We’re in lock step with Barnaby on Principle.

A Battler. Take note kiddies. This is what they look like.

Good to see the former Minister for Small-Minds, Despoilation, Bigotry, Parochialism and Pork Barreling, (the Hon Barnaby Joyce), standing up for principle. In accepting the 150 thou to sock into his kiddies bank account he demonstrates to all the battlers out there just how to gear your earnings so you don’t have to pay tax. And there’s an important distinction, whilst he’s demonstrated to all those low income earners out there how to stop your tax margin on a lowly two hundred thou from taking a bigger slice, he’s upholding christian family values, by explaining himself on telly.

Rev Curry. A bit like Barnaby. The absence of a big hat being the distinguishing feature.

It’s a bit like the Reverend Curry on telly banging on about love at the royal wedding, cept Barbaby is doing it from the point of a hard done-by regional battler. He emphasizes with battlers beyond the cities. That’s why he’s writing a book on their heroic tales. He identifies with their struggle, the same as he identifies with the struggle of Anzacs, (whose name must be spoken in the hush tones of those who’s spirit is unquestionable and eternal) and poor people everywhere, provided they’re not off- white and rotting in a detention centre.

Barnaby and his missus. “Fuck me! Forgot to declare my love interest”.

Goodonya Barnaby. You are the champion of the small people. The battlers. As an urban accountant who wears a funny hat you show your identification for the downtrod. That’s why you had your girlfriend as a secretary in numerous departments on two hundered k until the news leaked out that there may be a conflict of interest. On that score you were quick to point out, that there’s nothing wrong with having your partner in a publiclly funded sinecure. Only trouble was you forgot to mention her on your register of interest till you were found out. “Fuck! Forgot my love interest”!. Anyone could do it.

And you deserve the 150 thou for having a banal interview. By putting it into trust you avoid the tax, and show what a keen environmentalist you are. Because like water, that money will have a “trickle down effect” and ensure that young Sebastian gets off to a good start with a private education, more government funding, and a family trust which could be of inestimable benefit, when he has a tax problem. When he too, like Luke Skywalker, must make an agonizing decision. Whether to spend the money or use it as the foundation for a philanthropic trust, and be seen to be doing great things and pay no tax.

Keeping up a Queensland tradition. (Insert, ALP, DLP,National)Vince Gair and his lady wife before he took up the pozzie of Ambassador to Ireland. Pre telly tell-all days.

So let the ‘trickle down effect’ begin, and show to those who are on the dole how much you care. Cos as a battler with mates (from we don’t know where) to pay your rent, and other mates to pay your lobbying, and the taxpayer to pay your travel, health, chauffeur and podiatrist, you’ve fucken earnt it.

And single-handedly helped with the assistance of Tony, George and Kevin, to fuck up not one, but two ecological systems in one go. The corals of the Great Barrier Reefl died in your honour. The Murray Cod ghasp their last for you. For the water and ecosystem gifted to a few rich mates. Cos you humble battler that you are, know that it is written in the bible: “It’s easier to enter the gates of heaven through the eye of a needle than in a Range Rover Vogue Equippe and your kiddies taxpayer funded fiduciary benevolent trust”.

Battle On!!!

Kids die to preserve FREEDOM!!……. “Keep em Rolling”

Dwight, worried a little about the Industrial Military complex. He needn’t bother.

The wash-up of the latest American school massacre points to one thing.

The industrial military complex.

Didn’t Ike warn us about it? And the NRA is the principal proponent of suburbanising the notion of shooting things if you have a problem. And just shooting as a way to solve disputes. To settle scores. To negotiate amongst those you don’t understand. Because you dont WANT to understand their point of view.

In the 1960’s the world was convulsed as we saw poor young African Americans slaughtered in Vietnam. They were all conscripts, and it didn’t look nice. Now we have volunteers working in the armed forces, and every time a drone wipes out a village, or a wedding procession or a family picnic in Afghanistan, or Syria or anywhere, we tut tut and hope that at least one amongst them may have been a terrorist.

In the words of (Slim Pickens) “bombing sucks”.

But now who is on the frontline to protect freedom?

It aint grunts from the marines.

It aint those ol boys from the airborne cavalry.

And it aint the navy.

It’s those who work at home, to keep em rolling, those little soldiers of freedoms righteous destiny.

That’s it folks, it’s the school kids.

They die so that we protect the second ammendment.

They die so that we can feel safe about ourselves.

They die so that everyone at home can feel unsafe and feel the need for a fucking big GUN.

To do more KILLING.

Nup… An AK 47, another assault rifle, and a handful of recolvers to keep him SAFE!!!

And in GODS NAME to preserve FREEDOM.



Anyone for tennis?


The real reasons behind the shootings.

Lieutenant Gov of Texas blames Gays and Abortions for shooting

Another shocking tragedy. More kiddies gunned down by one of their own.

The world ghasps, the newsreaders go through the motions, and we all settle down to a normal life, until the next week. They now occur on a weekly basis.

And why is this so? Why must kiddies die in the most desirable place to be on earth? And why must it be that after the caterwauling, the accusations, no action is taken. ?

Rev Curry, (unarmed) preaches power of Love.

What does it take to change the culture of America?

WE ask ourselves over here in the far southern land of god-fearing citizens whilst other god-fearing citizens, namely the Lieutenant Governor of Texas quite rightly puts the finger on gays and abortion. And he’s absolutuely right!! Abortion is a sin. Gays are a sin. And killing kids in cold blood an absolute Sin. If you don’t believe it, go read the bible out aloud and underline all the references to sin. Afer a while you’ll have run out of pencil cos page for page the weight of sin is so UNBEARABLE that some little kiddie is gonna crack. In no time he’ll lay waste to the whole school cos he had to let it out. He had to do something about all that gayness and all those abortions. All that sin found expression in killing innocent kiddies. And because of this we’re not safe.

Prince Charles, overcome with Curry’s address.

What’s the solution?

Can’t ban guns, that’s god’s righteous tool of retribution.
Just ban gays and abortions, and clean us of SIN.

Still we have a solution. Now the Royal Family has got an American on-board, it’s a chance for the yanks to come back to the fold, and throw off all this ‘gun-ism’. To be once again settled in the bosom of the “white empire” and know as a part of the Commonwealth. All they need worry about is asylum seekers and winning the Commonwealth games,

This is the problem with the Yanks. They left the empire and have been soul-less, detatched, and bereft ever since. We welcome them. With Megan as the first American real princess. America will never understand cricket, but they will win the odd running race and their mascot could be a gun toting republican senator, just like the bloke from Texas.


Then the world will know that the circle has gone fully round, the yanks have forgiven us for Yorktown, and recognised the mistake of going it alone. They can have their own Queen. All those who won and lost appointments and sinecures with the Clintons can become Dukes and Earls. They can dissolve the congress and establish a House of Lords, and know that only a Westminster System and a constitutional monarch can deliver them governance funny enough that no-one will be bothered shooting kiddies in cold blood any more.

They’ll be happy, content and free, just to watch the pomp and pageantry on the telly and enjoy a good laugh every now and then.

And perhaps find it in their hearts as the evangelical preacher suggested, ‘to love’.

Hollywood Cricket Team.

Because it’s all you need.


On security we’ve still got a long way to go.

We applaud the Federal Governments decision to arrest people without warrant and hold them in detention for up to a week without reason. There’s a lot of suspicious people about.

Strong on Crime. Mr Guy at a press conference without visible mafia links. (or his friends who did very well out of the Fishermen’s bend decision).

We applaud the Federal Minister, (Gauleiter for Oceania) Mr Dutton in reccommending facial recognition technology for all citizens as a way of keeping track of undesirables.

WE are appalled that the Victorian government wont do the same under the guise of human rights. The Victorian Government, and those who purport to look after us are just not doing enough to ensure our safety. The opposition leader Mr Guy wants to get tough on crime, and though the Herald Sun, (flagship of the Murdoch Empire) is chocka block with gruesome details of runaway, spiralling violent crime, the Premier seems to want the public to just sit back and eat cake.

Mr Dutton, Gauleiter for Oceania, sporting his new Border Force Uniform.

This is not good enough.

He has ignored the Gauleiter’s request to do something about spiralling African crime gangs. It’s not safe to walk in the street. In East Melbourne for example I had to cross the street when a man of African appearance was walking towards me. One can’t be too careful. When he smiled at me I knew in an instant their cunning wiles, many a missionary or native adminiatrator has been lured to a savage death by such animalistic subterfuge. Right then, that the Gauleiter seeks to stop them in their tracks. And put them somewhere where they can be held to keep us SAFE.

Non suspicious people. People you can TRUST!

People at airports can be arrested and anyone suspicious, (bearded men, non white people, and women with head scarves, and teenagers) had better look out, or better still, think before they travel. The Border Force officers have studied nefarious types and quicker than you can say in German “Sicherheitsdienst” they’ll have you splayed on the floor, their black uniforms twinkling in the moonlight, and they’ll keep you there, just like an insect till the bona-fides are established.

Suspicious People, look like this.

Before you can say a strange word, of which the meaning is lost to us, “Magna Carta”, and another one, “Corpus Habeus”, they’ll put you inside, deport you, or just leave you rotting. Not quite as good as the ‘Jamaican round-up’ in London, and piss-poor in comparison to what China, (world leader in human rights) does with political prisoners, but a significant start just the same. And it’s ‘Safety First’. Same goes for those unionists who want to protest the fact that workers on contract get paid nothing and get treated worse than serfs, they can wake up and realise how their rights are a gift, not a right. And though we spent quite a lot of money and enjoyed the lawyers picnic of a Royal Commission into corrupt union bosses, and arrived at nothing, we’ll demonstrate once again that those in the big end will walk away free, whilst malcontents, stirrers, ratbags, and anyone on the so called ‘progressive left’ will be treated as they deserve.

The Gauleiter is determined to keep us safe. So stay indoors. Don’t travel. Don’t march in protest. Dont question. And besides the Royal wedding is on telly this Saturday. Take our advice. Stay inside, enjoy the pageantry and keep safe. If you’re out and about and look suspicious you’ll be locked up. And in the end, it’ll be your own fault.

Suspicious people en masse. Making our streets UNSAFE!!

Can’t say we didn’t tell you so.

Why we need a BIGGER Captain Cook Statue.

At last the federal government is doing things right. Malcolm has got the Australian electorate sussed. Give them all a tax break, talk of more funding for sport and our capacity to shine in the next olympic games, de-fund, education, science, research and anything that may equip us for a future economy and the electorate gives him the big tick.

Captain Cook;,” Be careful Caruthers, their bodies may be invaluable for science”!

Welcome to Asutralia, where being small minded is not not just small, it encompasses everything.

Natives, resist the conversion of their lands to REAL ESTATE. “Un-Australian”.

Paradoxicaly then, why not spend up to 45 million on a statue of Captain Cook. It’s only one fifth of the price tag it costs to de-secularise our public schools with prosletysing bigots. And it’s a huge symbol for the correct view of history. Australia was discovered by Captain Cook. There may have been others, the odd Portugese, Dutch or Indonesian, but the captain stands proud and tall. He did it all by himself. ALONE. And demonstrated to natives the world over, the value of their sacred land as REAL ESTATE!

And it’s just not the statue which will be tastefully designed but what it brings to the impoverished western bits of the the south of Sydney. There WILL be an interperative centre. And with the interperative centre will be the “Museum of Cook”, in which the life of our greatest explorere ever is detailed from his boyhood on colliers at Whitby, to the first ever expedition to observe the transit of venus.

Glorious statue of Mao in Tibet. Tibetans celebrate the annexation of their land for REAL ESTATE!

Cook was a great navigator. He circumnavigated the globe with an old compass, prized from the heel of a pair of Bata Scouts, a couple of Embassy HB pencils, (he couldn’t afford Derwents) and a protractor. He had a crew that didn’t die of scurvy, and he had good conversationalists like Banks, Solander and Parkinson, to ensure that there was always a hand in whist, bridge and vingt e un.

Beyond that, we have proof, that unlike Dampier who left glowing accounts of the native Australians, Cooks party on landing set up the national pastime at taking pot-shots at the locals who by all accounts were none to pleased to see the white fella. And with Cook came the bounty of civilisation as the first fleet dumped their vermin on these shores in 1788, and set up the providence of good governance, that the natives have enjoyed to this day.

Palestinians celebrate Israels annexation of Palestine.

So let’s celebrate 1770, as doubtless the Iraqi’s will celebrate 2003 when we overthrew a dictator and replaced it with oil monopolies. And as the Palestinians do when they die in celebration of the nation state Israel in 1948.

Ask anyone, but for chrissakes don’t ask inidegenous Australians. They were already here, they knew this country for the odd fifty thousand years before us, and have watched us desecrate it in barely two hundred.

The original inhabitants of Botany Bay. (Babakiuerians)

But then again, you wouldnt’ want to ask them. Half of them are in jail, and the rest have an opinion on the subject which to be quite frank is “Un-Australian”.


Cutting Funding to the ABC is good economics.

Mitch Fifield, committed to keeping the ABC on track

We are greatly relieved by the Treasurers decision to cut funding to the ABC. For too long this leftist anarcho syndicalist collective has held the Australian government to ransom. It had to stop.

By cutting the national broadcaster we can ensure only good news stories get out. That makes the population happy and that’s good for the economy. The ABC just doesn’t get it. That’s why the Herald Sun is Australia’s, best selling newspaper. It only reports on important issues that real Australians care about like footy, and murderers, and Dole Bludgers and how bad un-Australians, (Muslims) are.

Fran Kelly and Brian Cox. The pommy astrophysicist reckons the earth isn’t flat. What a wanker!

For several years now they, (the ABC) have employed the strategy of balanced unbiased reportage. Their journalists are quite often women. And we have it on good authority that Fran Kelly, the host of the morning programe on ABC’s Radio national may bat for the other team. In light of the ball tampering scandal, this is ‘Un-Australian’.

We have been objectively trawling the reportage from the national broadcaster and to be quite upfront about it the whole thing is a disgrace.

Ratbag. Questions noble, heroic, sacred, eternal spirit of Anzac.

For starters, they allow people of non anglo origin to ring up on talkback and have an opinion. Then there’s questioning on planning decisions by the big end of town that impoverish locals for the benefit of a few greedy developers. They report this stuff and it discredits the development industry. And in doing so discredits people who make this country great Like Robert Doyle who wanted (quite rightly) to tear down the stodgy old Queen Victoria market and turn it into an up to date multi level shopping mecca. With inground and multi-level parking so you’ll never have to ride or walk there, and the rest of site devoted wholly to residential high rise development. And the proceeds will be ploughed back into the coffers of the Melbourne City Council so that more wealthy developers have a say in how our city shall be more like Singapore and Shenzen where they don’t have ugly old buildings and it looks like anywhere else.

But more importantly we’re sick to death of the inferences passed off as journalism.

For a start allowing a muslim woman to question the dignity of Anzac. That was just way out of line, and then we’ve been told that ABC comedy, (which is a bit of an oxymoron) had a comedy sketch in which both the punchline and the sketch itself were hollow, self-serving and predictable.

Pauline. Very glad that the ABC will focus on REAL issues!!

On other important things it was the ABC which always gives time to people festering in detention centres and they just don’t seem to know that the majority don’t care.

Still, we are happy about one thing the ABC did, and that was constructing the reasons behind the intervention. Good on Tony Jones. He gave us all a bit of fun just to see how justified we were in incarcerating all those indigenous Australians. And in doing so made us all feel just that more superior and SAFE.

Tony Jones. Got. the intervention going. Goodonya TONE!!

And that was before the cuts kicked in.

MDFF 12 May 2018



Our geomorphology lecturer told us to go and see ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, not for the history, not for the story, not for the acting. The film featured just about every desert land form on the curriculum.

Five years later I was rostered as a well-site geologist for Panarctic Oils, who were exploring for oil and gas in the Canadian Arctic archipelago. Two weeks on, one week off, for over a year.

Part of the company’s successful effort at boosting morale, was to show a movie twice every 24 hours. Thus I calculate that I saw more than two hundred movies during my Arctic stint. The more than a thousand jokes told or heard I’ll only mention in passing.

Memory is strange. I can only recall two of the 200 or so movies.

One was a “curry western”. The only reason it hasn’t disappeared into amnesiac oblivion, is that a Pakistani fellow geologist had done his thesis in the very mountainous backdrop of the film. I got a bonus running commentary on the geology of the scenery.

The other film I recall fairly vividly was because of its delightful weirdness. The film completely bombed at the box office and I suspect was only seen in fly-in fly-out exploration camps.

The film was called ‘Skidoo’. Only two of us in the predominantly redneck crew thought the movie was funny, the cook and I.

I think the reason it bombed is that flower power’s flowers had wilted partly as a result of such as the abominable Manson Family’s murderous activities.

You get a bit of an idea of why the cook and I laughed our heads off, when I tell you the unlikely cast included such as Jackie Gleason, Groucho Marx, Frankie Avalon, Peter Lawford, Mickey Rooney, Cesar Romero and a multitude of San Francisco hippies being themselves. An example of the happenings making up the movie is an escape from Alcatraz in a hot air balloon made out of sewn together cabbage bags, to music by The Marmalade ….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9G-xE7bWek The Marmalade… Suite Judy Blue Eyes and Cripple Creek- live 1970.wmd

Before heading to Canada we were in the Pilbara. Back in those days, in tropical and sub-tropical Australia there were open air Cinemas. Audiences sat in deck chairs in the cool of the evening under star lit skies enjoying the ‘pictures’ as well as meeting acquaintances who drove in from distant ‘stations’ (Australian for ‘ranch’) or settlements.

I recall one such occasion in Roebourne (where our younger son was born) when we were regaled by a 1963 movie called “The Hook’


The best known actor in the film was Kirk Douglas and the music score was written and played by Larry Adler an at the time well known harmonica virtuoso.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKfuCoeR5EQ Larry Adler(1937 St Louis Blues)

The film, set in 1953 in the Korean War, explores the themes of ethnocentricity, xenophobia and misunderstanding across language and cultural barriers.

At the start of the film is written “This is a story of men in war not men at war, and the two are not the same” it furthermore states that “…it could have happened in any time or any war”

This movie is one of the few which have left an indelible impression on me. The story culminates in a misunderstanding of tragic consequence.

Over the years I’ve come increasingly to a belief that misunderstandings across language and cultural barriers are a major cause of conflict and injustice in the World.

The injustice is exacerbated when there is a power imbalance.

I’ve often mentioned that I’ve witnessed meetings and interchanges which a friend who was involved in cross-cultural negotiations described as “two autistics talking to each other”.

It is probably nicer to talk of groups from different planets, or on different wavelengths. The end result are misunderstandings with often dire consequences.

At many of these meetings Warlpiri people have poured their hearts out and spoken about what is important to them- land, family, language, culture, identity, respect… The response in a patronising tone of voice “Thank you Nungarrayi for speaking up” only to have the meeting proceed by pursuing its white-fellow agenda as if Nungarrayi didn’t exist nor had spoken at all.

Many of those who frame or implement policy in relation to remote Aboriginal Australia have got the power and are in front of a barrier they’re incapable or unwilling to straddle and often can’t see. They are prone to misunderstand.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v7OcFhGOhc Joe Cocker- Don’t let me be misunderstood…

See ya’s


PS- With music, it ain’t necessarily so. It can be enjoyed without understanding a word. Mind you, understanding the words much enhances the experience.

Benda Fassie- Vulindlela….

Another tale of Derring do

Dear reader, with all this budget talk, and the millions being gifted to companies who pay no tax though infrastructure spending and the fact that those wealthy enough to set up a philanthropic trust will pay no tax at all EVER… but get a warm and fuzzy feeling. It’s time we turned the clock back and reassessed our sense of Who we are?

So that we might determine, where we’re at?

And Why the hell we did it in the first place?

That’s the legacy of Anzackery, to look forward backwards, and wallow in the glory of it all. Cos yesterday is today, and yesterday all rosey tinged and glorious was when we were right and White.

So for another snapshot of what makes this country really special it’s another far flung tale of derring do.

The story unfolds.

Sir Reginald Rattenbury

In 1919, communication between the eastern seaboard and the further flung fragments of Australia was nigh impossible. Western Australia was doomed remote and dark. Queensland closed and blighted by fundamentalists. Whilst for the protectorates, New Guinea, New Britain, and beyond, the impenetrable cloak of jungle and savagery rendered communication impossible.

Until a prize was offered by business magnate Sir Reginald Rattenbury, to reward the first ever trans-continental crossing and the offer of ten thousand pounds would be doubled if they proclaimed new territories in the name of his majesty King George V and made it back.

The Vickers Virginal resting in the Mallee

In no time an international field of contenders was making their way to Australia at breakneck speed, including the duo Alcock and Balls in their converted Vickers Virginal bomber. The Virginal, successor to the Vimy was fitted with a Python, (precursor to the Cheetah inline of Hawker Demon fame) sleeve valve engine. Extra power for the substantial range was achieved by hybridizing a Villiers open flange diaphragm carburettor with the improved simplex downdraught deep throat lubricated supercharger as found on the Bristol Boxbiter.

Alcock adjusting the valve tappets. A risky procedure.

The competition was fierce and as the aircraft assembled at Flemington, a review held in honour of the governor genreal Lord Lilinthgow was stalled with late entrants from the Japanese in the Kawanshi Comfort Woman, (who’d been busy surveying the pacific en route), and the Russians who arrived in the very first Antonov, the Antonov acronym, which crash landed on the vice regal marquee, killing the VIP’s assembled for the event and became immortalised by the melbourne Truth as the “Bolshevik Marquee VIP RIP” incident

After much fanfare the planes took off and one by one succumbed to the vast distance of inland australia, crews perishing on the way. Undeterred, the Virginal arrived at Palmerston. And undaunted, the crew decided to continue to the Ashmore reef and plant the flag for Australia.

It is not known if they ever got there, their remains lost to the mist of time, and the reef itself erased from maps so that others may have difficulty in finding it.

The Virginal engines required constant tinkering. Balls adjusts the tinkers toss-valve

The subsequent enquiry revealed that Balls flight and navigation log may have been interfered with. The ultimate destination Ashmore reef being deleted by the surveyors office under orders from the signals directorate to ensure that any purported japanese threat would be blindsided. A note was found in a bottle washed up on a remote Kimberley beach. In Balls handwriting, accusation that the maps were wrong, and demanded the culprit be found.


Alcock and Balls are lost to us. These heroic pictures seek to restore that oversight.

Morons Stack Liberal Party.

Marcus, keeping the Liberal party pure from thought. Moron leader.

noun informal
noun: moron; plural noun: morons
1 a stupid person.”we can’t let these thoughtless morons get away with mindless vandalism every weekend”

We at pcbycp are deeply troubled by events within the Victorian Liberal Party.

According to recent statistics 13 of the 19 new positions within the party have been taken up by Morons. The leader of the moron group, and up and coming conservative, Marcus Bastiaan was unavailable for comment.

Ivan, keeping the Liberal party pure from progressive thought. Moron thought.

We can only assume that the Liberal party’s values of fairness, decency and balance will be distorted by this outbreak of moronism. We are worried that the very excellent opposition leader Mr Mathew Guy will not be able to operate in a manner of fairness, objectivity and even handedness as he so ably demonstrated on the Fisherman’s Bend decision. As the head of the Property Council said, “It’s just not on, allowing the foundation principles of the Liberal party, real estate and property development to be thwarted, by moron ideology’.

Speaking of ideology.

The head of the moron group within the party Dr Stratove says this;

“I studied a disease called HIV; 35 million people have died from that disease because they all decided they were going to make man’s love, not God’s love,”

And he’s right, man love is a disaster for property developers, armnaments manufacturers, incarceration of natives, you name it. WE need God derived HATE. Bought to us by Christian fundamentalists! So that we may be certain in our HATE. And stone women, as stated in the bible. And kill non- believers.

Michael Kroger, Keeping the party pure from impure thoughts. Moron patriach.

“Some more moderate Liberals see last weekend’s result as an effective takeover of the party by social conservatives likely to lead to more progressive Liberal MPs being replaced. They also fear that many moderates and progressive may now abandon the party”. (The AGE)

Mathew Guy, Keeping the party free from impurities, mafia links, vested interests, conflict of interest. Moron Opposition leader.

We are inclined to disagree, We believe that the influx of morons ordained and encouraged by the pillar of conservative right thinking values anywhere, Mr Michael Kroger, sets the Liberal party to achieve absolute power. “Power to the people”, Mr Kroger was heard to say at a recent launch of his latest tome, Mein Lumpf, ( translation ‘My Burden’). With morons in active power as personified by the likes of Dutton, Joyce, Christiansen, Abbott, Andrews and Bernardii, we already have what we sought to achieve, A master race of morons.

A lumpen Autocracy who by their stalwart efforts in reducing any issue to a single slogan have ensured that Australia is dumb, ignorant, and forever happy to wallow in the bathos of Anzackery. As the worlds greatest sporting nation to prove once and for all that we’re leaders in outstanding acts of collective moronicism’.

And for that ideology?

The key moron principle is to have a one second concentration span.

What’s next?

Peter Dutton, keeping australians pure from un-australians. Sporting nice new Border Force livery.

We’ve forgotten.

How to enjoy the budget night.

Bigger than the Brownlow!

Dear reader, we are thrilled to give some very trenchant advice on how to make the most of your budget night experience. We know how seriously the electorate takes these things, and like the other big night of the year, “The Brownlow”, we think it’s important to dress up for the occasion and celebrate the way ‘WE’, (the little people), have a say in running the country.

Budget eve is special.  There’s a sense of build up. The sense that our lives will be changed forever. At pcbycp headquarters, (a mystery location known to only a few) we draw all the curtains and ensure that not a chink of light can penetrate the all consuming gloom. This equates to the thrill we feel in knowing that the budget is almost an act ordained by god. And it gives true deference to all those religious groups out there who will be graced by never ever having to pay tax, and the enourmous hand-outs church affiliated folk get to enusre that really important things like school chaplains are reinforced as part of our secular curriculum. So that they may be free to proseltyse their peculiarly religious brand of hate-filled bigotry, tribalism, patriachy and all consuming hangup about sex. WE feel good that on every budget those values are sacrosanct and FULLY FUNDED!!.

Bigger than the Oscars!

That evening we don’t eat. Fasting is important. You need to increase that sense of anticipation and know that for some poor people, who never get a look in on the budget, you can enjoy breathing fresh air, which is entirely for free. Another bonus that is god-ordained. We like to hyperventilate, then collapse. It’s a natural high from just knowing that, “the best things in life are free”.

WE go to bed early and wake up on Budget day. After reading the analysis in all the papers and watching morning television we already have a pretty good idea that the budget will leak. All sorts of tid-bits of information will whet out apetite and we’ll breathe a collective sigh of relief when it’s disclosed that all the big spending budget items will be about rivers of cash diverted to big companies who don’t pay tax. It’s high fives all round, and that signals it’s time for Tim Tams and Lamingtons.

Whilst we’re preparing the footy franks and party pies, we’ll register out budget anticipation index as “postitive” and strap ourselves in for the night.

Even, bigger than the ROYAL WEDDING!!

When the treasurer comes on it’s whoops of joy and party poppers and streamers adorn the plush red velvet of the pcbycp Chesterfield. Breathless, we wait to see how much is increased on defence spending and how much is taken from health, education, the poor, science and the environment.

It’s euphoria when we see how much will be spent on sport, and tears of joy abound for upgraded spending on border protection and keeping all australians SAFE.

And, before we subside, satiated with post budget indulgence, we breathe an audible sigh of relief knowing that the tax system, will remain UNCHANGED.

The Treasurer is full of surprises. You’ll be jumping for Joy!

A victory for the status quo, and a triumph for our soon to be realeased pcbycp philanthropic trust. It will be a power of unquestionable good for the public at large.

Because, we say so.

A Big Step forward for all of us.