The worst thing about the police raids is we thought, Jeez, could Rupert be on our side?
At last the cops have something worthwhile to do,
No good chasing up fines and jaywalkers, There’s real criminality afoot, and you know what it is? It’s people who embarrass pollies.
Remember the witness K.. “ the abandonment of principles of open and fair government”. Apparently after bailing out the East Timorese they went crook that we bugged their embassy and spied on their negotiations. To do em over on BIG BUSINESS and MONEY! Silly Buggers they thought we were fair players, a level playing field and all that. But they didn’t realise that cos we saved em they OWED us BIG TIME! We done em over real good, and Alexander, who is a regular toff, done a bit of an 1842 on em.
What’s an 1842?
Well in case you didn’t know it’s. Bit of an Opium War. You fuck up another bastards country, do em over real good, and when they cry poor, you go the jugular and enact a treaty that fucks em over for the next 150 years. That’s statecraft. That’s what makes the winner a grinner, and with bit of luck it’ll put em back where they belong. Their crime? Being uppity.
But this Afghanistan thing has got us beat, so what if a few soldiers go ape shit and kill a few dagos in a foreign land. They’re just doing their duty and ensuring the locals get the benefits of a free and enlightened civilisation.
Problem is, the gyppos, wogs, lebbos afghani’s don’t like it up em.
That’s the problem
And the army don’t like being dobbed on. By one of our own! A stab in the back. That’s what the Fuehrer used to say about the First World War. And it aint cricket When a government goes psycho, someone has to be blamed. GO the JOURNALIST!
That’s why we called in the Federal Police,
The lefties are spewing. Say it’s about the loss of press freedom. We say bullshit. Anzackery is way more important and don’t you forget it. Good we’ve got Dutton in charge of security, he’s an ex copper from Queensland. Guarantee before you can say “ Fitzgerald” it’ll be sorted.
He’s got plans that’ll put pinkos lefties and journo’s in their place. They’ll be wishing they were copy boys for ‘Pravda’ or the ‘Peoples Daily’ by the time he’s finished with em.
For questioning Anzackery? The crime is treason. The punishment imprisonment without trial. Bit like what we do with the Abo’s to ensure that one way or another we demonstrate power and the inviolability of being right. The people doing wrong by us, will never ask the reason why?
How do you spell police state?
Buggered if we know but we reckon this uniform idea is just the thing, came from a bloke call sicherheistdienst. And its real flash, and these new Gauleiters uniforms instil respect and fear. That’s what the journos will be thinking next time they dare to twaddle about a ‘free press,’. Respect and fear is what they need and the knowledge that jack can never be as good as his master, cos jack aint got the jackboot.
Incidentally,What’s the meaning of Propogandaministerieum??
Separation of powers?
Buggered if we know, that’s a technicality.
We stand on PRINCIPLE!