Dear reader we found ourselves in a pickle. The Energy Minister is rope-able because we’ve made him look a bit Clover Moore, and the P.M is going to do a Witness K on us. And to top it all off, we just knew TOO MUCH! And as Witness K would tell you, ‘that’s BLOODY DANGEROUS’! But in spite of the severe risks, we were determined to find out who the ring-leader was. In short who was M’? This was in the interests of national security, and by hook or by crook the public needed to know just how Angus had been using the Australian public as prawns for his evil-doing, kow-towing to his overlords in China.
Who’s M? It had us stumped! And before the next document in the USB was revealed the phone went. I said to Ces, ‘you answer it’! Ces replied tersely, “no you answer it”,
‘Well then, (I said irritably) it’ll just keep ringing’. After an hour the phone was still ringing. We drew straws. We thought this could be Jamie, or even Angus. Neither of us wanted to talk to Jamie, as we considered it ‘improper’. And Angus? Well, that was another kettle of fish altogether. You could never tell where he’d been. Ces picked it up, put it on speaker, and the voice on the other end was gravelly and deep, and vaguely familiar. “Angus has told me, you boys got my little usb’?
“yep’ we replied monosyllabically. We didn’t want to give too much away…,
‘Angus tells me, That little shit Jamie gave it to ya’.
‘Yes’ we replied timidly
“I want it back! Angus is in deep shit, and when Angus is in trouble, I get REALLY Fucken ANGRY! And that means you’re in DEEP SHIT! Matter of fact, we’re all in trouble.
Angus is fuckin angry over what your meddling has done, and as Angus’s and Scomo’s boss I’m inclined to set the record straight. Angus works for me, and though he’s gotta lot to learn he shows potential. You lot however make me SICK!
‘I’ve got one thing to tell you, and listen, otherwise you’ll be joining Ghislaine in Chokey, and listen up real good or you’ll be doing Ghislaine’s dad. Floatin upside down, Get me’!
‘yyyess’, we still couldn’t work out who it was, but he sounded unerringly familiar. We tossed around names in our head. Was it Errol? (nah dead) was it Prince Charles? Too rough and we could get the whiff of an Aussie accent. One that had gone mid-atlantic, bit like Aussie actors who drop their twang as soon as they hear the word ‘Oscar,’
We could hear heavy breathing… he sounded like a really old bloke who lived on a diet of whiskey and ciggies. He continued,
‘That USB , consider it sacred. If you lose it, YOU’RE DEAD!
If you so much as look at its contents, YOU’RE DEAD!
If you let someone look at it, YOU’RE DEAD!
And if you breathe a word of it, YOU’RE DEAD!
‘We’ll hold onto it’, we stammered,
‘You might as well know if you’re not with me, YOU’RE DEAD!.
And if you’re with me, he laughed hoarsely, (the laugh indicating the full measure of his overarching power), you might as well still be DEAD!
He continued laughing: ‘consider it this way, you’re already practically DEAD RIGHT NOW’!!
‘Deader than that little two-timing shit Tony Blair was, after he’d had a go at me missus’’. And the only reason why you’re alive, is because I aint said its time for you to be DEAD YET!
Get Me’?
‘Yesssir’, we stammered, the voice sounding so familiar, yet scarily remote, bit like the voice of GOD on a bad day. He continued his monologue, you could tell this man knew all about POWER!
‘And while I’m at it, your wives and kiddies are being held in safe custody, just to make sure you don’t scream to the Guardian or The AGE. From hereon, don’t breathe a word. My plan is to meet you at a remote location this upcoming Australia Day, 10.00 am sharp. Angus will be in touch. No slip- ups , or (we guessed it) YOU’RE DEAD!
He slammed the receiver down,
What will happen to our celebrated and some-say under-funded heroes? Will this latest twist put them six feet under? Will they grasp victory from the jaws of defeat and save Australia and get off the Job- Seeker? Who is M, and what has it got to do with a Wendy?

the thought did cross our mind, perhaps ” M’ was a person who was internationally famous in Australia”?
Stay tuned for our next episode, “ A robo-debt that can never be paid” or..’Prime ANGUS and Get REAL ESTATE’!