MDFF 21 July 2018 – Ngurra

G’day friends and countrymen,

A passing tourist pointed at a notice on our shop wall announcing the impending “Country Visits” held (annually) by Yuendumu School. “What are Country Visits?” she asked.

As a long time resident of Yuendumu, it did not occur to me that such a question needed asking. That there are, once I thought about it, a very large number of people who don’t have the concept of “Country” that the denizens of remote Aboriginal communities have, or anything even approaching it.

A common question asked in Warlpiri about a newcomer, stranger, passer-by or visitor is “Nyaparra wardingki?” (loosely translated as “Where does he/she belong to or emanate from?”)

I love that device whereby writers sometimes start each chapter with a relevant quote (usually in italics). In a geology book I once enjoyed, a chapter’s precursor read “Rocks. They is a beautiful part of God’s creation- not to be taken for granite” This little gem is now pasted on the minerals/rocks display shelves in my office.

I’m currently reading ‘Love of Country’ (A Hebridean Journey) by Madeleine Bunting. At the time this book was recommended to me by like minded friends it didn’t even occur to me that the author’s ‘Country’ could be anything but the ‘Country’ in Yuendumu School’s ‘Country Visits’. So I wasn’t surprised to find that the precursor to the chapter on Jura reads: “Aborigine and Torres Strait islanders used the word ‘country’ to describe their profound connection to place. Country embodies the spirit ancestors who made the land, sea and all living creatures as well as the knowledge, stories and responsibilities tied to those places.- INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIA, BRITISH MUSEUM EXHIBITION, 2015 “

The only bit in this quote I take issue with is “used the word”. They still do, and I hope they always will.

Kerrianne Cox (from her album- ‘Return to Country’ – Ngarlan is our Home…

Neither did it surprise me to learn- in the book- that Eric Blair (George Orwell)’s seminal novel ‘1984’ was written whilst he spent the final years of his all too brief life whilst being consumed by an at the time terminal disease on Jura.

When my father was a Dutch child in pre-Nazi Germany he spied a little wooden plaque on which was written:

Der Mensch braucht ein Plätzschen, und wär’s noch so klein
Vondem er kann sagen siehier das ist mein
Hier leb ich- hier lieb ich- hier ruh ich mich aus
Hier ist meine Heimat, hier bin ich zuhaus

When I translated this into English I stumbled on the word ‘Heimat’. Such concepts differ in each language/culture and cannot be adequately translated

Man needs a place, all be it so small
For which he can say: look here this is mine
Here I live, here I love, here I rest
This is my fatherland, here I’m at home

My dad developed a sense of irony at a very early age. The plaque was attached to a wall in the landlord’s toilet.

Yesterday was the French National Day (my mother’s birthday fell on 14th July- she would have been 99 years old)…

The French national anthem (la Marseillaise) starts with:

Allons enfants de la patrie …. (Let’s go children of the fatherland)

There it is again, that word ‘Patrie’ ‘Patria’ ‘Heimat’ ‘Homeland’ ‘Fatherland’ ‘Country’ ‘Ngurra’

Sometime ago I had occasion to reminisce about my childhood in Argentina with a volunteer at Yuendumu’s Art Centre. This young Argentine lady subsequently sent me a letter which to my shame I never answered (si estás leyendo esto- mil perdones) She included a travelogue she had written in which I made a cameo appearance- I was chuffed at being labelled a ‘casi compatriota’ This occurred after more than half a century’s absence from mi segunda patria Un Siglo de Ausencia (Trio Los Panchos)

Heaven forbid I should be so presumptuous as to attempt to adequately discuss the full meaning (with all its nuances) of the Warlpiri word “Ngurra”, suffice it to say that I discern a far greater and deeper bond with ‘Country’ and ‘place’ in Warlpiri culture than any other culture I’ve come in contact with.

Such makes a complete nonsense of such assimilationist neo-colonial imperatives as “remote Aborigines should move to where the jobs are”

The Indigenous sense of place, of ‘Country’, is something we ‘Western Civilized’ Australians would do well to learn from.

Saltwater people song- Shellie Morris & the Borroloola Songwomen… Wildflower-Galiwingku My Home Lajamanu (Ngurra Lajamanu)- Lajamanu Teenage Band Arrernte Welcome to Country



Communication on Mars. 

Dear reader, there are insurmountable problems associated with the Australian Space Agnecy’s Mars mission that must be fixed. And the enquiries keep pouring in.

Not only is the Mars base some millions of miles away from Earth, but it’s a further several thousand miles from our communications centre in Southern Australia to the Central Intelligence Resource Hub of Northern Queensland. Because of this we’ve had to go to some lengths to equip our data receiving station with “correct” advice from our near neighbours to the north. 

Artist depiction of the Mars communication base. Uncannily similar, (see banner) to the array that used to be at Yuendumu.

This is an artists impression of the tele-satelite communication array on Mars. 

Global World Leaders. Universally famous in Australia prepare for the first ever Deep Space Broadcast.

As you can see it is uncannily similar to the one trialled at Yuendumu. Incidentally, this one on Mars is not the brainchild and publicly funded inspiration of the telecomunications giant Telstra, but a fully privatised telecommunications apparatus established theough funding from the Northern Australia Development Fund. When asked why the array on Yuendumu was trialed and then abandoned, the Minister for Space Exploration Coal and fundamentalist Christian thought Mr Canavan, said this: “That was a no brainer, the one at Yuendumu wasn’t north enough. Wheras, whichever way you look at it, Mars is pretty much as north as you can get. And we needed this up to date taxpayer funded facility more than the locals in an outstation dish for some very fundamental reasons. Non stop broadcast of Foxtel, the Bolt report and beaming Peta Credlin’s image into the sky. 

Why?  We asked. To whit the Minister gave this intelligent reply;”We thought that if we can beam Peta to Mars, we might as well beam it across the universe and prove that there’s intelligent life in Queensland, and there’s a beam for which to guide extra terrestials in making significant investment decisions. 

Like Fund Coal. 

We have it on reliable information from our Ramsay Centre, that Aliens would prefer COAL.

Peta Credlin. Prepares to present Coal as saviour of the universe to yet un-known aliens.

Just as we occupied Australia in search of Gold, so alien life form, which has to be carbon based, will be lured to coal. It’s an unalterable fact that superior life-forms prefer coal as their principal energy force. And current research from the Ramsay centre suggests , just as slavery powered the age on enlightenent, so coal power will power Australia’s venture into space. And what better way of presenting our credentials to the rest of the universe as Queenslanders than under the persona of Peta Credlin, who is a stalwart defender of the underdog, the persecuted minority and preferred hand maiden to Lord Murdoch of Everything. 

For, there is an inalianeble truth, (in hushed tones) the Ramsay Centre has revealed to us that if there is life outside earth and it be non christian fundamentalist. It will take the guise of a dark force, Its leader they call “Lord Vader”. And if ever we collide, as two entirely different orthodoxies must, we shall do battle with Lord Vader, and prevail. 

Clive Palmer. Another famous Queenslander sending a clear message to any Alien Life forms interested in investing in COAL and Queensland. Proof of intelligent life .

For it is written, “Lord Murdoch shall rise omnipotent and slay the interloper and banish him to the far side of the universe. 

And only be heard via our telecommunications array. Which is I’m glad to say, pointing to Yuendumu array, 

Is not very often’. 

Tofu Tyrants. 

We share the mining industry’s concern about “Tofu Tyrants”. 

Matt Canavan, our glorious Minister for Coal etc, warning of the dangers of Tofu Tyrants. He describes “Coal as Kryptonite to Tofu Tyrants”.

Recent statements by the Minister for Mining, Coal and Real Estate Matt Canavan point to only one thing. There is a tyrrany at work upon the Australian body politic. And it’s wrecking what’s left of Australian industry. Or at least the remaining .05 prcent not yet fully foreign owned or closed down. 

We know that Hitler was a vegetarian, and quite a few people on the left of poltics have funny ideas about food. 

Parlimentary Democracy. Saved by a lump of COAL

We put this to the test. 

We took a pcbycp carbon footprint accredited tram, (based upon our survey that trams are 98.5% coal powered) and alighted at the top of the hill in Northcote, right opposite the Town Hall. We could tell something was funny. At the Town Hall there was a big mural with an aboriginal flag on it, and a slogan about multicultural Australia. Though we looked we couldn’t find anything similar glorifying the noble sacrifice made by sons of Australia on the altarpiece of Anzackery, and knew from our trusted guide dog, “ sniffles” as he started snarling that we must be in a “tofu eating zone”. 

There is a Tofu belt in Melboure. It’s lke the Van Allen belt but much more toxic. It is distinguished by people wearing natural fibre, riding bicycles and invariably sporting some rainbow coloured fragment of cloth proclaiming their support for lgbti people as valid members of the community. This is their ploy. The pretty colours entice children and the naive. Once in their thrall they get infected with a dose of “liberalism”. This corrupts their values, And before you can say “ ashram” they’re whipping off their Sportsgirls and Country Roads and into a dun-cloured pair of overalls, cardigans made of sackcloth, and tea cosies  adorn their scalps. It’s a sort of secular sartorial judaism without the funny beards and the Rabbi’s. And once you see one of them, you notice them everywhere. Hanging out in soul food cafe’s, at book exchanges, outside places that only sell vinyl lp’s and once they congrergate en-masse, they’re all sipping machiatto vegan, half latte sun god replica bubbacino’s. 

John Howard , our Greatest PM EVER! Holds sacred Anzac statues and National Flag. ” More powerful than a crucifix or garlic to keep the Tofu Tyrants at bay”.

And there’s news for those of you who think you’re SAFE. They’re on the march. Spreading northwards. Worse than Cane Toads. Worse than the Crown of Thorns starfish, and way more prickly. 

The only sense we got before we had to don antibacterial suits and get the hell outta there was the sense of sanctimonious tofu-borne puritanism. It’s the proverbial curate’s tofu. A diet led revolution. Beginning with the letter T. 

Tofu Terrorists at work in Northcote.

T is for Tofu, and it’s axiomatic with TOXIC!!

Seems the only people we could trust on our carbohydrate calculus were the Queenslanders. Northern Quenslanders get a triple A rating. 

Proof that if you believe in Coal, the existence of Lasseters Reef and Father Christmas, you’re most probably a Northern Queenslander, and pure from the taint of “Tofu tyrantism”.

From the words of Matt Canavan himself;

“Tofu Tyrants are killing Australia”.

NOT A Musical Dispatch 14 July 2018

Reposted from 5/10/2013 – So little has changed.

This story has a number of facets seminal to Passive Complicity’s reason for being.  Government secrecy, profit making from refugees – not just “people smugglers”, and the ways ‘do-gooders’ can exacerbate the problems they are addressing among others.

Not your typical Refugee report
by Antony Loewenstein
First Published in The Guardian Wednesday 2 October 2013

In Melbourne, I visited two advocacy groups working around the clock to help refugees. They do big things with little resources in a hostile political environment, and we should listen to them

Blind compassion is killing the asylum seeker debate. While Tony Abbott entangles his new government in megaphone diplomacy with Indonesia, upsetting our biggest neighbour in the process, refugees are struggling to survive closer to home.

Vast swaths of the Australian public remain hostile towards asylum seekers, and the advocacy groups supporting them need to ask if the strategy they employed over the last decade is partly responsible for it. Accusing the bulk of Australians of racism and discrimination, a common catch-cry of the left, has done nothing except harden hearts and allow media and political elites to ramp up cruel policies towards the most vulnerable souls landing on our shores.

The previous Labor government instituted a harsh regime of dumping asylum seekers out of detention without work rights, and the Coalition is set to deepen the problem. As a result of these policies, asylum seekers require community support. But according to Sri Lanka-born Ramesh Fernandez, CEO and founder of NGO Rise: refugee survivors and ex-detainees, this is not happening nearly enough. I met him last week at his organisation’s office, a small, bustling space in the heart of Melbourne.

As new arrivals visit Rise for legal advice on their refugee status, mass persecution continues in Fernandez’s birth country – despite the foreign minister, Julie Bishop, claiming otherwise. The Australian ran a fawning profile of Bishop last week. In it, she stated that on a trip to Sri Lanka this year she neither saw nor heard any evidence of persecution against Tamils, although statements by human rights group around the world proves the fallacy of this allegation.

Fernandez was released from mandatory detention in 2004 after spending time on Christmas Island and at the Baxter detention centre in South Australia. He says that he’s proud of the fact that Rise is the first asylum seeker organisation to be run by ex-detainees and people of non-white background. Rise is not funded by the federal government, and routinely refuses offers by the department of immigration to apply for grants.

Fernandez is outspoken and unforgiving towards the vast bulk of asylum seeker support services. Just this week, he sent out a press release damning the Uniting Church and human rights lawyer Julian Burnside for pushing for temporary mandatory detention. “Will the Uniting Church or any other organisations or community groups ever have the courage,” he wrote, “to call for humanitarian reception centres and hostels used in the past in Australia that assist in the rehabilitation of a group of people who are fleeing from situations of extreme trauma and cruelty, rather than advocating for the detention and security industry and stop compromising the lives and wellbeing of the refugee community for the sake of PR?”

The group has released a list of the companies making a fortune from privatised detention, and also didn’t spare community groups receiving federal government money, such as Anglicare, Wesley Mission and the Salvation Army.

“All human rights groups in Australia use unhealthy emotional attachment to refugees,” Fernandez tells me. “I’m against the stereotyping of refugees with sad and crying faces. White guilt is rampant, which often causes people to act to make themselves feel better rather than empowering asylum seekers. I want refugees to have a voice in this debate. I hate how refugees are often told at refugee rallies, by asylum seeker groups, “thanks for coming”, which is patronising and crazy when it’s white people saying that to brown and black people. Australia is one of the most racist nations in the world. Australia has never accepted that it has a racist past.”

Rise hosts a food bank, hip-hop concerts by asylum seekers, English classes, legal advice, publishes art and writing by refugee survivors, has a library featuring books by primarily non-white authors and a drop-in centre for children and adults. There are now 1,060 registered refugees with the group, and the need for such services has never been higher.

One of Rise’s volunteers is Nazeem Hussain, a Muslim comedian with a Sri Lankan background who performs with the group Fear of a Brown Planet and is the star of the SBS skit-show Legally Brown. Hussain tells me, “I grew up in a community of refugees and Rise is the only group I know that has the understanding of what they’re going through. Too many people are involved in the asylum seeker movement to feel good about themselves instead of helping refugees. Australia has a huge problem with racism, affirmed by both major sides of politics. The intervention against Indigenous people in the Northern Territory is mostly ignored because the racism is accepted.”

Over in west Melbourne, I visit the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC). Community team leader Jana Favero shows me around the three story office building. She fears the coming three to six months under the Abbott government will tighten the noose around refugee rights and reduces their ability to source legal and community care. ASRC’s funding is mostly from private donations and philanthropy, with only 5% from the Victorian government, which ensures they’re not at Canberra’s mercy.

Favero worries that the “Abbott government could put pressure on the immigration department to discontinue our mostly good relationship between us and them, helping individual refugee cases.” ASRC never has enough money for the daily assistance in food, legal advice, housing, english and children’s classes and job hunting (for refugees allowed to work). Thousands of asylum seekers remain in limbo, on visas that don’t allow them full rights and unsure when that status will change, if ever.

Every day, volunteers cook up a lunch meal for up to 150 asylum seekers with donated food. Refugees have access to a large storage room for food, soap and healthcare products thanks to a needs-based points system. Refugee families are also given assistance in cooking healthy meals. During my visit, I meet Hazara men and women, African asylum seekers and, since it was during school holidays, a few rampaging kids. ASRC becomes an unofficial child care centre at various times during the day, and its office now opens into the night a few times a week to cope with the huge demand for services.

The ASRC’s Pamela Curr worries that the new federal government will only increase the secrecy around asylum seekers, a policy ably challenged by the Australian’s Mark Day this week. “I know of government-backed contractors signing confidentiality agreements and NGOs forcing staff with poor english to sign agreements with no legal standing”, Curr says. “They claim that speaking out in the media is not the way forward, private engagement with the immigration department is better, but it’s not born out by the facts.” One year after the re-introduction of off-shore processing, she despairs as she still hears stories of young men being raped and abused on Manus Island.

Resistance to the Coalition’s policies, coupled with outlining viable alternatives, is surely the best way to reform Australia’s dysfunctional relationship with asylum seekers

Cave rescue goes terribly wrong. 

Dear reader, it is with some regret that we at pcbycp  are the first to break the tragic news. The Deep Cave rescue has been a dismal failure. Though it has been central to the 24/7 news cycle, the rescue operation team has finally admitted there is no hope. Speaking to the press outside the entrance to the cave mouth, the leader of the multi-national rescue team had this to say;

Tony, the leader of the group of boys. His scout master described him as “determined and slightly delusional about his own intelligence”.

Elon Musk demonstrates his mini rescue submarine, (“the Kiddie fiddler”) to an adoring press.

“We don’t know what drove these plucky little boys to venture into this cave, but whatever drove them, we can only surmise as being a misguided attempt to both find and secure the shibboleth of “Clean Coal”. Like Lasseters Reef, we all know there is no such thing. But I’m afraid little boys have wild imaginations, and sometimes I regret to say their ambition gets ahead of them. I can only surmise that if they refuse to come out, after all the help we’ve offered, the most up to date technology and I might add, the assistance of none other than Elon Musk, this operation must cease. 

Tony’s Mother Mary, urging him to come out and stop being silly.

A rescuer, overcome by clean coal fumes DIES!

Poetically, rather than accept the fact that clean coal does not exist, and may not (and I use this term advisedly) EVER be part of a National Energy Guarantee, they feel, like their belief in Tinkerbell the fairy in Peter Pan, that to recognise the facts would destroy their entire world view. We have clinical psychologists on hand who describe this incapacity to accept reality in any shape manner and form as “Cognitive Auric Adolescent Lapse Syndrome” (COALS) in which the respondent  via a process of self delusion and involuntary cognitive thought processing dissonance (common amongst Catholics and Queenslanders) actually believes that Coal is akin to Gold. The sufferer, actualy believes that all you have to do is hold a lump of coal in your hand, think about execution of gays, mass incarceration of First Australians, and the unquestioned principle of Manifest Destiny and the Coal will turn to GOLD. 

Major Farqueup decides to abandon the rescue attempt.

That’s what lured thise kiddies here, part greed, but moreover, to fulfil a delsuional sub-set of principles, a bit like the way the electorate think they still have a say in the running of government and the principle of privatisation. In the end, the urge to prove the correctness of their viewpoint is so overriding in spite of all the evidence to the contrary they’ll push themselves, willy nilly into a cave, a coalmine, a coal seam just to prove by association that they’re right and the rest of the world is wrong. 

In the end, we can’t help them. The Elon Musk miniature submarine will not be used, they rejected it out of hand as being “Renewable” and worried about a non refundable deposit. We have pleaded, cajoled, even sent Rolf Harris  and Cardinal Pell down there to frighten them and make them come running, but it hasn’t worked. They’re determined to stay and nothing we can do will get them out. In the end we are finished with this sad affair. They’ll be entombed for ever! Incarcerated by their curious ideology.

Last photo of one of the  little boys lost in the cave complex talking to a briquette.

Sadly, all that‘ll ever come out of this will be a sense of hopeless negativity. And that’s a burden we all have to shoulder. 

As a society it all comes down to a three letter word. 


The Australian Mars Mission. UPDATE

ANU Staff at work in developing Australia’s first ever MARS MISSION.

Still more enquiries flood in. Unable to cope with the flurry, we’ve clogged the NBN super highway, and had to run down to Army Disposals and get two new morse sets, a heliograph and a native runner just to keep pace with the information. It’s information overload, and there seems no stopping the urgency, particularly from up north where the good folk of Queensland are inspired by the Worlds’ first coal powered spacecraft. And to be perfectly honest we’re inspired too, because we’ve been doing quite a bit of research after leaks supplied to us by the Peoples Republic of China via their ANU portal. The News is STUNNING! And proves a giant Leap for HUMANITY!

Artists Impression of Mars Base Rinehart, 100 percent COAL POWERED.

The Space colony itself is to be completely COAL FIRED! 

The biggest question related to the worlds first ever coal powered rocket is how will the Mars colony survive? We have the answers to these and other vexed questions frorm our Minister for Science, Coal and Fundamentalist thought, Mr Canavan. 

Australia proving it’s credentials in converting space into REAL ESTATE! Artists Impression of new space suburb CANAVAN.

“That has been worked out on two fronts. To make the Mars Mission viable, several government departments will be exported lock stock and barrel to Mars. We’re particularly interested on exporting the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation to Mars. They’ll be able to monitor the Earth more objectively from there. The colonies will then support themselves through a combination of biofuel and harnessing their own expatriated gasses’. 

But we at pcbycp know that Bio-fuel and recyclying is not enough. We felt tempted to ask the Minister; “What is being done on Mars to assist Queenslanders in their struggle to be free of the tyrrany of reason and intelligence”?

He did not answer, but with much gravity picked up a chunk of coal and declared his faith in this vital resource. 

We’re glad to say there’s an answer to this bigger question, A question that will determine the destiny of this bold enterprise. You  may ask: “Will renewables power the Mars base”?After gleaning all the information sourced from the ANU Files we can comfortably answer that problematic question

Certainly Not!!!

Even as we speak we know that work is underway to equip a fleet of space barges. 

More from the Minister;

Australian geologists making CLEAN COAL on Mars.

‘WE shalll ship coal to Mars. We’ll call the coal handling port “New Newcastle”. The worlds first Bulk ore space extractor will take coal mined from the Carmichael Basin and Newcastle direct to Mars. Thus providing a proven reliable source of energy. This is a huge project. Only coal can provide a reliable power source. A project of this scale and vision demands the input from the Australian Taxpayer. Though profits will be siphoned into the mining companies for taking the risk of thinking about this project we see it’s only fit that it be 100 percent Taxpayer Funded. Think of it as a ‘Snowy in the Sky’, and you see how important it is to our global image. 

On Oxygen? We’’ll mine the surface ice for water. We’ll then use the oxygen to burn the coal, and the carbon we’ll release into the atmosphere to create a greenhouse effect. It’ll make Mars warm, and as Tony Abbott said; “coal and a warmer planet is good for humanity’. 

We asked the Minister: “and once you’ve  you’ve used all the water on Mars as a resource? 

How long will it last. ?

He answerered,

We at Pcbycp wish to acknowlede our team at Pcbycp Shenzhen branch in giving us this SPACE EXCLUSIVE! ( File image courtesy ANU Communications Dept).

“At least one earth electoral cycle. Beyond that, as you well know, no one gives a stuff’. 

Poetry Sunday 8 July

Today we celebrate Lionel Fogarty with this poem “By a Virgin Man”.

Lionel says that people – ‘Mothers, father, brothers, daughters’ – don’t start out as racist but catch the disease from society.  Virgins, like babies, speak pure poetry; the poet is a ‘virgin man’ who purifies the language.  Lionel tells us that this poem has been translated into Dutch by the people who translated the lyrics of the Beatles’ music for the first time in Holland.

By a Virgin Man

Let the the virgins have a say,
    Have a right to write.
Let the blues not be far virgins
Centuries many virgins are healed.
Not all virgins are boys or girls.
Reduce the age of space to the lands’ lovers
Re trench the hurt virgins when the mind is small
    And despair of hearts.
Don’t tragic the virgin’s path
    Man of mad breeds.
All virgins are poets.
Let no woman say they are not
Give the virgin garden of silents
Aloud enough to bring down devils
Of butterflies’ talks.
Let the virgins vote the government out of the entirely
Laws they made.
No episode sun shines without a virgin’s cry in the rainbow
Of moon of lips.
The sexes of virgins are sacred,
Ashes to lasting always was the virgin earth
But the bodies run human transforms.
By a virgin mans

Lionel G Fogarty.


MDFF 7 July 2018

Today’s Musical Dispatch from the Front continues to tackle stereotyping and its nefarious results with the second part of the dispatch first published 23 June 2018.  

Myself, I have often made fun of ‘matters German’. A group of Germans telling jokes: “Drei und vierzig (43)… Ha Ha Ha , neunzehn (19)…Ha Ha Ha…achtundzwanzig (28) …Ha Ha Ha… und zo weiter”
Not to mention the German Coastguard

Very funny Frank. On reflection this is based on prejudice and if most Germans were brown or black it would be called racism. Over the years I may have unwittingly hurt many a German’s feelings. Of this I’m not proud. Prejudice without pride.

In my prejudiced opinion the choice faced by Ukrainians in 1940 is not all that different to that faced by Picts around 60AD in present day Scotland, Jews in Portugal in 1497 or Iraqis in Iraq in 1990.

Many more examples of whole populations being placed between a rock and a hard place abound in history. The present and future are not exempt.

We’re in the same boat,
On the same sea

Remote Aboriginal Australians are in such a hard place.  At what price do you surrender your identity and dignity?  What price do you put on self-determination?  What price a language?  What price a weltanschauung?

At the start of the Intervention (2007), John Howard at Ntaria declared that “Aboriginal Australians, to have any future at all, will have to join the mainstream” This assimilationist paradigm hasn’t shifted several Prime Ministers (if you count Kevin Rudd twice) later. The upcoming election is not likely to change anything in this regard.

Ntaria’s (Hermannsburg)  own Warren H. Williams is standing for the Greens in the Senate.
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks is standing for the new First Nations Party.  I wish them well and will be voting for them (the beauty of the preferential system), but you’ve heard about the snow-flake.

До наступного разу

(Google translate- Ukrainian)



More on Australia’s Space Agency.. 

Matt Canavan, Minister for Space, Coal and Sacred Queensland Values stands proudly in front of the Townsville Space Port.

Since releasing the images of “the Bradman”, Australia’s first ever coal powered interplanetary spaceship, we’ve been inundated with requests for more information. Respecting the great tradition that science knows no borders we have obliged with the following fragments that may asist in developing a more complete picture of the heroic task the Australian Government is about to undertake. 

Mr Canavan, Minister for Coal Futures and Space was proud to display the test rocket. 

Mars Base was originally going to be called “Abbott Point” in honour of his services to coal, but was overuled by “the creator” John E Howard.

‘Just like our greatest hero “the Bradman” is 99 percent Australian made. The rocket nozzles have been designed by Qualcast. The motors by Victa. The Martian explorer by Furphy, and reusable rocket pods as a joint venture by Coca Cola and Vegemite. Leaders in space nutrition. The astronauts helmets and suits were designed in co-operation between Prue Acton, and  Ken Done. A bit more colour for the red planet. 

First ever Coal Powered Interplanetary spaceship. A joint venture of Victa, Qualcast and Vegemite.

The rocket being fully coal powered is expected to get to Mars in 2029. The four year journey though longer than  the six months planned by our competitors will give the crew time to adjust to zero G and long periods of protracted boredom “just like living in Canberra”. It also gives time to convert the gas emissions to cleaner coal in the void of deep space. In doing so we’re contributing to the space enviroment and it is hoped that with terraforming and utilising the ancient organics locked deep beneath the Martian permafrost we’ll be able to do to Mars what we’ve already done to the Great Barrier Reef and the Murray Darling Basin. These tracts we can then terraform into new housing estates to prove that we’re not only leaders in space exploration but Real Estate subdivisions in the middle of nowhere. 

We plan to make Mars just like Australia. “Ramsay Space University” with attractive visa packages for overseas students will create rivers of gold to keep it sustainable.  And teach only western civilisation as seen by our creator John E Howard. The core principle, “No poofters, no wankers and no intelligentsia” will see it prosper without the input of troublemakers and ratbags.

Prototype Rocket Ship undergoing testing in a secret Queensland location.

We’ll be the first to export our values to the universe. And, (amid laughter) if there’s any indiginies on Mars the we wont make the same mistake, it’ll be full bottle Terra Nullius. 

Enthusiastic Queensland Young Liberals and Nationals patriotically volunteering to be on the first Mars Mission. To “create a better world”.

But seriously,  the real aim of the space base is to allow mining to go unimpeded by “Green Tape”. We have three mines proposed for the entire planet, “Rinehardt, Forrest and Palmer”. In recognition of the outstanding contribution these magnates have made to Australian society. And yes, they’ll put all the profits of this venture paid for by the Australian taxpayer into their own pockets. And, the silver lining? They have promised to set up philanthropic trusts to channel as much as one percent of their profit into pet projects, research into tackling domestic violence, poverty and the preservation of expensive cars. 

The honour of being first, to infinity and beyond we give to our creator, John E Howard. It is the great mans wish that the Mars Base be dedicated to his legacy.

To go where no man dares……… to the other side of everything’. 

Hanson Young goes APE-SHIT on sexist slurs. 

Gone Ape-Shit!!!

We’re a bit pissed off about Hanson Young having a go at Leyonhjelm. She’s a sheila and a shagger and she’s just gotta get used to it. And why should Ljeyonhelm apologise? It was on the floor of parliament. It used to be a sheila-free zone, and Hanson was holding the floor on some ridiculously pathetic piece of legislation, Violence against women, save the Great Barrier Reef or something, and Leyonhjelm quite correctly opportuned as a he wasn’t doing so well in the argument; “You should stop shaggin other men” and she gets all arked up. 

Bugger me dead, what’s wrong with this sheila? Just another one who can’t take a joke. What a sour puss. And the what does she want in return? an apology? Leyonhjelm was just doing his job. And there’s nothing more important than the privelege to say  what you can’t say anywhere else if you can’t say it in Parliament. And if you don’t believe us, we refer you to chapter five from Lord Rupert of Murdoch, “if it sayeth by the old white man it musteth be true”. 

Leyonhjelm, enjoying the limelight.

So for chissakes for the sake of freedom of speech and the right to say whatever you like on the floor of parliament get off Leyonhjelms back. He’s standing on principle. The principle that it’s beneath his god-ordained principles to apologise to a lefty wanker. And way way too much to ask him to apologise to a leftist greenie sheila human rights activist wanker. 

Leyonhjelm upholds core values of Australian society. If he didn’t have a go at Hanson Young and want bigger guns we wouldn’t even know he existed. Like we used to think the DLP was irrelevant, before Tony Abbott became Government. He’s making a simple point, If you don’t like it you might as well just go Hong Kong Bookshop and BUGGER OFF!!

He stands up for good ol values, dissing sheilas and shooting.

Which brings us to Andrew Robb.  He’s going crook on the spat between China and the U.S. He reckons we’re the proverbial chop suey roll in the middle of the chicken chow mein, and he’s quite right. Andrew knows about leadership, leaves parliament and gets paid 700 k plus for being on the board of Chinese government proxy where he doesnt have to do anything. That’s good Governance, let business run itself and keep away. Don’t ever bugger up a good thing, and Andy is onto a good thing.

Nicky Winmar, Famously couldn’t take a joke either.

If Andy has a conflict of interest after leaving a government portfolio as a highly taxpayer funded ex minister, he should go into bat for the power with the bigest wallet. It’s a free country. In the olden days he’d be working for the slave traders, the Belgian Congo overlords, the satraps, makes no difference to Andrew. That’s how the market place works. It’s an echo chamber devoid of the irritating influences of ethics, morality and fair mindedness. That’s where Andy and Ljeyonhelm have got a lot in common. Decent older  white blokes defending themselves from snide comments, And might we say defending the core Australian values of a Fair go! 

What did Voltaire say before he invented the electric kettle?, “I fucken Hate what’s comin out yer gob, but I’ll punch any left pooftah faggot greenie lezzo wanker who denies youse the right to say it”, 


That’s what Parliament’s for….

And besides, no  one’s listening.