Fascinating reading the daily feeds on the internet these days. On the ABC news webpage thingy* not one mention of the Liberal Party’s National Council’s intelligent decision to knock off the ABC. The motion put forward by the IPA is a sound one. Sell it off, or let someone else run the show for ALL Australians. We at pcbycp heartilly agree, and hope that with Clive Palmer Mk2, The United Australia Party, lies the man with the integrity, honesty and trust for facts to put at the helm. With Clive at the wheel we know the ABC would be WELL RUN!. May not be so good for the staff, but with privatisation the shareholders would get a bloody good dividend. From the asets sales, buildings, infrastructure, wireless sets and Tony Jones thought-bubbles, a pretty penny could be returned to those with the integrity to stump up the cash. And a bit like Clive’s nephew, they could sock away all those profits, (probably much the same as Rupert does when he gets a taxpayer free subsidy or gift) to then fuck off to Hungary and never ever be seen again. That’s accountability. And Asic wont go near em. Cos those corporate regulators are SOFT-COCKS!
So go on! We dare you. Take a look. There’s nothing TODAY on the ABC news website about selling it off. It’s almost like it NEVER REALLY HAPPENED. Spose that’s why Josh and his mates were on Skynews, (the only unbiased authoritative news desk) to tell us it was just a bit of a joke. That the national council and it’s young turks only put it up unaminously as sort of confected Tony Jones thought-bubble. Bit like the intervention, which never ever really happened. So there’s nothing to see here, and if you’d move along we could focus on more important issues like how Australia is going in the World Cup, and how Vladimir really aint such a bad bloke. Without him, western democracies would be stuffed.

The Two Clives. The one on the right has promised the one on the left he’ll be Attorney General when he’s P.M. Mateship at work.
That’s what Clive reckons. He reckons if we just pulled together, he’d offer us a rational alternative. He’s got the simple answers to complex questions and knows as a bible belt fundamentaist Queenslander what Australia needs. We need to respect institutions that make this country great. And we need to restore trust in politicians, so that we can pat them on the back when their brother in law or nephew socks away millions on workers rights and pisses off to Hungary. Cos that’s what makes this country great. Seliing off stuff you don’t own to mates and telling em all awhile that as a great Aussie, just like Tony, Malcolm, and the inner sanctum of the IPA that Aussies have never had it so good. And that’s the RIGHT STUFF! So no Aussie cricketer will ever be embarrassd by a fragment of yellow sandpaper. So that no kiddy may ever wonder about the glory of our founding fathers. And no little mother need ever question the righteous need for good men to stone women as dictated in the Old Testament. Good values is what this country needs. And Clive has the answers.
But you probably wont read that on the ABC either. Go ask Mr Mensinck, (his nephew) and top marks.
If you can find him.
* They just put one in with Shorten decrying the decision.(Monday morning)…