divide? Nup. Recalibration of the tax system and real structural reform? Nup. A re- establishment of industry and a diversified skilled manufacturing sector? Nup. A re-invigorated education sector and boost for real science and technology? Nup. Removal of charity status to churches who use public funds to run programs of race hatred and bigorty? Nup. Ending concessions to the coal lobby? Nup.
More funding for elite sports and GOLD for Australia.