Good to see the former Minister for Small-Minds, Despoilation, Bigotry, Parochialism and Pork Barreling, (the Hon Barnaby Joyce), standing up for principle. In accepting the 150 thou to sock into his kiddies bank account he demonstrates to all the battlers out there just how to gear your earnings so you don’t have to pay tax. And there’s an important distinction, whilst he’s demonstrated to all those low income earners out there how to stop your tax margin on a lowly two hundred thou from taking a bigger slice, he’s upholding christian family values, by explaining himself on telly.
It’s a bit like the Reverend Curry on telly banging on about love at the royal wedding, cept Barbaby is doing it from the point of a hard done-by regional battler. He emphasizes with battlers beyond the cities. That’s why he’s writing a book on their heroic tales. He identifies with their struggle, the same as he identifies with the struggle of Anzacs, (whose name must be spoken in the hush tones of those who’s spirit is unquestionable and eternal) and poor people everywhere, provided they’re not off- white and rotting in a detention centre.
Goodonya Barnaby. You are the champion of the small people. The battlers. As an urban accountant who wears a funny hat you show your identification for the downtrod. That’s why you had your girlfriend as a secretary in numerous departments on two hundered k until the news leaked out that there may be a conflict of interest. On that score you were quick to point out, that there’s nothing wrong with having your partner in a publiclly funded sinecure. Only trouble was you forgot to mention her on your register of interest till you were found out. “Fuck! Forgot my love interest”!. Anyone could do it.
And you deserve the 150 thou for having a banal interview. By putting it into trust you avoid the tax, and show what a keen environmentalist you are. Because like water, that money will have a “trickle down effect” and ensure that young Sebastian gets off to a good start with a private education, more government funding, and a family trust which could be of inestimable benefit, when he has a tax problem. When he too, like Luke Skywalker, must make an agonizing decision. Whether to spend the money or use it as the foundation for a philanthropic trust, and be seen to be doing great things and pay no tax.

Keeping up a Queensland tradition. (Insert, ALP, DLP,National)Vince Gair and his lady wife before he took up the pozzie of Ambassador to Ireland. Pre telly tell-all days.
So let the ‘trickle down effect’ begin, and show to those who are on the dole how much you care. Cos as a battler with mates (from we don’t know where) to pay your rent, and other mates to pay your lobbying, and the taxpayer to pay your travel, health, chauffeur and podiatrist, you’ve fucken earnt it.
And single-handedly helped with the assistance of Tony, George and Kevin, to fuck up not one, but two ecological systems in one go. The corals of the Great Barrier Reefl died in your honour. The Murray Cod ghasp their last for you. For the water and ecosystem gifted to a few rich mates. Cos you humble battler that you are, know that it is written in the bible: “It’s easier to enter the gates of heaven through the eye of a needle than in a Range Rover Vogue Equippe and your kiddies taxpayer funded fiduciary benevolent trust”.
Battle On!!!